Roger Ebert said:"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys. If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination.
The plot is incomprehensible. The dialog of the Autobots, Deceptibots and Otherbots is meaningless word flap. Their accents are Brooklyese, British and hip-hop, as befits a race from the distant stars. Their appearance looks like junkyard throw-up. They are dumb as a rock. They share the film with human characters who are much more interesting, and that is very faint praise indeed.
The movie has been signed by Michael Bay. This is the same man who directed "The Rock" in 1996. Now he has made "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." Faust made a better deal. This isn't a film so much as a toy tie-in. Children holding a Transformer toy in their hand can invest it with wonder and magic, imagining it doing brave deeds and remaining always their friend. I knew a little boy once who lost his blue toy truck at the movies, and cried as if his heart would break. Such a child might regard "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" with fear and dismay.
The human actors are in a witless sitcom part of the time, and lot of the rest of their time is spent running in slo-mo away from explosions, although--hello!--you can't outrun an explosion. They also make speeches like this one by John Turturro: "Oh, no! The machine is buried in the pyramid! If they turn it on, it will destroy the sun! Not on my watch!" The humans, including lots of U.S. troops, shoot at the Transformers a lot, although never in the history of science fiction has an alien been harmed by gunfire.
There are many great-looking babes in the film, who are made up to a flawless perfection and look just like real women, if you are a junior fanboy whose experience of the gender is limited to lad magazines. The two most inexplicable characters are Ron and Judy Witwicky (Kevin Dunn and Julie White), who are the parents of Shia LaBeouf, who Mephistopheles threw in to sweeten the deal. They take their son away to Princeton, apparently a party school, where Judy eats some pot and goes berserk. Later they swoop down out of the sky on Egypt, for reasons the movie doesn't make crystal clear, so they also can run in slo-mo from explosions.
The battle scenes are bewildering. A Bot makes no visual sense anyway, but two or three tangled up together create an incomprehensible confusion. I find it amusing that creatures that can unfold out of a Camaro and stand four stories high do most of their fighting with...fists. Like I say, dumber than a box of staples. They have tiny little heads, except for Starscream®, who is so ancient he has an aluminum beard.
Aware that this movie opened in England seven hours before Chicago time and the morning papers would be on the streets, after writing the above I looked up the first reviews as a reality check. I was reassured: "Like watching paint dry while getting hit over the head with a frying pan!" (Bradshaw, Guardian); "Sums up everything that is most tedious, crass and despicable about modern Hollywood!" (Tookey, Daily Mail); "A giant, lumbering idiot of a movie!" (Edwards, Daily Mirror). The first American review, however, reported that it "feels destined to be the biggest movie of all time" (Todd Gilchrist, Cinematical). It’s certainly the biggest something of all time.
bringing out films that make no sense and require zero brainpower from the crowd. It's a shame, and Revenge of the Fallen is perhaps the biggest ingredient in this ongoing recipe of movie shit. "But it's a movie about toys, lighten up!" says the common man. To that line of reasoning, I say "FUCK YOU." I don't care if it's a movie about toys or about toothpicks, you make the movie, then make it as good as you possibly can. Don't just rely on that bullshit to carry the film.The 2007 release of Transformers ushered in a new revolution in cinema watching. Audiences have now accepted big, giant, explosive films that are just plain awful to sit through. We're now inundated with the type of thought that, "It's a kid's movie." or,[quote:1a7tyku7] "Just turn off your brain." should be an acceptable way to watch a film. And Hollywood has listened,
Go read El Guapos whole review. It's brilliant. You will enjoy it. It's head bangingly bad.Charlie Dont Surf said:Jesus christ. I had heard the "black" robots were bad but that is terrible.
HoboNinja said:Meh my friends and I are still going to see it at midnight tonight. All my friends loved the first one where as I think it was decent at best and I am not expecting much from this one except lots of neat explosions.
Mav said:I just wanna see Devestator and Soundwave..thats all. The rest, eh it is what it is, giant robots fighting.
Charlie Dont Surf said:
[quote="Roger Ebert":1trl5a77]"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys. If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of *, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination.
The plot is incomprehensible. The dialog of the Autobots, Deceptibots and Otherbots is meaningless word flap. Their accents are Brooklyese, British and hip-hop, as befits a race from the distant stars. Their appearance looks like junkyard throw-up. They are dumb as a rock. They share the film with human characters who are much more interesting, and that is very faint praise indeed.
The movie has been signed by Michael Bay. This is the same man who directed "The Rock" in 1996. Now he has made "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." Faust made a better deal. This isn't a film so much as a toy tie-in. Children holding a Transformer toy in their hand can invest it with wonder and magic, imagining it doing brave deeds and remaining always their friend. I knew a little boy once who lost his blue toy truck at the movies, and cried as if his heart would break. Such a child might regard "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" with fear and dismay.
The human actors are in a witless sitcom part of the time, and lot of the rest of their time is spent running in slo-mo away from explosions, although--hello!--you can't outrun an explosion. They also make speeches like this one by John Turturro: "Oh, no! The machine is buried in the pyramid! If they turn it on, it will destroy the sun! Not on my watch!" The humans, including lots of U.S. troops, shoot at the Transformers a lot, although never in the history of science fiction has an alien been harmed by gunfire.
There are many great-looking babes in the film, who are made up to a flawless perfection and look just like real women, if you are a junior fanboy whose experience of the gender is limited to lad magazines. The two most inexplicable characters are Ron and Judy Witwicky (Kevin Dunn and Julie White), who are the parents of Shia LaBeouf, who Mephistopheles threw in to sweeten the deal. They take their son away to Princeton, apparently a party school, where Judy eats some pot and goes berserk. Later they swoop down out of the sky on Egypt, for reasons the movie doesn't make crystal clear, so they also can run in slo-mo from explosions.
The battle scenes are bewildering. A Bot makes no visual sense anyway, but two or three tangled up together create an incomprehensible confusion. I find it amusing that creatures that can unfold out of a Camaro and stand four stories high do most of their fighting with...fists. Like I say, dumber than a box of staples. They have tiny little heads, except for Starscream®, who is so ancient he has an aluminum beard.
Aware that this movie opened in England seven hours before Chicago time and the morning papers would be on the streets, after writing the above I looked up the first reviews as a reality check. I was reassured: "Like watching paint dry while getting hit over the head with a frying pan!" (Bradshaw, Guardian); "Sums up everything that is most tedious, crass and despicable about modern Hollywood!" (Tookey, Daily Mail); "A giant, lumbering idiot of a movie!" (Edwards, Daily Mirror). The first American review, however, reported that it "feels destined to be the biggest movie of all time" (Todd Gilchrist, Cinematical). It’s certainly the biggest something of all time.
You didn't even have to skim it, by that point the movie itself just kind of skims everything that happens.AgentUp said:i watched the first movie last night, it was awful, i skimmed the last 30 minutes of it. ... 69997/1023TheBrew said:Ebert did give Star Trek a thumb down, so I am going to take this review with a grain of salt.
I cut down the "revenge of the fallen" bullshit to make that happen :redface:Rob King said:Did anyone else see the irony in the title getting cut off halfway through the word 'length'?
I cut down the "revenge of the fallen" bullshit to make that happen :redface:[/quote:2vpxea6d]Charlie Dont Surf said:[quote="Rob King":2vpxea6d]Did anyone else see the irony in the title getting cut off halfway through the word 'length'?
I cut down the "revenge of the fallen" bullshit to make that happen :redface:[/quote:1aczxe6f]Rob King said:[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":1aczxe6f][quote="Rob King":1aczxe6f]Did anyone else see the irony in the title getting cut off halfway through the word 'length'?
This is hilarious considering nobody did that!bhamv2 said:I choose not to let other people tell me what movies I am or am not allowed to enjoy.
I know. Not pointing any fingers (or any other body parts) at any one here, just stating an opinion.MindDetective said:This is hilarious considering nobody did that!bhamv2 said:I choose not to let other people tell me what movies I am or am not allowed to enjoy.
Holy shit, Hobgoblins 2?? I'm alerting Mike Nelson!Alex B. said:Awesome reviews. I wasn't going to see it anyway, but it's fun to see it so thoroughly ravaged.
Makes my decision to pick up Hobgoblins 2 today all the more satisfying. :uhhuh:
You and everyonelse that went to watch Date/Epic/Dance Movie.Shannow said:Am I the only one reading these reviews and wanting to see this movie even more? I mean, this sounds hilariously awesome!
I will drink a bottle of whiskey for every dollar under $100 million it makes over this weekend.drawn_inward said:wish the movie would totally bomb,
Nah, everyone else that went to those movies thought it was legitimately hilarious. They're a special type of bad too that is impossible to make fun of.Shegokigo said:You and everyonelse that went to watch Date/Epic/Dance Movie.
