Torchlight 2!

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We need a consolodated thread for this, because this game is awesome.

The servers just went down for a brief 10 minute maintenance, but I can still play my character offline... imagine that!

So, we need to list our runic names so we can get some halforum games going. I'll periodically update this post with the names people list. Let's get this rolling!

My runic name is Ravenpoe
I'm going to gift this game to Adam when he gets back from France and start a coop campaign with him.
I wish I could say I have a love for Dungeon Crawlers but honestly, I never played one for more than an hour or two.
I've played Torchlight and Diablo 3 but something about them just doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps it was because I skipped on Diablo 1 &2 and when dungeon crawlers blew up for a while there but I can't seem to get into them.

Anything new about Torchlight 2 that could draw me in?
I'm going to gift this game to Adam when he gets back from France and start a coop campaign with him.
You ever have a friend invite another friend to a party right in front of you, and then just keep walking?

One day I'll be popular :(
So far loving the game, but seriously...

I can't figure out if the storyline right now is a homage to D2 or just a rip. So the ultimate evil at the bottom of the mine is not dead, okay that works. Oh wait he corrupted and took over one of TL1's heroes who is now his avatar of destruction? I guess that's not too bad.... He sacks the city from the first game and starts making his way a direction for some mysterious purpose that involves visiting ancient temples? Huh... I have to follow him? Oh come on...
So far loving the game, but seriously...

I can't figure out if the storyline right now is a homage to D2 or just a rip. So the ultimate evil at the bottom of the mine is not dead, okay that works. Oh wait he corrupted and took over one of TL1's heroes who is now his avatar of destruction? I guess that's not too bad.... He sacks the city from the first game and starts making his way a direction for some mysterious purpose that involves visiting ancient temples? Huh... I have to follow him? Oh come on...
Considering it's a big bunch of the same people, I'd say homage.
Considering it's a big bunch of the same people, I'd say homage.
You can call that one hell of a homage though, almost mirrors it right now. If it's the same people could just be they got lazy. :dumb: Still got a ways to go, will see how it all turns out in the end.
This game doesn't take itself very seriously, I wouldn't worry about it. There are tons of references to other games and such all over the place. Case in point (no story spoilers, but if you want the reference to surprise you in Act 3, skip this):

In Act 3, there's a small room called Notch's Mine. It's full of Creepers from Minecraft, and the chest inside drops a sword of some sort that looks like a Minecraft sword (completely oversized and pixelated). Here's mine:[/spoiler]
By the way, for those who hate that you can only respec up to your 3 latest points and want to respec all of it, enable the console by digging into the My Games -> Runic Games -> Torchlight 2 -> save -> (string of numbers) -> settings.txt and changing the number from 0 to 1. Then, if you open the console while playing (by pressing INSERT) and type in ''resetskills'' (no quotation marks) you get all your skillpoints back.
By the way, for those who hate that you can only respec up to your 3 latest points and want to respec all of it, enable the console by digging into the My Games -> Runic Games -> Torchlight 2 -> save -> (string of numbers) -> settings.txt and changing the number from 0 to 1. Then, if you open the console while playing (by pressing INSERT) and type in ''resetskills'' (no quotation marks) you get all your skillpoints back.
Just started New Game+ with my Engineer, I might do this now that I know what the hell I'm doing.


Staff member
Runic name: Edrondol. Go figure.

I have 2 characters level 20 or so. Berserker who I have to use the thing above to respec because I have points all over the place and an Embermage that I'm having a lot of fun with.
I may just start my engineer over again because I want to change spec and I accidentally started him on normal mode. As I said before, normal mode is easy to the point of being boring. Plus, I want to change his companion's skin as I didn't realize there were different coloring options. I can make my papillon companion look almost exactly like my dog :p
Played an Outlander, was a lot of fun. Just beat the game, thinking of doing the new game +, but might focus on MoP for now.

Some advice.

1) Pick one or two good castable skills. They have a lot of them but you usually only find yourself using one or two, with the rest of the points better spent filling out some of the better passives in each tree.

2) Always check for new spells, either drops you might have missed or ones sold by sly merchants. There are some great "passive" spells which you basically put in, don't cast, but give you great bonuses, like Willpower or Adventuring.

