[Announcement] Time to get hot and wet!

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I notice there is a marked disconnect between what the title promises, and what the thread delivers.
That shower appears to be quite tiny. I don't think I'd like it at all. I much prefer large showers with room to move about.


Staff member
<Water Heater Kludge>
That reminds me of the story a friend told me of when he was in Peru. There in-line water heaters are common, I think they look like this:
plug-in inline hot water heater.JPG
To get the water hotter, you had to turn the flow down. That looks so dangerous to me. :confused:
Have fun storming the castle.

Note to self: figure out how to make storming the castle into a sexual euphemism.
This is as good a place as any:

To those leaving "statuses" on my posts in the closed thread. You make an evil souless black hearted woman smile. :devil:
huh. I was going to post a picture of what the showers in Beijing looked like when I was there, but apparently I never took one. Thought I did.
So I went to google, and first of all "Chinese shower" yielded me no results along the line of what I encountered while there.
But more shockingly, a google image search for "Chinese shower", with safe search off, actually brought up no porn. The internet finds new ways to surprise me.

Anyway the bathrooms there just had a drain in the middle of the floor next to the toilet, and a showerhead hanging over it. The whole bathroom is essentially the shower. I'm sure mr_thehun and Terrik know.
Having the whole bathroom as a shower's efficient - you clean your floor pretty much every day that way.
In-line water heaters were all over in Kenia and Tanzania too - they suck ass.
And American showers with their shower heads fixed to the wall, I will never understand. Women, rise up and claim the right to a shower head on a line! Men too, it can be easy sometimes.

That aside, hot and wet it is!

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