No, i hated those and did not see them. But the vitriol hat this is garnering is fantastic for a blockbuster. I cannot wait to see it!Shegokigo said:You and everyonelse that went to watch Date/Epic/Dance Movie.Shannow said:Am I the only one reading these reviews and wanting to see this movie even more? I mean, this sounds hilariously awesome!
Yo, supGusto said:
What an odd movie to use when making this extremely common and stupid argument.Bowielee said:I plan on going and having a good time. That's all I ask of the movie. I'm certainly not going in expecting The English Patient.
I will drink a bottle of whiskey for every dollar under $100 million it makes over this weekend.Charlie Dont Surf said:[quote="drawn_inward":1eo7wt4m]wish the movie would totally bomb,
All I expect is competent filmmaking.Bowielee said:It's TRANSFORMERS, I'm certainly not looking for character development, or hell, even a great plot. I'm looking for giant robots that turn into vehicles that beat the shit out of each other.
To expect anything else is pretty stupid.
That was my main beef with the first movie. That's all I wanted out of it. What I got was a first hour about some cockheaded little prick and how bad his life is because his dad won't buy him an expensive car followed by shitty handicam filmed action that was barely coherent or in some cases, off-fucking-screen. A movie about warring robots where the US AIRFORCE/ARMY almost had a larger Decepticon body count than the Autobots did.Bowielee said:It's TRANSFORMERS, I'm certainly not looking for character development, or *, even a great plot. I'm looking for giant robots that turn into vehicles that beat the poop out of each other.
To expect anything else is pretty stupid.
Completely disagree. A basic plot and basic character development are NOT much to expect from a movie. Those things are easy to include with large battling robots. There are only two things you have to keep in mind: 1.) Put meaningful words into the characters' mouths and not tripe. 2.) Give them a conflict that isn't ridiculous. Then you've got it! This movie is likely to fail on both counts, which is pretty inexcusable given that those two things are pretty easy to do.Bowielee said:To expect anything else is pretty stupid.
So you expect a charming and charismatic performance despite awful writing, which would be consistent with the rest of his body of work?Bubble181 said:and the acting...well, it's LaBoeuf, so, duh.
This is actually one thing that Bay is very good at. He can stage an explosion like nobody's business.lots of well-brought explosions (and this, to me, will make or break the movie...and Michael Bay doesn't have a good track record as far as I'm concerned)
Consider the source material. If you are trying to tell me that the TV series and animated movie were any more competent than the first Transformers, I have some swampland in Florida that may interest you.Kissinger said:All I expect is competent filmmaking.Bowielee said:It's TRANSFORMERS, I'm certainly not looking for character development, or *, even a great plot. I'm looking for giant robots that turn into vehicles that beat the poop out of each other.
To expect anything else is pretty stupid.
That's not what I'm telling you at all.Bowielee said:Consider the source material. If you are trying to tell me that the TV series and animated movie were any more competent than the first Transformers, I have some swampland in Florida that may interest you.
The human story in the first hour (approximately) was the most interesting and enjoyable part of the first movie for me, though that is faint praise.My only problem with the first movie is that there was too much human time on the screen and not enough robots beating the crap out of each other.
And that's why I'm going to see the movie this weekend and you're not.Kissinger said:That's not what I'm telling you at all.Bowielee said:Consider the source material. If you are trying to tell me that the TV series and animated movie were any more competent than the first Transformers, I have some swampland in Florida that may interest you.
The human story in the first hour (approximately) was the most interesting and enjoyable part of the first movie for me, though that is faint praise.My only problem with the first movie is that there was too much human time on the screen and not enough robots beating the crap out of each other.
Sup not seein it broMindDetective said:Will do!Bowielee said:If that's not what you want, don't go see it.
They wouldn't pay for ticket and concessions? That would still come out to 15 bucks an hour, I guess, not counting the time to get there, parking, etc...Charlie Dont Surf said:I admit, I would think about seeing Transformers 2 if someone offered me $50, straight up.
I'm walking distance from a theater (I KNOW WHAT A SURPRISE), and I'd see a matinee and skimp on the concessions and most likely net $41, which is good enough for me. And I'd actually be able to get away with trashing the movie a little more than I do already.MindDetective said:They wouldn't pay for ticket and concessions? That would still come out to 15 bucks an hour, I guess, not counting the time to get there, parking, etc...Charlie Dont Surf said:I admit, I would think about seeing Transformers 2 if someone offered me $50, straight up.
Roger Ebert said:[The humans, including lots of U.S. troops, shoot at the Transformers a lot, although never in the history of science fiction has an alien been harmed by gunfire.
blotsfan said:Roger Ebert said:[The humans, including lots of U.S. troops, shoot at the Transformers a lot, although never in the history of science fiction has an alien been harmed by gunfire.![]()
Bubble181 said:blotsfan said:Roger Ebert said:[The humans, including lots of U.S. troops, shoot at the Transformers a lot, although never in the history of science fiction has an alien been harmed by gunfire.![]()
Not a gun, it's a blaster. "real" human weapons, though?
callow, passive aggressive trolls are the absolute worst kindA Troll said:The pompous asshats in this thread are a perfect example of why I go to this forum less and less.
Shit, I thought that was the only thing in the letter that was complimentary.Charlie Dont Surf said:callow
callow, passive aggressive trolls are the absolute worst kind[/quote:hq6vq681]Charlie Dont Surf said:[quote="A Troll":hq6vq681]The pompous asshats in this thread are a perfect example of why I go to this forum less and less.
[youtube=][/youtube:7774c7k2]Steve said:Breaking news: Internet nerds complain about a movie. Film at eleven.
CynicismKills said:poop, I thought that was the only thing in the letter that was complimentary.Charlie Dont Surf said:callow
Kevin Smith is awesome. I haven't seen that before but that was classic. Protesting his own movie. And I can't believe the local news didn't spend 30 minutes asking him questions. When will that local rag get another chance to corner him.GeneralOrder24 said:[youtube=][/youtube:486i2egf]Steve said:Breaking news: Internet nerds complain about a movie. Film at eleven.
And that's the biggest problem, you're there to see the action...of which as in the first one, there is minimal that isn't a closeup of people running away from the blurry background relegated robots.Steve said:Considering the source material who in the world expects this to be The Crying Game? You all can rent Chariots of Fire this weekend and weep with joy but the Transformers is nothing more than giant robots kicking the poop out of each other. That's all I want to see. I could care less if the story is secondary. I'm not paying to see Shia perform his heart out. I'm not paying to examine Megan Fox's thumb on the big screen so I can run back to the internet and profess to all my basement dwelling buddies I wouldn't give her the time of day. I'm paying for the last 45 minutes of the movie which is one giant fight scene with dozens of robots.
A Troll, I've got your back on this one.
-- Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:25 pm --
Kevin Smith is awesome. I haven't seen that before but that was classic. Protesting his own movie. And I can't believe the local news didn't spend 30 minutes asking him questions. When will that local rag get another chance to corner him.GeneralOrder24 said:[youtube=][/youtube:3t3vqf9r]Steve said:Breaking news: Internet nerds complain about a movie. Film at eleven.
How about this?Charlie Dont Surf said:As much as I loathe the "what are you expecting, (classic critically and/or oscar-winning movie)?" argument, ya'll are coming up with some really odd/curious choices for that blank. English Patient? Crying Game? Chariots of Fire?
From Drew at HitFix.In some ways, I think "Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen" is the movie that fanboys have been slowly but surely placing down payments on for the last 20 years of pop cinema. When I hear people complain that it's overstuffed and indulgent and excessive, I am sort of amazed that they feel the need to point that out. OF COURSE IT IS. That's what Hollywood believes you want. Thanks to the way we've rewarded the lowest common denominator wrapped in the shiniest package, summer after summer after summer, and the way we seem to constantly demand that sequels turn everything up louder, make everything longer, and fill the frame with moremoreMORE, Michael Bay stands astride Hollywood like the perfectly evolved Modern Action Director.
Nerds complain because it wasn't exactly like their nostalgia-filtered memories from their childhood. I'm complaining because it's a poorly made film.Steve said:Breaking news: Internet nerds complain about a movie. Film at eleven.
What will become of this thread without the insightful comments of A Troll?A Troll said::eyeroll:
And I'm out folks. Please enjoy the rest of your thread.
Here's why this is a completely retarded argument: no one is saying they expect or even want Transformers to aspire to high art. There are plenty of legitimately great movies that aren't high art and don't try to be: Die Hard, Jurassic Park, Them!, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, Evil Dead II. These are great movies. What they have and what Transformers lacks is tight scripting, imaginative direction, interesting characters. That is to say, they are extremely well-made films that provide unique experiences. No one wants Citizen Kane every time, and it's stupid to imply that. It is moronic and ridiculous.Steve said:Considering the source material who in the world expects this to be The Crying Game?
