To all you naysayers out there!

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It really looks like your avatar is dancing to it. I'll always hear this music in my head when I look at it now.

As for the video, personally, I blame the parents. Supporting your kids and letting them peruse their dreams is one thing, letting them do this is another.

This video does raise some questions though, such as:

Who was that girl?

Did she know what she was doing when they filmed her do 40 year old beach party dance moves for a....I won't call it rap, or music....but for a sound video?

Did he pay her, or did she owe him a favor, or are they both just not all there and didn't really know what was happening?

Really I just can't take this video at face value and assume that it's not meant to be a joke.


Urban Smoke Records paid her. IE: "Mom, can you dance in a video for me? And make it hot"


Haha! My exact description when I told a friend about this.


Staff member

A skinny white boy trying to act all gangsta, playing a rap that makes your ears bleed?

*cocks a shotgun* I think he and Old Yeller will enjoy each other's company...
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