Tiny and Feisty in a nutshell (preferably pistachio) AMA

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I work as a dog walker/unofficial trainer, housekeeper(that does not include a french maid outfit), Nanny.

I love horror movies and slow moving zombies. I find there is something unnatural in a fast moving zombie. My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption. Love anything written by Richard Laymon.

In my spare time I enjoy working out, but I'm not a member of any gym. Reading various books. Writing the odd poem or story. I'm currently unpublished. Maybe one day though... I like to sing and dance as well.

Passionate about makeup!! Contemplating going into it as a freelance MUA one day. Love bad jokes etc...

My spelling and grammer suck. Probably because English is not my first language.

I'm tiny and feisty!!! :p
Myself in a nutshell. :)
1) what DOES include the maid outfit?

2) I read this as Tina Fey before Tiny and Fiesty. Have you ever noticed her scar?

3) how many zombies do you think you could take before you had to run/get eaten? You only have your mele weapon of choice.

4) I'm rather sleepy. This is not a question.

5) if you had to perform a monologue in front of us, which one would you do?

6) truth or dare?
I only got one question for you:

LOL How do you think I'm doin? :p
Added at: 15:34
1) what DOES include the maid outfit?

2) I read this as Tina Fey before Tiny and Fiesty. Have you ever noticed her scar?

3) how many zombies do you think you could take before you had to run/get eaten? You only have your mele weapon of choice.

4) I'm rather sleepy. This is not a question.

5) if you had to perform a monologue in front of us, which one would you do?

6) truth or dare?

1) That I'll either save that for my b/f or Halloween. :p

2) Yes, I have.

3) At least a few hundred if I had a shit load of weapons and a hummer to run them down in. :) Actually, that sounds like fun!!

4) Go to bed then. This is not an answer. lol

5) The Cunt Monologue from the Vagina Docudrama.

6) Dare!
Added at: 15:35
What is the question to the answer to life the universe and everything?
I don't know. I believe it can be what ever one chooses to make of it...

1) That I'll either save that for my b/f or Halloween. :p

2) Yes, I have.

3) At least a few hundred if I had a shit load of weapons and a hummer to run them down in. :) Actually, that sounds like fun!!

4) Go to bed then. This is not an answer. lol

5) The smelly lady part Monologue from the Vagina Docudrama.

6) Dare!
All acceptable answers, except for the zombie one. I'm talking about just you, and one hand to hand weapon like a hatchet or a machete. Gotta keep it practical.

And your dare is to perform your favorite monologue.
I would either opt for a shot gun or machete. Minimum of at least 100. lol I'm just that good. :) I don't actually own a copy of that monologue....


Staff member
1.) Pants. Opinion thereof?

2.) Finns = Vikings. True or false?

3.) What is the proper dress code for a unisex sauna by the lakeside?

4.) Blackadder.


Staff member
Do you stand or sit when you wipe? Don't laugh - there was much debate about this very subject.
Well as long as we are asking questions for all the hot button topics let us not forget the following.

How do you like your steak cooked?


Staff member
Interesting! So where are you from, originally? We here love people from other cultures. It's always better to know as many different things as possible as it tends to shine a light on ignorance and xenophobia.
I was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My parents and I moved to Kuwait City when I was just a baby. Started school there. Moved back to Toronto shortly after my parents divorced and have been in Canada ever since. I'm half Arabian (Kuwait)/Asian (mom's side is from Myanmar and a great, great grandmother from China).
You mean other then the obvious...
Maybe I should concentrate on his non-physical attributes for once.
I'll try to keep it to only 3, but I have a ton of reasons why I love him etc...

1) He doesn't treat me like a porcelain doll... Most people see my size and think I'm fragile when I'm probably the complete opposite. He never treats me like I will break when we play fight.

2) He's an utter goofball and completely silly most of the time.... Always making me laugh no matter where we are etc....

3) He accepts me for me.

Added at: 12:48
I know one quality of mine she likes to have in her. :unibrow:

Favourite hockey team?
How many cheeseburgers can you eat in a single sitting?
Do cats have souls?
Liberal, PC or commie?
Favourite hockey team?
How many cheeseburgers can you eat in a single sitting?
Do cats have souls?
Liberal, PC or commie?

Toronto Maple Leafs!!!!

I think I ate 4 once in a single sitting, but that was many years ago and I was hungry. Now probably no more then 2 if I'm really hungry and they're home made as opposed to the ones you get at a fast food joint.

I'd like to think cats have souls, but if you really want to know ask a cat..

I guess if I had to choose one I'd go with Liberal.
Added at: 16:52
How did you get in a nutshell? Does that mean you're immune to claustrophobia?
I'm tiny and just contorted myself to fit into a pistachio shell. I contemplated a walnut (roomier and all), but that might have induced claustrophobia.
I've read your thread. I like TNG. You seem ok. So far.

I am the Necromancer and I choose this question to pose to you, answer for your very soul may depend upon it.

What is the shortest complete sentence in the English language?
Arabic? Very interesting... I've learned some from my fiancee. She's Armenian. (she speaks arabic and armenian, family was from syria till '75)

Ma esmouk?

(i had to cheat for this next part)

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