I don't think expecting a film to not insult my intelligence by rewarding stupidity is setting the bar too high, tbqhThatNickGuy said:It's a two plus hour live action adaptation of an 80s half hour animated toy commercial? Honestly, to expect any kind of decent plot or even ANY kind of character development is setting the bar too high.
Ultimately, he gave it one thumbs down and his big complaint was a little inane.Charlie Dont Surf said: ... 69997/1023TheBrew said:Ebert did give Star Trek a thumb down, so I am going to take this review with a grain of salt.
There isn't a whole lot of negative language in this review?
What I got from his review is that he liked the movie, but was sort of grumpy about liking it. I don't find his complaint to be inaccurate.TheBrew said:Ultimately, he gave it one thumbs down and his big complaint was a little inane.
:\ I wouldn't use "expect." I'd say "hope." There are people in every career who are either bad at what they do or take on work that is probably not suited for them, and film is no exception. We can hope that a director who's not suited to do a certain project won't disappoint... but to expect them not to do poorly might be asking a bit too much. It doesn't mean he's not competent at other things--but maybe not this project.Kissinger said:I don't think expecting a film to not insult my intelligence by rewarding stupidity is setting the bar too high, tbqhThatNickGuy said:It's a two plus hour live action adaptation of an 80s half hour animated toy commercial? Honestly, to expect any kind of decent plot or even ANY kind of character development is setting the bar too high.
No one in this thread that I've noticed hated it for not being that shitty cartoon we watched as kids. No one cares that it isn't.Kissinger said:Nerds complain because it wasn't exactly like their nostalgia-filtered memories from their childhood.
I was going to respond to your post with this, but for the most part I agree with what you're saying.Cajungal said:I'd like to add, actually, that we SHOULD be able to expect people to do their job well without seeming unrealistic. But, ya know, imperfect world and all that. I won't stop anyone from making the expectations they want to make. But yeah...
I'd be willing to bet that most people who are vehemently defending the first film would take issue with calling the cartoon "shitty."Frankie said:No one in this thread that I've noticed hated it for not being that shitty cartoon we watched as kids. No one cares that it isn't.
Heh, don't get me wrong, I loved the cartoon as a kid and it still holds a soft spot in my heart. Hell, I collected the toys into my adulthood (where my current nomadic circumstances meant I gave the collection to some kids) but even I can admit that the 80's cartoon was bad, like most 80's toy commercial cartoons.Kissinger said:I was going to respond to your post with this, but for the most part I agree with what you're saying.Cajungal said:I'd like to add, actually, that we SHOULD be able to expect people to do their job well without seeming unrealistic. But, ya know, imperfect world and all that. I won't stop anyone from making the expectations they want to make. But yeah...
-- Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:05 pm --
I'd be willing to bet that most people who are vehemently defending the first film would take issue with calling the cartoon "shitty."Frankie said:No one in this thread that I've noticed hated it for not being that shitty cartoon we watched as kids. No one cares that it isn't.
But this is a point I'm not really interested in arguing too strongly about because what you responded to was just me being flippant.
I don't think people are upset at lack of plot or character developtment. I think they're upset at lack of Transformers vs Human scenes and terrible "action shots" where you can't tell what the hell is going on in the scene.ThatNickGuy said:It's a two plus hour live action adaptation of an 80s half hour animated toy commercial? Honestly, to expect any kind of decent plot or even ANY kind of character development is setting the bar too high.
No, it's getting worse.Cajungal said:It sure is fun, though, to go back and watch stuff that we thought was cool as kids. It's almost shocking how ridiculous it is. 'Makes me realize that kids' TV isn't getting worse... I just know it sucks before the kids do.
Honestly, modern children's television is far better than what you and I had as kids. The past 5-10 years has seen some really remarkable kids shows.Shegokigo said:No, it's getting worse.
I disagree on all levels, then again I didn't watch alot of my kids shows as most others did as I was exposed to alot of anime.Kissinger said:Honestly, modern children's television is far better than what you and I had as kids. The past 5-10 years has seen some really remarkable kids shows.
I will, on Netflix, for free. That's exactly what it deserves from me.Calleja said:I'm probably not gonna ever see it again, but I'm glad I did see it. I don't feel like I wasted my two hours, this is... this is something you just have to see. Even if just to learn what the world is coming to.
Dude. DUDE. The very poignant lesson is to always travel with a neurotic vegetarian computer nerd, because you never know when she'll be able to save you from a dinosaur attack by hacking into a corny 90s computer system.Twitch said:When I go to watch Jurassic Park I don't go for the social commentary. There is no deep soul searching in that movie. I did not learn a valuable lesson other than how not to hunt raptors. I went in to Jurassic Park expecting Dinosaurs to rip the shit out of stuff. I got Dinosaurs ripping the shit out of shit and one of my favorite movies of all time. JP did not make me think but I had a damn good time watching an excellent piece of film, this is not offered by Transformers. Does this make me an elitist dick?
I always thought it was interesting that in the book the girl is a useless bag of meat and in the movie they switch the two kids...Cajungal said:Dude. DUDE. The very poignant lesson is to always travel with a neurotic vegetarian computer nerd, because you never know when she'll be able to save you from a dinosaur attack by hacking into a corny 90s computer system.Twitch said:When I go to watch Jurassic Park I don't go for the social commentary. There is no deep soul searching in that movie. I did not learn a valuable lesson other than how not to hunt raptors. I went in to Jurassic Park expecting Dinosaurs to rip the shit out of stuff. I got Dinosaurs ripping the shit out of shit and one of my favorite movies of all time. JP did not make me think but I had a damn good time watching an excellent piece of film, this is not offered by Transformers. Does this make me an elitist dick?
But the formula wasCajungal said:They were BOTH kind of useless until the very end.
Stupid movies are going to be made no matter what we do. There is always going to plenty of people who will go to ever film with "movie" in the title even if they hated all the ones before it. Plenty of people who will see someone fart in a trailer and decide that's going to be their movie of the summer. Bad movies will never cease to be.@Li3n said:Sure, go see it, make it a financial successful film... what could possibly go wrong: ... he-gobots/
Shawnacy said:It's Hollywood. I know that no matter how many stupid explosion movies they make, there will be plenty of "good" films as well.
Ironic that it's actually quite a dumb film that's still fun to watch?Shegokigo said:Shawnacy said:It's Hollywood. I know that no matter how many stupid explosion movies they make, there will be plenty of "good" films as well.![]()
A movie based on the future of your line of thinking Shawnacy.
Stupid movies are going to be made no matter what we do. There is always going to plenty of people who will go to ever film with "movie" in the title even if they hated all the ones before it. Plenty of people who will see someone fart in a trailer and decide that's going to be their movie of the summer. Bad movies will never cease to be.
Stupidity is the cause of bad movies... pay attention pls.Krisken said:Stupid movies making money isn't the cause of stupidity.
Indeed. We need to get you headed in the right direction towards your Global Leader position. I'm sure people are very excited about your "Burn alive anyone who bought a Transformers 2 ticket" platform. But oh my... is that a new Mario Bros coming out? Shame you won't have time for that. I was even going to let you play Mario.@Li3n said:Stupid movies are going to be made no matter what we do. There is always going to plenty of people who will go to ever film with "movie" in the title even if they hated all the ones before it. Plenty of people who will see someone fart in a trailer and decide that's going to be their movie of the summer. Bad movies will never cease to be.
Oh yeah... they'll always be someone like you... unless i manage to take over the world... then i'll just be using you people as alternate fuel... man, i need to get started on that already... but then i'll have even less time for videogames... :aaahhh:
That's why my friends and I have a Bad Movie night. Nothing like home brew MST3K.@Li3n said:Stupidity is the cause of bad movies... pay attention pls.Krisken said:Stupid movies making money isn't the cause of stupidity.
I like Luigi better anyhow... you know he's the brains behind the operation.Shawnacy said:I was even going to let you play Mario.
In my opinion anyone who can threaten the world into fearful obedience deserves to be in control.@Li3n said:I like Luigi better anyhow... you know he's the brains behind the operation.Shawnacy said:I was even going to let you play Mario.
Also, being elected?! That would just make me feel dirty... using a death ray would be less embarrassing then that.
You're gonna have to do way more boot-licking then that to make up for liking the Transformer movie... but it's a good start.Shawnacy said:In my opinion anyone who can threaten the world into fearful obedience deserves to be in control.
And you're going to have to do a lot to prove to me you deserve the world.@Li3n said:You're gonna have to do way more boot-licking then that to make up for liking the Transformer movie... but it's a good start.Shawnacy said:In my opinion anyone who can threaten the world into fearful obedience deserves to be in control.
I think i'll start with an iron maiden and work my way up from there... when you're convinced you can let me know by being silent for 30 seconds...Shawnacy said:And you're going to have to do a lot to prove to me you deserve the world.
