Tour de France Gets Crazy - France wants to arrest Floyd Landis

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So, U.S. cyclist Floyd Landis, who was unable to fight a positive test of elevated levels of testosterone that eventually cost him his victory, is the target of an international arrest warrant for hacking into the lab that runs the tests.

This is just a little crazy for a few reasons. First, there was an apparent wave of anti-U.S. sentiment in the French cycling world post-Lance, so they seemed to go after Landis quite aggressively and didn't give him much of a chance to defend himself or get a retest. Second, Landis is a Mennonite, and comes from a family that pretty strictly adheres to those traditions - in other words, not much technology; it's hard to see Landis as a diabolical computer expert. Third, they want to arrest the guy, but they just aren't very sure he did it.



Staff member

So, U.S. cyclist Floyd Landis, who was unable to fight a positive test of elevated levels of testosterone that eventually cost him his victory, is the target of an international arrest warrant for hacking into the lab that runs the tests.

This is just a little crazy for a few reasons. First, there was an apparent wave of anti-U.S. sentiment in the French cycling world post-Lance, so they seemed to go after Landis quite aggressively and didn't give him much of a chance to defend himself or get a retest. Second, Landis is a Mennonite, and comes from a family that pretty strictly adheres to those traditions - in other words, not much technology; it's hard to see Landis as a diabolical computer expert. Third, they want to arrest the guy, but they just aren't very sure he did it.

The French are just pissed they were never able to test Lance as positive and he beat the shit out of them 7 times in a row. Suck it, French!
It's hard to express how pissed off I was at Landis when he tested positive. On the stage where he got the yellow jersey, he had an absolutely amazing solo breakaway and it was infuriating to think that he was only able to do that because of drugs.

That being said, this arrest warrant sounds absurd.

Kitty Sinatra

I'd guess their goal is to coerce him into ratting out the guy who actually did it, but they figure they can get him anyway as part of the conspiracy.
Yeah the French weren't upset after Lance quit they hated that he was winning all the time. As was said earlier, Suck it, Frenchies!


Awww dem pour froggies don't know when they're beaten do they

Do they test their own athelets just as harsh though or are they only impartial too American cycalists?
Awww dem pour froggies don't know when they're beaten do they

Do they test their own athelets just as harsh though or are they only impartial too American cycalists?
Basically this. If their riders aren't under as much scrutiny (Hint: They aren't) then they can shut the fuck up. It's not our fault that the French can't field a team worth anything right now.


I wonder if this an attempt to get America back for the whole Roman Polanski thing.
What, the french are being assholes?! No way... what next, the british decide not to respect a treaty... how unexpected.
Gotta admit I always thought Landis was innocent of the charges. I mean a backup sample being 10 times the natural limit when the main sample was well within the norms?

That shit just doesn't seem likely.


well.. I guess the French didn't think American can be "that good" without using drugs and such. when they can't find any, they think it is hacked.


well if the froggies arent that good at being cycalists maybe they should pick up knitting?
-no offense to any French people here--


Staff member
There's an ICC joke in here somewhere, but I don't wanna go there.

I'd make some French/American joke, too, but I don't have a striped shirt or a bucket of cheese.
well.. I guess the French didn't think American can be "that good" without using drugs and such. when they can't find any, they think it is hacked.
To be honest, it seems like nearly every top cyclist in the Tour has been either suspected, or caught for doping. Hell, it's the first thing I thought of when I saw Landis totally own everyone just one day after he was totally butchered.
These charges seem pretty out there though, but that's just the French being the anti-everyonenotFrench which is like a tradition in the Tour.
yeah when Indurain kept piling the victories, they were anti spanish.

Anyway cycling is rotten and that's all there is to it:

Riis: doped
Ullrich: doped
Pantani: doped
Vinokourok: doped
Armstrong: probably did but was waaaaaaaay smarter than everyone else. blood samples from 98 reveal epo but can't be used. it's fishy. anyway, not found guilty so good for him
Contador: never been convicted yet
Landis: yeaaaaaah
Basso: doped
Sastre: doped

all winners and famous runner up up to more than 10 years ago.

i used to like cycling.
They need to ban everyone that has ridden in the tour since 1970, and don't let them hold the medals or ride again. Then let a new batch of cyclists come in and test the hell out of them.

The Tour for Decades has been a rolling pharmacy.
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