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Too much coffee!!!!!!!!!






Damn this paper. Damn this class. :mad:


Wasabi Poptart

Too much coffee? Never.





* Reduces boredom [Loke 1988]
* Decreases depression
* Increased alertness when tired [Wesenten 2005, Kamimori 2005, Search PubMed]
* Willingness to consider alternative theories [Martin 2006]
* Increases physical stamina and reduces perceived exertion [McLellan TM 2004]
* May attenuate the response-slowing effect of alcohol [Roehrs 2004]
* Increases performance on boring, repetitive tasks [Smith 2002]


* Research has failed to show improved memory or improvement in complex cognitive tasks [Smith 2002]


* Increases anxiety and nervousness at high doses or in sensitive individuals [Lieberman 1992, Loke 1988]
* Insomnia, decreased ability to sleep [Smith 2002]
* Caffeine withdrawal can worsen mood [Schuh 1997]
* Caffeine withdrawal causes headaches, flu-like symptoms, feelings of lethargy and reduces motivation [Schuh 1997]
* Increases jaw tension and bruxism [Erowid Self Reports 2000, Ohayon 2001]




Offtopic....Wild soul I love your avatar and therefore love you. Last week I just bought drunken lullabies on vinyl and guess what...its green. How awesome is that? /offtopic

Yeah I'm feeling the caffeine buzz. I normally take a red bull on karate nights thats it. I had 2 today and all im doing now is sitting on the pc. twitchety twitchety twitch. Myabe I should go play some scout on TF2


Just Me

Just Me

Just yesterday I said to myself 'no more coffee after 8 pm' :)

But then I a) am a weak person and b) strongly believe that instant coffee doesn't count (in many ways)...




This one time, I happened to meet an old friend of mine while walking along the street, and we decided to catch up in a nearby coffee shop we'd never been in before. We both ordered their house latte. When the waitress returned, she gave us each a cup of coffee twice the size of a beer mug. It was like a pitcher of coffee for each of us.

Had trouble walking after that, I tell you.

I think I'll go back to that shop if I ever want to die of a burst heart.




yeah, i've increased my coffee intake lately to cope with the insane amount of work i should be doing.

all i can say is people who work for me have been trying to hide the coffee pot 3 times today already. I'll kill them fuckers dead !


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I love caffeine highs when working in something creative. But they are unconfortable, for example, when talking to people. Words try to come all at the same time and you en up sounding like a Peanut's adult.




I don't really drink much coffee these days. Don't know when it happened anymore, but I switched to tea because of it's diversity in tastes.


Wasabi Poptart

Offtopic....Wild soul I love your avatar and therefore love you. Last week I just bought drunken lullabies on vinyl and guess what...its green. How awesome is that? /offtopic
That is so cool!





It's hardly a coincidence that coffee and tea caught on in Europe just as the first factories were ushering in the industrial revolution. The widespread use of caffeinated drinks—replacing the ubiquitous beer—facilitated the great transformation of human economic endeavor from the farm to the factory. Boiling water to make coffee or tea helped decrease the incidence of disease among workers in crowded cities. And the caffeine in their systems kept them from falling asleep over the machinery. In a sense, caffeine is the drug that made the modern world possible. And the more modern our world gets, the more we seem to need it. Without that useful jolt of coffee—or Diet Coke or Red Bull—to get us out of bed and back to work, the 24-hour society of the developed world couldn't exist.




Offtopic....Wild soul I love your avatar and therefore love you. Last week I just bought drunken lullabies on vinyl and guess what...its green. How awesome is that? /offtopic
That is so cool![/quote]

I was a pretty big fan of Flogging Molly, but I really thought Within a Mile of Home was seriously weak. Float was an improvement, but there was still a bit missing. Now, Swagger and Drunken Lullabies are fantastic.

They're great live as well. The bassist stage dived multiple times and hung out in the crowd during one of the opening acts. Street Dogs opened for them, and they rocked my face off too.

As for the coffee, I was up from 7am to 3am. This morning I got up at 7:30am. My breath was awful. However, I feel incredibly awake. I will probably crash after lunch. Yay! I usually drink about 3 cups a day, but I think I made through nearly 3 pots yesterday. My kidneys might fall out.




I'm forgetting things that happened 5 minutes ago and dozing off at my chair... I think I'll take a short nap and then, you guessed it, replace my blood with a nice Guatemalan blend.


Cuyval Dar

I like this Costa Rican blend that my great-aunt sends me from time to time (She is a part-owner in a plantation down there).








You just haven't hit that magical 100th cup yet.