Green >> Red !Shawnacy said:Preferring Luigi over Mario is NOT a good start. :tongue:
The only time Luigi gets his own game he runs around with a flashlight as he screams and dashes around in a panic.@Li3n said:I think i'll start with an iron maiden and work my way up from there... when you're convinced you can let me know by being silent for 30 seconds...Shawnacy said:And you're going to have to do a lot to prove to me you deserve the world.![]()
Green >> Red !Shawnacy said:Preferring Luigi over Mario is NOT a good start. :tongue:
Falling for such a transparent attempt at obfuscation? How disappointing...Shawnacy said:The only time Luigi gets his own game he runs around with a flashlight as he screams and dashes around in a panic.
You really prefer that over heroic and competent Mario?
*Gasp* Of course! :aaahhh:@Li3n said:Falling for such a transparent attempt at obfuscation? How disappointing...Shawnacy said:The only time Luigi gets his own game he runs around with a flashlight as he screams and dashes around in a panic.
You really prefer that over heroic and competent Mario?
So someone should have said to you:Koko said:Just got back from the midnight premire.
Needless to say, I've lost quite a bit of faith in cinema.
I'm going to see it because the first one entertained me, as I'm thinking the second one will entertain me. In other words, I don't think it was shit, and just because you have a concensus here that you didn't like it doesn't change my personal opinion. The job of movies is to entertain me, if it has done so, it is a good movie.DarkAudit said:"I'm gonna go see it anyway. Who cares if it's poop."
smurf YOU. smurf all y'all. YOU are the reason Hollywood is drowning us in a pile of excrement. You idiots are encouraging this and more of the same. You are the people who curse Uwe Boll's name, yet still line up and let him defecate on you for 100 minutes.
YOU are the reason Land of the Lost and Bewitched turned into Just Another smurfing Will Ferrell Movie.
That's your prerogative. And not the same as some of the other posts that are of the "seeing it just to spite the forum" type.Bowielee said:I'm going to see it because the first one entertained me, as I'm thinking the second one will entertain me. In other words, I don't think it was shit, and just because you have a concensus here that you didn't like it doesn't change my personal opinion. The job of movies is to entertain me, if it has done so, it is a good movie.DarkAudit said:"I'm gonna go see it anyway. Who cares if it's poop."
smurf YOU. smurf all y'all. YOU are the reason Hollywood is drowning us in a pile of excrement. You idiots are encouraging this and more of the same. You are the people who curse Uwe Boll's name, yet still line up and let him defecate on you for 100 minutes.
YOU are the reason Land of the Lost and Bewitched turned into Just Another smurfing Will Ferrell Movie.
That makes a movie good to me. If I leave the theater and don't feel like my money has just been stolen, then yes, I do want more of the same because I LIKED it.
Obviously you didn't watch the movie. It's stated quite clearly that any technology that was there were remnants of when intelligence was still abound and the only machines left were operated by having been taught how to by the previous generation, though as each generation got dumber, each machine fell further and further into ruination. So yeah.Shawnacy said:The concept of Idiocracy is flawed in many ways. I'm interested to see how a society of people with idiot IQs managed to come up with the technology that supports them so they can continue to be idiots.
I think you're reading way too much into, the vitriol is that a movie about big fighting robots turned into a blurry mash of metal and teen angst drama. That's it, not whatever you're taking it as.Krisken said:What I'm finding amusing (and it's probably only me) is the level of vitriol people are showing for a movie they won't see. This isn't some slippery slope where the fate of the human race hangs in the balance.
I was referring to what was on TV/Movies during Idiocracy, if you remember. I'll pass on "OW MY BALLS XII" because people like to see shit explode vs good cinema.Krisken said:Stupid movies making money isn't the cause of stupidity. Idiocracy wasn't even saying that.
Nothing wrong with enjoying a bad movie, when it's supposed to be a bad movie. When it's supposed to be a huge blockbuster action extraveganza? Yeah, takes a different meaning on all together.Krisken said:I feel a little sad for those of you who can't enjoy a bad movie every so often. If only to laugh at the sheer ludicrousness of it.
Should be the title of this thread, seriously.fade said:"Popcorn movie" and "poor directing meets total lack of plot" are NOT synonymous.
Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare ass farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?Chummer said:Idiocracy's version of cinema was great: A bare a** farting for 90 minutes.
God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
No, no its really not, as much as we all want to be hip and cynical about the human race. Mike Judge went at the satire and potential comedy with a sledgehammer.Chummer said:God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
I dunno Juski... this doesn't seem far from our future:ElJuski said:No, no its really not, as much as we all want to be hip and cynical about the human race. Mike Judge went at the satire and potential comedy with a sledgehammer.Chummer said:God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
300 was trash, but we had that thread already. Tastes or or no tastes lining up, Ebert is unquestionably a great reviewer even if you don't agree with him 100% of the time(I don't!).Gruebeard said:On the side topic: I enjoy watching and reading Ebert's reviews, but his tastes simply do not match up enough with mine to warrant actually listen to his conclusion on any particular flick. Dude didn't like 300.
It will be. It's being directed by a fantastic director with an IQ above an 8th grader. It has actual real actors in it, too. And there is absolutely no toy marketing tie-in!sixpackshaker said:I just hope Public Enemies will be a good movie. There needs to be some big movie redemption this summer.
Yes, really. Look around osmetime. Look at all the shit thats ranked high on tv. Stupid ass reality shows. Crap with Paris Hilton.ElJuski said:No, no its really not, as much as we all want to be hip and cynical about the human race. Mike Judge went at the satire and potential comedy with a sledgehammer.Chummer said:God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
MindDetective said:Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare a** farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?Chummer said:Idiocracy's version of cinema was great: A bare a** farting for 90 minutes.
God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
Never said I could spell worth a shit or not make typos.Shegokigo said:Also Juski, you can't deny that the dumb and inbred are breeding in much larger numbers than the intelligent and well educated.
Oh and Chummer, I love your post, but the multitude of grammical errors is kinda defeating your own point, unless you're using yourself as example. :tongue:
I definitely accept that people like different fucking movies, trust me. This thread was just trying to help people not get burned. The buzz and even the stupid moronic movie bloggers that sucked 300's pulsating cock like it was gonna spit out $100 bills were all saying that this one sucked after praising the first one. My boy Ebert from the first post gave the first one three stars! Even the not hoity-toity critics that loved Transformers 1 were trashing this one. That's what I was trying to get across.HoboNinja said:Charlie Dont Surf with their movie critic superiority complex can't accept that some people like different fucking movies then they are the idiots. By the way, 300 was fucking awesome!
Well, I don't have any statistics handy, but I can only imagine. We all deal with stupid people all the time. The bar can be set REAL low. I mean, take for instance, the boyfriend who "accidnetally" choke slammed a 2-year old too hard when they were rough housing (???). Now the local paper is talking about a dead 2 year old and a moronic boyfriend in custody. People can be hella dumb.Chummer said:Never said I could spell worth a shit or not make typos.Shegokigo said:Also Juski, you can't deny that the dumb and inbred are breeding in much larger numbers than the intelligent and well educated.
Oh and Chummer, I love your post, but the multitude of grammical errors is kinda defeating your own point, unless you're using yourself as example. :tongue:
god whatever charlie why you gotta keep up your schtick all the time godCharlie Dont Surf said:I definitely accept that people like different fucking movies, trust me. This thread was just trying to help people not get burned. The buzz and even the stupid moronic movie bloggers that sucked 300's pulsating cock like it was gonna spit out $100 bills were all saying that this one sucked after praising the first one. My boy Ebert from the first post gave the first one three stars! Even the not hoity-toity critics that loved Transformers 1 were trashing this one. That's what I was trying to get across.HoboNinja said:Charlie Dont Surf with their movie critic superiority complex can't accept that some people like different fucking movies then they are the idiots. By the way, 300 was fucking awesome!
Considering your usual style of posts, I thought you had gotten the point across very well with no real insults to be read.Charlie Dont Surf said:That's what I was trying to get across.
The film will make a mint, undeservedly so. Steven Spielberg should be embarrassed to have his name on shoddy storywork like this. Shame on you Steven. Kids will be lining up for this - and they'll be met with dog fucking, cussing, racial stereotypes and more. I seriously wonder if Spielberg was thinking of Mudflap & Skids as he watched the inauguration of Barack Obama - because he'd read the script at that point, he knew what his name was bringing, and yet he still had the gall to attend.
The filmmakers, studio and toymakers behind this film should be ashamed. To spend this type of money to bring this sort of hurtful and repugnant work to screen - it is an insult to every DREAM that so many have WORKed for, for years.
Terminator sucked ass.JCM said:Funnily how I went to the first Transformers movie expecting a good robot beat ´em up and got almost nothing but shaky shots, and I was forced into the cinema by a mate to watch "Teminator: Salvation", and it ended up being eeverything transformers could be.
sixpackshaker said:I need to go into Houston and take some of my African American friends to see this, just so they can yell "THAT'S RACIST" when the two crunk autobots start talking.
