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I hit a cat with my car. I killed it and I cried in the middle of the street. It was gorgeous cat with long silky fur. It was obvious it belonged to someone but there was no tag on its neck and when I rolled it over I could find nothing that would indicate a hidden tattoo or chip.

Yes. I touched a dead cat. I then took him to the side of the road and placed her among the bushes.

It was here that I discovered the kitten. It started mewling and nuzzling its mother...I felt like a fucking savage murderer.

So I did the only thing that would assuage my guilty conscience...I took it home.

Meet Soap.

I can't keep him/her but I will care for it until someone else can.

Just thought I'd share.




well thanks for depressing the crap out of me :(




There was once, this amazing flash video. Of a kitten going to hell to get it's mother back. It fights through a world full of demons and the devil itself to retrieve her soul.

It was one of the most powerful, yet simple, flash animations I've ever seen. I wanted to post it here, but I couldn't to the best of my ability find the flash.




You think you feel terrible? :(

The kitten is cute though. I put him the playpen...the baby is wondering what is his play area.




D'awh, that's a pretty kitteh. Find it a good home.




Those kitten's eye's are awesome. So blue, almost hypnotizing....


Kitty Sinatra

oh my. That free cat tag is morbidly, hilariously apropos.

And what a gorgeous kitten!




I hope you disposed of the dead cat properly...




Aww. I'm sorry, Sin. *hugs*

It's a cute kitty, though. I'm sure you can find it a good home.


Philosopher B.

Goddamn that little thing is key-ute.

There was once, this amazing flash video. Of a kitten going to hell to get it's mother back. It fights through a world full of demons and the devil itself to retrieve her soul.

It was one of the most powerful, yet simple, flash animations I've ever seen. I wanted to post it here, but I couldn't to the best of my ability find the flash.
You mean this?


That's like, one of my favorite things ever.




Philo! That's IT!!!!

Thank you for reposting.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Soap has to be one of the best names for a cat I've ever heard.


General Specific

General Specific

My personal favorite was a little tabby kitten named Rambo




Goddamn that little thing is key-ute.

There was once, this amazing flash video. Of a kitten going to hell to get it's mother back. It fights through a world full of demons and the devil itself to retrieve her soul.

It was one of the most powerful, yet simple, flash animations I've ever seen. I wanted to post it here, but I couldn't to the best of my ability find the flash.
You mean this?


That's like, one of my favorite things ever.

so much awesome :thumbsup:


Philosopher B.

Philo! That's IT!!!!

Thank you for reposting.
No problem. :)


Rob King

Rob King

Sorry to hear that, Sin. Maybe a happy cat story is in order?

Two nights ago, while unloading a van load of donated foodstuffs, I discovered that an entire huge bag of dog food was cut open by way of picking it up from the wrong end. Kibble went (and is still) everywhere all over the parking lot.

Today a [presumably] stray cat wandered over and started gorging itself. I tried to pet it, but she got spooked. She came back a few minutes later to the mountains of free food, though.

I just thought it was cute.

Here's a pic from my ever-handy cellphone (spoilered for size)




Yes. "Cat" is one of the most awesome things out there on the Internet. I would even rank it higher than "Kiwi."

I have friends who have accidentally killed animals and were totally distraught about it for some time. I've even fed a declawed stray for a couple months of Winter at my (former) apartment that some jerks left behind when they moved AND I've taken that same stray in to be euthanized after some other jerk hit her and broke her pelvis in the parking lot. There ain't much that rips at you like finding a broken cat behind the hedge that looks up at you as if to say, "I know you! You are a friend! Help me, please!" and then rewarding that plea with a trip to the humane society to be killed because nobody but you cares and bringing it back to health would break you. As hurt as she was, handing her over from my familiar hands to those of a stranger scared her to the point where she gave up and wet herself right there. The drive home was very sobby.

Knowing you're doing the right thing never seems to make it hurt any less, it just motivates you to complete it as efficiently as possible.

PS. I am truly sorry for your loss, LS. And if the people who take Soap in don't treat the little fuzzball well, then please punch them. From me.




I wish I could give you a hug, Sin.




Sad and all that, but I'm honestly glad I wasn't the only one who had the free cat image come to mind.



I'm sorry to hear that.

I would totally take in a cat if I knew what to do with it.

His suffix would be MacTavish, and we could fight bad people...




Sad and all that, but I'm honestly glad I wasn't the only one who had the free cat image come to mind.
Trust me, I definitely had it first, but I like Sin. Otherwise, that would have been reply #1.




I didn't cry at Kiwi but I cried at Cat.




Soap has a home!

A good friend of mine is taking him in. His sister recently moved out with his other cat so he has been lonely....and there's been a huge boom in the mouse population of his house.

Yay for getting him in a home that I'll be able to see him regularly in!

EDIT: Just watched that Cat video. Now I'm sniffley.



Soap has a home!

A good friend of mine is taking him in. His sister recently moved out with his other cat so he has been lonely....and there's been a huge boom in the mouse population of his house.

Yay for getting him in a home that I'll be able to see him regularly in!

EDIT: Just watched that Cat video. Now I'm sniffley.
I love happy endings.

*Why is my face wet?




Question: Are you sure there aren't any other kittens from her?




Question: Are you sure there aren't any other kittens from her?
While a litter of one is highly unlikely the kitten doesn't appear to be extremely young either. One could assume the others.. well.. they probably have their mommy back.[/QUOTE]

It took me a second to realize what you meant.

and I was concerned that MY post would be depressing :(




Soap has a home!
Soap MacTavish?!

Man, i still miss my old cat... but letting him go out on his own pretty much ensured one day he wouldn't come back. It does appear he has at least 1 descendant among the local cat population.




Soap has a home!

A good friend of mine is taking him in. His sister recently moved out with his other cat so he has been lonely....and there's been a huge boom in the mouse population of his house.

Yay for getting him in a home that I'll be able to see him regularly in!

EDIT: Just watched that Cat video. Now I'm sniffley.

yaaaaay! :D




That flash animation was cool, but definitely not tear-worthy




Question: Are you sure there aren't any other kittens from her?
I stomped through the bushes trying to see if there was anymore but I couldn't find anything...and there was the remains of a snow bank in the way of the rest of the lot and I wasn't wearing boots...so I just hoped there was no more.



That flash animation was cool, but definitely not tear-worthy

I thought it was kind of stupid to be honest.




Awww, LS... Your story made me sad at first, but I'm glad there's a happy ending in all of this for Soap MacTavish.

Here, have a hug on me.

*a big, warm, fuzzy teddy bear hug*




So glad it worked out for Soap!
