On the second... well, they are if you've got the right head shape. Mine isn't. I look like a phrenologist's wet dream
I'd say shave it, a change of haircut is always a fun thing to do. Plus, everyone will be too distracted by it to suspect that you're making meth with school supplies.
That's what would make it badass. Besides, it's not like you can't shave off the Mohawk anyway, right? I rocked a Mohawk for a couple days just for kicks, decided I didn't like it and buzzed it clean.
When my mom started chemo, I shaved my head in solidarity. It turns out I really liked the look. I let it grow back and when my hair did start thinning, I decided to make bald my regular look. The only other thing I have to add is this: If you are afraid that your hair won't grow back, it won't be because you shaved your head and it probably won't be because of the chemo either. It will be because you are genetically predisposed to it and it was going to happen eventually whether you shaved it or not. I say shave it when you see the first signs of loose hair. You don't have to do it today but be ready for it.
Grow a goatee and go for the Patrick Stewart look.
Already working on the goatee. Started a beard, but shaved most because I thought I was getting a B-Day Party the other day. I don't like being too scraggly in photos.
I'll end up looking more like a shorter Butterbean than Picard.
It is done.
Why can't I shake the feeling of looking at Bulls-Eye?
And yes, that's a compliment. Lookin' good, Shakes.