Chazwozel said:Terminator sucked ass.JCM said:Funnily how I went to the first Transformers movie expecting a good robot beat ´em up and got almost nothing but shaky shots, and I was forced into the cinema by a mate to watch "Teminator: Salvation", and it ended up being eeverything transformers could be.
Wait what? :bush: :rcain:JCM said:I agree, but it did work as a "good robot beat ´em up", as I said.
What the fuck is the internet!?
Wait, isn't that's what we've been saying all along?!"just turn your brain off" because it implies that you have to be stupid in order to enjoy the movie and that is being claimed as an asset.
Hell, during the intro!Cajungal said:I kind of wish they'd play Christian Bale's screaming during the credits.
There's no discussion here. Many have tried, such as Espy and (eventually) CDS. Too many other assholes come into this thread and start declaring everyone who disagrees with them stupid, or tells them to fuck off. *That* is what I complained about at the beginning of the thread, and it hasn't stopped. I understand your point - I even agree with it to a point - but you can't honestly expect people to offer a serious defenses of a movie while others are raining down insults on them.Kissinger said:It's fine if you liked the movie! Seriously, that's fine, the same things don't appeal to us, but if we're going to have a discussion, you need to participate in the discussion and don't just dismiss any dissenting opinion by saying, "All I wanted robots fighting and that's what I got, so I wasn't disappointed."
I'm pretty much done posting an opinion on anything for just this reason.A Troll said:...but you can't honestly expect people to offer a serious defenses of a movie while others are raining down insults on them.
Nah, if Hollywood is a steaming pile of hotspur (a claim with which I don't entirely agree), it's because of marketing and not the victims of marketing. Those people play their part, certainly, but so much attention is paid to opening weekend box office that the quest to get that box office can sacrifice everything else.DarkAudit said:I'll say it again, it's because of those people, because of YOU, that Hollywood is a steaming pile of hotspur these days.
Yes, but you're arguing with an opinion. No one is telling you that you should see it, and no one is pretending it is something it isn't. There comes a point where people stop sounding like knowledgeable critics and start sounding like intolerant zealots.DarkAudit said:The people who gleefully put down their money time after time to go watch poop, when they know damn well that it's poop? Damn right they're going to catch * for it. There's a point where "mindless fun" turned into "too smurfing stupid for words". And too many people continue to lap that up. I'll say it again, it's because of those people, because of YOU, that Hollywood is a steaming pile of hotspur these days. If Transformers 3 was 95 minutes of Optimus humping a washing machine and nothing else, many of you would still pay a premium to see it at the first midnight showing.
Krisken said:and no one is pretending it is something it isn't.
Why are we still having this argument if you are okay with people having their own taste in movies? Seems like you're okay with it, so long as they agree with yours.Kissinger said:No one has the conviction to try to actually defend their taste. It's fine if you liked the movie! Seriously, that's fine, the same things don't appeal to us, but if we're going to have a discussion, you need to participate in the discussion and don't just dismiss any dissenting opinion by saying, "All I wanted robots fighting and that's what I got, so I wasn't disappointed."
It seems to me that saying "I wasn't disappointed" is very weak praise.
Yo I can tell you where you can find some awesome minstrel shows tooShawnacy said:And I'm going to cheer when ...a racist robot does something racist.
I'm going to go ahead and assume he means laugh in an "Oh good lord, that's wrong and terrible" kind of way and not a "this will be a fun story to tell at the cross-burning" kind of way.Charlie Dont Surf said:Yo I can tell you where you can find some awesome minstrel shows tooShawnacy said:And I'm going to cheer when ...a racist robot does something racist.
I see "Puppet Up" live every two months or so.Charlie Dont Surf said:Yo I can tell you where you can find some awesome minstrel shows tooShawnacy said:And I'm going to cheer when ...a racist robot does something racist.
I love racist jokes and can laugh at holocaust gags and whatever the fuck. But I find it less funny when the stuff like in Transformers and Jeff Dunham is earnestly stupid and racist.Shawnacy said:I see "Puppet Up" live every two months or so.Charlie Dont Surf said:Yo I can tell you where you can find some awesome minstrel shows tooShawnacy said:And I'm going to cheer when ...a racist robot does something racist.
Last week there were meth-head bunnies butt humping each other.
I'm good.
I have a very broad sense of humor. I can laugh at things. Can you?
Bread and circusesShawnacy said:How does one determine what films are "poorly made?". Is it a lack of decent acting? Is it a poorly written script? Is it the overuse of special effects? I'm sure if you ask anyone at Industrial Light and Magic why they churned out a piece of crap like Transformers 2, they probably will want to punch you in the mouth.
Believe it or not there are movies out there that are so stupid, so dumb, and so awful that most audiences agree. When films like "Date Movie" or "Meet the Spartans" came out they were #1 for one week... then they dropped to like #8.
I'm about to see Transformers 2 in an hour or so. I'm not expecting Citizen Kane. I'm expecting a huge budget episode of Tranformers from the 1980s. Has anyone watched the show? It's a half hour toy commercial. If you walk into Tranformers 2 expecting art, how come I'm the "idiot" for going because I want to see giant robots and explosions?
I know there are good films out there. And I understand why we want to see more of them. I also have good news for you. There will always be "good" films. Just because the studios are encouraged to put out big budget explosion films, doesn't mean we won't see any more artsy films. Writers and Directors have just as much desire to make a decent film as we do seeing one. They want to be creative. They WANT to make a film that makes them stand out. Just because Michael Bay has stuck to explosions, doesn't mean directors like Tim Burton are going to follow suit because that's where the money is.
You guys want to see a good movie? Find your local indie theater. Check out those titles. I guarantee the special effects won't BE the film, so it's entirely up to the script to pull the film through. If you want a recent suggestion, go see "Moon". The special effects consist of models. Honest to gawd "I put this together with my hands" models. When that film is out on DVD, I'm picking it up. Because I like "good" movies too.
But by gawd I'm seeing Tranformers 2 today. And I'm going to cheer when something blows up and a racist robot does something racist.
There are two big-eared twin robots who are bumbling buffoons. One even has a gold tooth.Cajungal said:O.O Good lord, seriously?
Also, they can't read.BananaHands said:There are two big-eared twin robots who are bumbling buffoons. One even has a gold tooth.Cajungal said:O.O Good lord, seriously?
See? That's MmmmBay throwing some really relevant social commentary in there.Charlie Dont Surf said:Also, they can't read.BananaHands said:There are two big-eared twin robots who are bumbling buffoons. One even has a gold tooth.Cajungal said:O.O Good lord, seriously?
Don't forget their big dopey ears and their TOTALLY GHETTO WHACK MANNERISMS! I'm surprised that, during the scene at the deli one of them didn't pick up some watermelon.Charlie Dont Surf said:Also, they can't read.BananaHands said:There are two big-eared twin robots who are bumbling buffoons. One even has a gold tooth.Cajungal said:O.O Good lord, seriously?
Thats what's kind of blowing my mind about it.ElJuski said:AND PEOPLE ARE NOT OFFENDED BY THIS
And what bothers me the most is that only me and BananaHands were laughing at how fucking stupid it all was. Everybody else, on the other hand, thought that the blackobots were hi-fuckin-larious.Espy said:Thats what's kind of blowing my mind about it.ElJuski said:AND PEOPLE ARE NOT OFFENDED BY THIS
No one who has seen it it bothered by it?
One of the kids who works for me saw it last night and he had no idea what I was talking about when I explained why this was racist. He didn't get why them looking like monkey's was racist either.
Kids today.
Mostly the twin Jar-Jars, but yeah, the roomie is a close second.ElJuski said:Are you referring to Mudflap and Little Black Sambobot? Or to the protagonist's parents? Or the obnoxious college roomate? Or the handful of "special soldiers" who pointlessly point their guns at giant robots to no avail?![]()
But... but... your rep! Dear God, man, think of your rep!Charlie Dont Surf said:You know, for all my rep as a whiny touchy feely so and so, I'm actually much more offended by Bay's direction than the racist characters.
You earned it, kiddo. You want to watch shit, no one is gonna stop ya. But expect to be called a fool for doing so. And worse for encouraging more of the same garbage out of the folks in Hollywood. It's your fault we keep getting the same Will Ferrel movies over and over. It's your fault we get excrement like Date Movie and Meet the Spartans. Oh yeah. You've certainly earned it.SeriousJay said:<--- will support Transformers 2 this weekend and I don't have any expectations other than BOOM CRUNCH POW and Shia screaming "WATCH OUT"
Gotta love people being able to form an opinion based from here say. It seems this forum simply cannot have a polite and constructive discussion without people's opinions and tastes being berated.
Anchorman, Talledega Nights, and Step Brothers ruleDarkAudit said:the same Will Ferrel movies over and over.
life isn't pro wrestling hthSeriousJay said:Just for the sake to see you foam at the mouth, smark.
