To any fellow cosplayers: Beware Gandaran Designs

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I would like to seriously recommend that NOBODY ever use Gandaran Designs for anything unless you wish to be ripped off.
I contacted Gali on August the 7th regarding commissioning a wig for the character Medusa of the Inhumans.

Gali was very positive at first, extremely excited about taking on such a challenging project.

She quoted me a Total Price of $315 and informed me that she took payment plans, which I happily accepted as I both felt it was a good over all price for such a large wig and definitely needed payment plans.

On Saturday, 5 December I sent the 115 down payment that we had agreed upon and, as far as I know, she began work on the wig.

She never replied to me to let me know either way, however the money was accepted promptly on paypal.

I suppose that should have been my first red flag but I was excited and am notoriously too trusting. I digress.

On December 29, 2009 I again emailed Gali:
I asked when she would like the second installment of money and requested progress pictures.

Two weeks later, on Wednesday, 13 Jan she replied to tell me to send 100 dollars whenever was convenient and that she unfortunately did not have any pictures for me.

On Wednesday, 20 January I sent the 100 dollars and asked if it would be possible to have the wig by April as I was leaving the country for a month and wanted the wig safely by then.
As before, when I sent the money she did not reply however the money was accepted promptly on paypal.

I was now worried but thought that perhaps she is simply busy. Con season starts soon, she might just have a lot to do.

One month later, on Friday, 19 February, I e-mailed her, asking if she received the money safely and if all way well, if I could please have the wig by April.

On Tuesday, February 23 Gali contacted me and assured me she will definitely have the wig ready for me by April, said she would try and get me some pictures by next week and said that by then, it should be completed.

I was very relieved to hear that, however two weeks went by and I heard nothing from her. I was worried but thought that, perhaps, as I had not made mention of the final 100 that I was still owing to her that she was delaying finishing the wig hoping that she did not get ripped off by ME.

On Tuesday, 16 March I e-mailed her, letting her know that I would have the final installment of money for her on the 26th and said, again, that I was excited and would gladly accept any and all pictures.

To my surprise Gali answered quite promptly this time, on Thursday, 18 March 2010. She however was not as upbeat as she had been before, informing me that she did not know if she could manage pictures, that she had a lot of other commissions and since I wanted my wig in April now that she wouldn’t have much computer time.

To be honest, that kind of ticked me off. She and I never agreed on a delivery date, although we had spoken about my wanting to wear it at San Diego ComicCon.

It wasn’t like we had agreed on June, and now I was being difficult and demanding to have it by April. Back in February she had said that it should be done by the end of the week and now, almost a month later, she was acting as if I had somehow inconvenienced her by asking for the wig in April.

If she had said “no, I can have it to you by June” from the beginning I would have accepted that. I did say I needed it for San Diego ComicCon in my original request, even if we didn’t ever actually agree upon a delivery date.

I was ticked but didn’t want to say anything uncalled for, or accuse her without recourse so I waited until Wednesday, 31 March to send a reply and settled on a simple response that if she would please tell me the moment that the wig was finished and ready to ship that I would send the money.

I felt a bit bad, as I had previously said I would send the money on the 26th of March, however I had already sent $215 without even a picture to show for it and now I was getting attitude for her. So I feel I was justified in waiting until I had confirmation that the wig was done to send the final 100.

On Monday, 5 April I again contacted Gali, reminding her that it was 1 week before I left the country and that she had said she would definitely have the wig ready for me by April. I assured her again that I had the final installment ready the moment that she told me the wig was ready to be put into the mail. I got no reply.

I was out of the country from the 11th of April until the 2nd of May and did not have access to my e-mail during that time, however upon arriving home I have not received any reply from her.

I have not heard from her since March 18th. Its now May 14th. Even if she is still working on the wig and intends to eventually get it to me I feel as though her uncommunicative behavior and the fact that she felt the need to cop an attitude with me because I asked her to do something she had already agreed to do was uncalled for and incredibly unprofessional.

I have all the e-mails between us and will show them to anyone who requests to verify my side of the story if desired.


I'd file a dispute with Paypal, or at least talk to one of them over the phone and find out what can be done.
Start with the better business bureau of the city/state she is located in. And next time get it written in ink. I was thinking about posting Gandaran ordering rules, but they are just too silly to mock.


Yeah, even when I'm on the receiving end of a commission that isn't with one of my close friends I try to get the deal in ink. It's enough that you got her guaranteeing it in an e-mail, though.

From here, the nicest course of action would be to tell her in no uncertain terms that you want your goods immediately or you'd like a refund. If you don't get a fast response, contact the BBB and contact paypal to see if you can get the transaction contested and revoked.

The less nice way would be to skip that first part. If you can't keep your customers updated and get your jobs done on time then you should tell the customer you have a queue or better yet, tell them you won't take the commission until you're certain you can pull through.


Paypal unfortunately has a time limit on disputing charges and they have long since expired.

I asked them and they said there was nothing they could do now, the responsibility of refunding my money was on her shoulders now.

I'm not even sure what city she is in and I know from dealing with the BBB in the past that they don't have any power of internet business. If she had a store front it'd be different.


I'm not even sure what city she is in and I know from dealing with the BBB in the past that they don't have any power of internet business. If she had a store front it'd be different.
whois gives the domain registrant as:
Pahl, Miranda
208 E Ray Ave
High Point, North Carolina 27262
United States

Edit: Presumably a friend of Gali's who handles her website.
I like to do it everyone now and again

specifically around October 31.

Like a normal person.


hehe. I use to do it every year, but ever since we bought a house, the cosplay fund has been low.

maybe next year.


curiously. How many of us here are cosplayers anyway?
2 weeks ago I went to the Barcelona Comic Convention with a bunch of girls dressed as alice clones from Resident Evil. I put on the same wig as them and held a gun. Does that count as cosplay?[/QUOTE]

show us a pic. It depends what else you are wearing. normal clothes (depending if it match any outfit in the movie) then yes. If not.... kinda ;)
curiously. How many of us here are cosplayers anyway?
2 weeks ago I went to the Barcelona Comic Convention with a bunch of girls dressed as alice clones from Resident Evil. I put on the same wig as them and held a gun. Does that count as cosplay?[/QUOTE]

show us a pic. It depends what else you are wearing. normal clothes (depending if it match any outfit in the movie) then yes. If not.... kinda ;)[/QUOTE]

I'll have to ask the girls for pics, I left my camera at home... But I just wore my regular clothes.
I don't cosplay - I've never been to a con, actually - but I like the pictures of well-done cosplay. When people go all-out it's pretty impressive. Attractive women doing so makes it exponentially better.
curiously. How many of us here are cosplayers anyway?
2 weeks ago I went to the Barcelona Comic Convention with a bunch of girls dressed as alice clones from Resident Evil. I put on the same wig as them and held a gun. Does that count as cosplay?[/QUOTE]

show us a pic. It depends what else you are wearing. normal clothes (depending if it match any outfit in the movie) then yes. If not.... kinda ;)[/QUOTE]




nope. That is not cosplay :)

that is just trying to pick up hot chicks ;)

You would need at least a military gear type outfit. Maybe a couple of holsters, different shirt, dark wig and a cap and MIGHT be Jill ;) If you are trying to do a girl. You could wear a vest type and go with Chris or Leon.
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