3) Give your pet a good assortment of utility spells. My panther I gave a haste cast to improve her damage, a mass heal to help keep everyone alive, and two skeleton summoning spells (regular and archer) so that she kept bringing allies into the fight to do damage and keep some of the pressure off me. That with my own skeleton summoning and Shadowlings made me a poor mans necromancer.
I was surprised at how useful my pet's magic was. I gave him Summon Zombies IV as well as Summon Blood Zombie, and they really help. I filled my own spells with passives, though.

If you don't use a two-hand weapon, hell, even if you do, I really recommend you put some points into an AoE skill. Engineer's Fire Hammer or Emberquake, for example. I barely use my normal attack now, these two are doing 105% or more weapon damage, plus burns.
Having completed the game with my Shotgu--I mean, Shotgonne Outlander but not yet wanting to start up a NG+, I tried out a Berserker to free some space in my shared stash. Loving it so far, even if fighting teleporting enemies is an absolute nightmare, even with the dash from Shadowburst.


Staff member
My Embermage has a 50% or so chance to instantly teleport foes away if they hit me. And it stuns them. So they hit me and blink away while I rain fire and death on them from afar.

But let's talk builds. Where do you all put your points in stats? I've found that each stat is necessary. I've taken to putting 2 points in my main stat and 1 point in each of the others.
Depends on what you want. My Outlander has mostly dex and strength, with some vit, and focus trailing far behind, but he's not min-maxed, since he's on Casual difficulty and was mostly for getting used to the game. Were I to make a new one, I'd probably go full on dex and vit and the occasional level into strength. My Berserker is going strength primary, dex secondary, and focus (for execute chance) and vit equally in third. My multiplayer-exclusive cannongineer is going strength and vit equal, then a bit of dex for requirements and zero in focus. I imagine an Embermage doesn't need any strength, given how reliant they are on elemental damage, so mostly focus, then vit and equal dex. Haven't played Embermage yet though, so that's mostly guesswork on my part.
My Embermage has a 50% or so chance to instantly teleport foes away if they hit me. And it stuns them. So they hit me and blink away while I rain fire and death on them from afar.

But let's talk builds. Where do you all put your points in stats? I've found that each stat is necessary. I've taken to putting 2 points in my main stat and 1 point in each of the others.
I decided to build my embermage as a sword and board spellsword, so vit and str have been primary, with focus not far behind. Is this optimal? Probably not, but the game lets me do it, so by god I'm doing it.

The primary spells I use scale off of weapon damage, so it hasn't been too bad. I went fire so the extra damage would offset not using a twohanded weapon, and the shield has made me a lot tankier (playing on vetetan)
I imagine an Embermage doesn't need any strength, given how reliant they are on elemental damage, so mostly focus, then vit and equal dex. Haven't played Embermage yet though, so that's mostly guesswork on my part.
A lot of spells scale on weapon damage, so str is equally viable to increasing damage as focus. I love that they made every stat useful for every class.
My Engineer is mainly Str/Vit right now because those are the main stats for his gear, but I've bumped Dex and Focus up to 60-ish also. Plus, the passive to Fire/Shock damage is at like 6/15, so his elemental attacks hit like a truck.
I have a 2h engie for playing by myself, and a tank engie for playing with my husband's embermage. I just hit 42 on my 2h Engie and I basically run around in circles spamming Emberquake and mana pots.

My tanky engie has been spending stat point in str/vit, with a couple into dex every once and a while. She has Seismic Stomp and Shield Bash as her 2 main abilities (mostly for the stuns) and Force Field as her charge using ability. Then everything else is dumped into Bulwark, Aegis, and Charge Regen, with some in Sword and Board for the damage boost. I mostly worry more about heading shit off than my DPS, I let my husband worry about that nonsense.
The one I've had the most fun with so far, in the limited time I've had to play has been a ranged dual wield spec Outlander. I've put very few points in focus, I've been dumping 3 in Dex, and one in Str and Vit on each level up and she already crits hard. Now with the backflip ability coupled with her ability to fire barages of gunfire with pushback, I have no problem staying at range.

Also, when I get home tonight, I'm gonna post some awesome pics from one of the dungeons I ran across.
One thing to keep in mind with Focus as a dual-wielder is if you're using the same weapon type in either hand (gun, fist, etc), higher Focus gives you a better chance to use both weapons at the same time (Execute).
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