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Trails In The Sky or Trails Of Cold Steel?




So thanks to a blizzard on the east coast, a work trip of mine to Europe is taking place a day earlier than before, so I need a quick answer.

If I were to load up only one new JRPG onto my Vita to travel with, would people suggest Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky or Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel first?

I have never played a Legend of Heroes game, but I have had the Trails series VERY heavily recommended to me in the past. I have been told that the while the story arcs are shared universe, each individual Trails series can survive on its own without needing to be familiar with the others.

Both will eventually be played, but I certainly won't have time for both on this trip, so I am wondering which people here would recommend.


If it helps, other JRPGs I like are the FF series (especially tactics), Chrono Trigger/Cross, the Persona series, Suikoden 3, and SMTIV. I also played the fuck out of Valkyria Chronicles.

I never managed to get into the Y's games' story, found Disgaea a little too crunchy for what I wanted from it, got bored with Xenosaga, always wanted to play but never got around to the Star Ocean and the Tales games.




I just spent over 100 hours playing the first and second chapters of Trails in the Sky and I love the shit out of it. Haven't played Cold Steel, so I can't speak to that one.