ElJuski said:Mudflap...Little Black Sambobot
SeriousJay said:here say
The day will come when "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" will be studied in film classes and shown at cult film festivals. It will be seen, in retrospect, as marking the end of an era. Of course there will be many more CGI-based action epics, but never again one this bloated, excessive, incomprehensible, long (149 minutes) or expensive (more than $200 million). Like the dinosaurs, the species has grown too big to survive, and will be wiped out in a cataclysmic event, replaced by more compact, durable forms.
Oh, I expect the movie will make a lot of money. It took in $16 million just in its Wednesday midnight opening. Todd Gilchrist, a most reasonable critic at Cinematical, wrote that it feels "destined to be the biggest movie of all time." I don't believe "Titanic" and "The Dark Knight" have much to fear, however, because (1) it has little to no appeal for non-fanboy or female audiences, and (2) many of those who do see it will find they simply cannot endure it. God help anyone viewing it from the front row of a traditional IMAX theater--even from the back row. It may benefit from being seen via DVD, with your "picture" setting dialed down from Vivid to Standard.
The term Assault on the Senses has become a cliché. It would be more accurate to describe the film simply as "painful." The volume is cranked way up, probably on studio instructions, and the sound track consists largely of steel crashing discordantly against steel. Occasionally a Bot voice will roar thunderingly out of the left-side speakers, (1) reminding us of Surround Sound, or (2) reminding the theater to have the guy take another look at those right-side speakers. Beneath that is boilerplate hard-pounding action music, alternating with deep bass voices intoning what sounds like Gregorian chant without the Latin, or maybe even without the words: Just apprehensive sounds, translating as Oh, no! No!
The action scenes can perhaps best be understood as abstract art. The Autobots® and Deceptibots®, which are assembled out of auto parts, make no functional or aesthetic sense. They have evolved into forms too complex to be comprehended. When two or more of the Bots are in battle, it is nearly impossible to distinguish one from the other. You can't comprehend most of what they're doing, except for an occasional fist flying, a built-in missile firing, or the always dependable belching of flames. Occasionally one gets a hole blown through it large enough to drive a truck through, pardon the expression.
You want to talk about incredible? I think it's incredible that any of the tiny flesh-and-blood human beings are still alive at the end of the story. As is conventional in action epics about gigantic monsters, the creatures seem to exist on a sliding scale--always possible in theory, I suppose, for a Bot, but disorienting for the audience. On the one hand, you have Bots large enough to rip the top off the Great Pyramid with its bare hands, and on the other, small enough to fit in the same frame with a human, and this movie is widescreen (2:35: 1). To be sure, a Bot can lean down to talk to a human, as Starscream® is doing in the pic with Shia. But when they're seen standing up there's a problem. Their heads are small to begin with, and the effect of perspective from the human eye-level makes many of them unfortunately look like pin-heads.
I didn't have a stop watch, but it seemed to me the elephantine action scenes were pretty much spaced out evenly through the movie. There was no starting out slow and building up to a big climax. The movie is pretty much all climax. The Autobots® and Deceptibots® must not have read the warning label on their Viagra. At last we see what a four-hour erection looks like.
The action is intercut with human scenes that seem dragged in kicking and screaming from another movie. There are broad sitcom situations and dialog as Shia Lebouef goes off to Princeton, and comic relief from his madcap mother (Julie White), who actually plays the most entertaining character in the movie. Then some romances that cement emotional bonds with the speed of Quick Glue, and are well within the PG-13 guidelines. Kevin Dunn and Miss White, as Mr. and Witwicky, are the only characters allowed the slightest dimension, confirming my suspicion that the most interesting conversation at a high school dance is likely to be had with the chaperones.
As is frequent in CGI action, the younger women are made to behave like he-men with boobs. College girls are able to turn instantly into combat-ready participants, except when they have to be dragged to safety by boys. They can out-run explosions with the best of them. Their hair, after countless explosions and long days in the desert heat, is always perfect enough for a shampoo commercial. I suspect many young lads prefer their women like this--at arm's length, if you see what I mean.
Much of the dialog falls under category of Look out! It's necessary in the editing of a film like this to punctuate the action with reaction shots. You're not really able to cut away to another Bot, because their heads are so tiny and so high up there, who knows what they're thinking? You need humans, who react to a blue screen or to a point in space and shout warnings and commands. Acting in a film like this is a season in hell, plus paycheck.
At well over two and a half hours, the film is unreasonably long. Since it's impossible to imagine a studio applauding the extra length and thus greater expense, the running time can possibly be attributed to the ego of Michael Bay, the director: If it is indeed destined to be the biggest movie of all time, who cares how long it is? I suspect it will be trimmed down to under two hours in some overseas markets, and if it is, the human scenes will be the easiest to cut. Then the luckless foreigners will be left with an unremitting Assault on the Senses.
Michael Bay is obviously under the impression that whatever he was doing deserved a 149-minute canvas to do it on. He likes doing this stuff. One pities the hapless animators, peering at their monitors far into the night, trying to distinguish one Bot's hub cap from another's. What we may see at work here is the paradox of rising expectations and diminishing returns . If the first "Transformers" (2007) ran 144 minutes and grossed over $300 million in North American alone, why not keep expanding?
Same goes for the Bots. In the stills with this blog, I have traced the history of Starscream® from its origin as a children's toy through its evolution in TV animation (1984) and the 2007 movie. It has grown steadily more complex, apparently feeding on larger and larger junk yards. Starscream® is now too much to comprehend, especially in Bay's typical average shot length of not much over one second. It pains me to say this, because the designer of several of the Bots was Josh Nizzi, a fellow Illinois grad from my home town. No doubt he has many other arrows in his quiver.
As for Michael Bay, he is only 44 and I hope he tires of this nonsense and returns to making real movies. He was only 31 when he made "Bad Boys" in 1995, and 32 when he made "The Rock." He had been in TV for years. He was a prodigy, like Steven Spielberg, But Spielberg was 47 when he directed "Schindler's List." Michael Bay seems to be evolving in the wrong direction.
So is the hyperactive blockbuster CGI action genre. If there is one thing everyone in Hollywood thinks they know for sure, it's that the three most important words in movie development are story, story, story. This is not a story: A group of inconsequential human characters watch animation.
The very best films in this genre, like Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" and Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man 2," had compelling characters, depended on strong human performances, told great stories, and skillfully integrated the live-action and the CGI. I've been making a list of my favorite robots, those few that evoked wonder and sympathy and were simple attacks of sound and images. I think of the gentle, loveable "Iron Giant" (1999), by Brad Bird. And the genius of Jon Favreau's "Iron Man" (2008), with its final battle we really got involved in. And I think of another robot whose body was made of junk yard parts. Its name was "WALL-E." That was the 2008 film by Andrew Stanton that some people believe was robbed of a Best Picture nomination by the creation of the animation category.
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" will no doubt gross many millions. There will no doubt be a sequel. But when audiences fell hammered down by a film, they are less likely to fall for another marketing campaign. If Hollywood wants the "Transformers" franchise to endure, maybe they should hire one of those directors. They still know how to make a movie.
Oh c'mon, it still totally is...DarkAudit said:People back in the 40s thought Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs was hi-fuckin-larious, too.![]()
A) uhm...Bubble181 said:a) either it's 149 minutes, or it's "well over two and a half hours", or that guy uses different hours than I do.
b) Spiderman 2 as one of the great movies with story and action?*shudder*
c) Otherwise, ouch.
Uncle Ruckus!Shawnacy said:The twin bots were a bit annoying but whatever. I've seen worse "black" characters on the Boondocks.
Wheelie, Jetfire, and Soundwave were probably my favorite transformers, with soundwave being the only one of the decepticons that didn't turn out to be abso-floggin-lutley useless.Shawnacy said:I think my favorite characters in the film were Wheelie and Jetfire. I'm sure I would have also liked Arcee, but she was hardly in the film at all. Speaking of Arcee... is she all the bikes or just the pink one?
If Jetfire had a father, and Optimus is a descendant of the first Primes it makes me wonder how these guys supposedly breed.GeneralOrder24 said:Uncle Ruckus!Shawnacy said:The twin bots were a bit annoying but whatever. I've seen worse "black" characters on the Boondocks.
Wheelie, Jetfire, and Soundwave were probably my favorite transformers, with soundwave being the only one of the decepticons that didn't turn out to be abso-floggin-lutley useless.Shawnacy said:I think my favorite characters in the film were Wheelie and Jetfire. I'm sure I would have also liked Arcee, but she was hardly in the film at all. Speaking of Arcee... is she all the bikes or just the pink one?
Jetfire definitley had the line of the movie: [spoiler:38u7fyzi]My father was the wheel! The first wheel! And do you know what he transformed into? NOTHING! But he did so with honor![/spoiler:38u7fyzi]
As far as Arcee, from everything I've read, the three bikes share a single conciousness, and are supposedly supposed to be able to form one giant robot.
I'm.....really sorry.Cajungal said:Weeelllll, the fellow wants me to see it. He's taking me this weekend. I'll report back my opinion for those who care to hear it.
Eh, that's ok. He's making me dinner and Saturday we get to do what I wanna do. I'll just MST it in my head. ^_^Charlie Dont Surf said:I'm.....really sorry.Cajungal said:Weeelllll, the fellow wants me to see it. He's taking me this weekend. I'll report back my opinion for those who care to hear it.
Speaking of which...I'd love to see weed brownies that immediately go into rubbish.sixpackshaker said:Parental Drug Use - effects were totally off the mark.
Now there's something we can agree on. I DO hate Shia Lecantact.Shegokigo said:Saddest part about it? I could stomach the bad plot, shallow acting, deformation of my childhood heroes (Megatron/Starscream), what's keeping me the MOST from watching it?
Dead serious. A movie can redeem itself in my eyes with little moments. The interaction between Starscream and Megatron (the 30seconds of it) in the first film almost completely redeemed the film for me. The Starscream vs F16 fighters? Almost did it. What kept killing it? The camera going to Shia. Turned my stomach everytime.Bowielee said:Now there's something we can agree on. I DO hate Shia Lecantact.
Just a question: you realize the concept of satire, right? The Boondocks characters are SUPPOSED to be bad, to point out how the media portrays black culture SERIOUSLY in the media.Shawnacy said:The twin bots were a bit annoying but whatever. I've seen worse "black" characters on the Boondocks.
Yeah, taking Boondocks and face value is justElJuski said:Just a question: you realize the concept of satire, right? The Boondocks characters are SUPPOSED to be bad, to point out how the media portrays black culture SERIOUSLY in the media.
They're the Jar Jars of this movie. Annoying as hell and totally pointless.Shegokigo said:Yeah, taking Boondocks and face value is justElJuski said:Just a question: you realize the concept of satire, right? The Boondocks characters are SUPPOSED to be bad, to point out how the media portrays black culture SERIOUSLY in the media.![]()
I'm curious to these "stereotype" bots now, I mean, they sound like Jazz x9000.
Posts like this make me think Spike Lee was right with "Bamboozled". A minstrel show on TV probably would be a hit, and no one would get why it should be offensive.Adammon said:All of the complaints about the quality of the film aside, the snarking about the 'racist caricatures' of some of the transformers smells of the same 'racist caricature' complaints of Episode One.
Caricatures are meant to be exaggerated - and one of the ways to fake personality in CGI is to use caricatures. I suppose that Mr Bay could have made the gold-toothed bots speak with an English accent and prance about all frilly style however that kind of dissonance would have pulled people right out of the movie.
The complaints about "Little Black Sambobot" speak more about the poster than the movie - especially considering no one under the age of 19 is going to know what the hell you're talking about.
Yeah, it speaks of me as, "I try to be culturally aware and try to not let media conform my opinions about the outside world." The most pathetic thing is accepting these things at face value. There's a difference between a caricature and just horrible characterization. I mean, Jetfire was an old crotchety dude with an english accent. He was a poorly written character. But these guys are so blatantly racist that it just boggles the mind how people are just accepting it. This movie portrays big-eared, gold-toothed black robots who can't read. And people are sitting there and laughing at them.Adammon said:All of the complaints about the quality of the film aside, the snarking about the 'racist caricatures' of some of the transformers smells of the same 'racist caricature' complaints of Episode One.
Caricatures are meant to be exaggerated - and one of the ways to fake personality in CGI is to use caricatures. I suppose that Mr Bay could have made the gold-toothed bots speak with an English accent and prance about all frilly style however that kind of dissonance would have pulled people right out of the movie.
The complaints about "Little Black Sambobot" speak more about the poster than the movie - especially considering no one under the age of 19 is going to know what the hell you're talking about.
How can something 'should be offensive'? Either people are offended by it or not. From what I've seen, the only people offended by the bots are white people. I don't see NAACP jumping up and down, or Reverend Al Sharpton.DarkAudit said:Posts like this make me think Spike Lee was right with "Bamboozled". A minstrel show on TV probably would be a hit, and no one would get why it should be offensive.i:
I'm pretty sure the robots are red and green. You've just decided that they're black. Skids is actually voiced by a white guy. (Voiced by Tom Kenny, Spongebob)ElJuski said:This movie portrays big-eared, gold-toothed black robots who can't read. And people are sitting there and laughing at them.
Bowielee said:So, the interesting question is this.
Are the characters racist because they portray negative stereotypes of the african american culture?
Are the viewers racist for seeing those qualities put together and automatically associating them with african americans?
ElJuski said:No, you got me. They are not specifically a black colored car. They just talk like hood rats, have gold teeth, big ears and can't read. I'm sorry that I spent all my life taking in cultural, social, media norms and expectations. Obviously you were on Mars, under a rock, with your eyes closed and fingers jammed into your ears singing, "whooooahhhhhhh the hazzarrrrds of loooooove" while the rest of society watched, and coincidentally, was fed, different tropes, norms, expectations (oh the list goes on and on). So, you're either from the smurfing moon, or you're an idiot.
Also: He's voiced by a white guy, it can't be a portrayal of a black dude!
It certainly seems that way - but at least we're agreeing on that.
I got this one for you Juski no worries:ElJuski said:you're either from the fucking moon
Adammon said:ElJuski said:No, you got me. They are not specifically a black colored car. They just talk like hood rats, have gold teeth, big ears and can't read. I'm sorry that I spent all my life taking in cultural, social, media norms and expectations. Obviously you were on Mars, under a rock, with your eyes closed and fingers jammed into your ears singing, "whooooahhhhhhh the hazzarrrrds of loooooove" while the rest of society watched, and coincidentally, was fed, different tropes, norms, expectations (oh the list goes on and on). So, you're either from the smurfing moon, or you're an idiot.
Also: He's voiced by a white guy, it can't be a portrayal of a black dude!
It certainly seems that way - but at least we're agreeing on that.[/quote]
[size=7]psst! It was sarcasm! You actually don't agree.[/size]
I was countering his sarcasm with my own. I'm not an idiot.Cajungal said:psst! It was sarcasm! You actually don't agree.
OHHHHH, now I understand!Adammon said:I was countering his sarcasm with my own. I'm not an idiot.Cajungal said:psst! It was sarcasm! You actually don't agree.
well then again, so was the movie so it's appropriateGusto said:This thread is now about racism.
And here I thought I was an asshole yesterday.DarkAudit said:let's try this tack then...
ElJuski said:No, you got me. They are not specifically a black colored car. They just talk like hood rats, have gold teeth, big ears and can't read. I'm sorry that I spent all my life taking in cultural, social, media norms and expectations. Obviously you were on Mars, under a rock, with your eyes closed and fingers jammed into your ears singing, "whooooahhhhhhh the hazzarrrrds of loooooove" while the rest of society watched, and coincidentally, was fed, different tropes, norms, expectations (oh the list goes on and on). So, you're either from the smurfing moon, or you're an idiot.
Also: He's voiced by a white guy, it can't be a portrayal of a black dude!
Yeah, but they weren't making a statement about black stereotypes in Transformers. They wanted two buffoons that the audience could laugh at. At one point did these idiots show that they were anything but morons? The part where the one gets angry, screams obscenities and shoots at the big robot for eating him? Or how about when they fight over calling each other pussies and stumble into a secret chamber?DA, I used to work with a guy who thought that "The Jerk" was a racist movie because Steve Martin's character was "born a poor black child". Which is total crap because it's just the opposite. I have not (nor will I see) the movie, but the more I read about the characters the more that I realize that the stereotypes are a comedy bit. The two actors went into the studio together to record and the parts were unscripted. The whole thing was ad libbed by two comedians who played off of one another.
I haven't seen it, but every time I read about this, I think "Maybe they are supposed to depict MONKEYS, as the character in medieval literature. But then I remember you say they speack with stereotypical accents too.ThatNickGuy said:I've yet to see the movie, Dave, but from what I understand, it wasn't just the acting/portrayal that's got people up in arms; it's the look of the characters, that look like how black people were drawn in the early 20th century. They looked savage, almost ape-like, with giant monkey-like ears, etc.
I hate that. I hate the reasoning that filming action scenes like the camera is strapped to the back of a rabid, seizuring dog is meant to look more intense. You know what would be more intense? Writing and filming the scene properly so your piss-poor CGI choreography needs to be covered up by said style of filming. Or, you know, using things like the musical score to make the action more intense.BananaHands said:Also, spin the camera around the characters to make a scene intense. Rinse. Repeat.
But how else would monkeys speak?!Silver Jelly said:I haven't seen it, but every time I read about this, I think "Maybe they are supposed to depict MONKEYS, as the character in medieval literature. But then I remember you say they speack with stereotypical accents too.
But how else would monkeys speak?![/quote:1o1ro2l7]@Li3n said:[quote="Silver Jelly":1o1ro2l7]
I haven't seen it, but every time I read about this, I think "Maybe they are supposed to depict MONKEYS, as the character in medieval literature. But then I remember you say they speack with stereotypical accents too.
* hi fives Dave*Edrondol said:I just wrote a big-assed post and when I submitted I saw responses by Banana & Juski. Deleting what I wrote to concede and agree that not all audiences will be as discerning to parody.
Now I'm REALLY not seeing this movie.
Instead of being derided and insulted for not knowing 'what I should know', right?ElJuski said:You don't have to be a white knight just have to be smart, and decipher the media for yourself--instead of letting it passively encode you, and telling you what YOU should know.
Well you obviously missed one of the most ham-fisted stereotypes in the most ham-fisted movie of 2009. I don't have any hope for you. No, no; I really think you're just fucking stupid.Adammon said:Instead of being derided and insulted for not knowing 'what I should know', right?ElJuski said:You don't have to be a white knight just have to be smart, and decipher the media for yourself--instead of letting it passively encode you, and telling you what YOU should know.![]()
Just making sure we were clear, gotcha.ElJuski said:Well you obviously missed one of the most ham-fisted stereotypes in the most ham-fisted movie of 2009. I don't have any hope for you. No, no; I really think you're just smurfing stupid.Adammon said:Instead of being derided and insulted for not knowing 'what I should know', right?ElJuski said:You don't have to be a white knight just have to be smart, and decipher the media for yourself--instead of letting it passively encode you, and telling you what YOU should know.![]()
You know what, nevermind. I had this philosophical argument about racism vs. caricature and the subtle but real differences between, but I have a feeling from trends I've seen on this board, that discussion would go over like a lead balloon, and I'd ironically end up labeled a racism. Suffice it to say I had a similar mental debate about the two when I read this post. First reaction to the bots: "Whoa, that's racist." Second: "Wait, is it? It's a terrible caricature that probably should have been avoided, but does that necessarily imply racism--that these bots were written this way because they're black?"ElJuski said:Yeah, it speaks of me as, "I try to be culturally aware and try to not let media conform my opinions about the outside world." The most pathetic thing is accepting these things at face value. There's a difference between a caricature and just horrible characterization. I mean, Jetfire was an old crotchety dude with an english accent. He was a poorly written character. But these guys are so blatantly racist that it just boggles the mind how people are just accepting it. This movie portrays big-eared, gold-toothed black robots who can't read. And people are sitting there and laughing at them.Adammon said:All of the complaints about the quality of the film aside, the snarking about the 'racist caricatures' of some of the transformers smells of the same 'racist caricature' complaints of Episode One.
Caricatures are meant to be exaggerated - and one of the ways to fake personality in CGI is to use caricatures. I suppose that Mr Bay could have made the gold-toothed bots speak with an English accent and prance about all frilly style however that kind of dissonance would have pulled people right out of the movie.
The complaints about "Little Black Sambobot" speak more about the poster than the movie - especially considering no one under the age of 19 is going to know what the * you're talking about.
Join me my racist brother!fade said:You know what, nevermind. I had this philosophical argument about racism vs. caricature and the subtle but real differences between, but I have a feeling from trends I've seen on this board, that discussion would go over like a lead balloon, and I'd ironically end up labeled a racism. Suffice it to say I had a similar mental debate about the two when I read this post. First reaction to the bots: "Whoa, that's racist." Second: "Wait, is it? It's a terrible caricature that probably should have been avoided, but does that necessarily imply racism--that these bots were written this way because they're black?"
I think it might simply because they use negative racial stereotypes that have been used to parody and insult black people for years. It has the effect of reinforcing these stereotypes such as the "crunk" or that the black people look like monkeys and can't read. The more I read about this the more I fall on Juski's side. Yes, the slurs may be off the cuff and the racism unintentional, but the effect is the same as it would be had it been on purpose.fade said:It's a terrible caricature that probably should have been avoided, but does that necessarily imply racism--that these bots were written this way because they're black?"
But how else would monkeys speak?![/quote:3m9q4f6w]Silver Jelly said:[quote="@Li3n":3m9q4f6w][quote="Silver Jelly":3m9q4f6w]
I haven't seen it, but every time I read about this, I think "Maybe they are supposed to depict MONKEYS, as the character in medieval literature. But then I remember you say they speack with stereotypical accents too.
That's the thing. Any educated person (or socially/culturally informed) can be able to perceive what is going on here. Now we take the next step above: what is the intention? The intention was that these characters were made for comedy. And, taken in context with the shallow and vaccuous brain-dead two and a half hour's really hard to say that what we're dealing with is satire.Edrondol said:I think it might simply because they use negative racial stereotypes that have been used to parody and insult black people for years. It has the effect of reinforcing these stereotypes such as the "crunk" or that the black people look like monkeys and can't read. The more I read about this the more I fall on Juski's side. Yes, the slurs may be off the cuff and the racism unintentional, but the effect is the same as it would be had it been on purpose.fade said:It's a terrible caricature that probably should have been avoided, but does that necessarily imply racism--that these bots were written this way because they're black?" said:I can't wait until people get this bent out of shape over Jewish or Muslim stereotypes.
I can't wait until Transformers 3 has Dirkabot, complete with metallic head wrap. Of course, he's the fiery demolitions expert.Krisken said:I can't wait until people get this bent out of shape over Jewish or Muslim stereotypes.
And Cosbyness is next to Godliness.Espy said:Well, Bill Cosby doesn't care for it.Shannow said:Crunk is bad?
Damn Straight.Krisken said:And Cosbyness is next to Godliness.Espy said:Well, Bill Cosby doesn't care for it.Shannow said:Crunk is bad?
What. The. Fuck? Seriously. What. The. Fuck?fade said:that these bots were written this way because they're black?"
People don't usually get paid to be a masochist.Charlie Dont Surf said:
Just pimping the sister thread that is designed to hurt kissinger and myself.
Krisken said:People don't usually get paid to be a masochist.Charlie Dont Surf said:
Just pimping the sister thread that is designed to hurt kissinger and myself.
Professional film critics do this regularly, actually.Krisken said:People don't usually get paid to be a masochist.
But how else would monkeys speak?![/quote:3frd1lcy]@Li3n said:[quote="Silver Jelly":3frd1lcy][quote="@Li3n":3frd1lcy][quote="Silver Jelly":3frd1lcy]
I haven't seen it, but every time I read about this, I think "Maybe they are supposed to depict MONKEYS, as the character in medieval literature. But then I remember you say they speack with stereotypical accents too.
*reassuring hand-on-the-shoulder*Shannow said:I jsut got back.
I ...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. To everyone...for everything. All the reviews are right. I'm done tonight. I have nothing to say anymore. I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's alright, it's over now.Shannow said:I jsut got back.
I ...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. To everyone...for everything. All the reviews are right. I'm done tonight. I have nothing to say anymore. I'm sorry.
It's okay. It's done. We're here for you. It's going to be okay.Shannow said:I jsut got back.
I ...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. To everyone...for everything. All the reviews are right. I'm done tonight. I have nothing to say anymore. I'm sorry.
I'm convinced you have ADD.PhantomShadow said:Holy fck the nerd rage in this discussion. Were you guys raging on about how shitty George Lucas ruined your memories of star wars with the prequal trilogies?
I'm going to see this film at the drive in tomorrow evening along with abrams star trek.
I don't remember you guys being as pissed about Abrams re invention of the Trek universe by creating a alternate reality.
I still hold my opinion that Abrams Star Trek will be my favorite film this year hoping Public Enemies next weekend replaces that.
I can't imagine how you guys will bitch about the shitty remake that GI Joe got when it comes August time.
I'm just expecting big fucking explosions with shitty action and dialogue.
The flaw in your argument is the Star Trek movie was good. Most didn't rage at it because it was still a solid film. The TF movie is not, however. People did rage at Episodes 1-3 because they were also bad. In fact the general argument is the same as TF2 in that there's maybe one or two redeemable action scenes, but the overall story and character development is shit/non-existent.PhantomShadow said:Holy fck the nerd rage in this discussion. Were you guys raging on about how shitty George Lucas ruined your memories of star wars with the prequal trilogies?
I'm going to see this film at the drive in tomorrow evening along with abrams star trek.
I don't remember you guys being as pissed about Abrams re invention of the Trek universe by creating a alternate reality.
I still hold my opinion that Abrams Star Trek will be my favorite film this year hoping Public Enemies next weekend replaces that.
I can't imagine how you guys will bitch about the shitty remake that GI Joe got when it comes August time.
I'm just expecting big fucking explosions with shitty action and dialogue.
Yep, the shitty toy commercial about individualistic people teaming up to fight bad guys is going to be about a bunch of bargain basement Ironmen that look alike fighting missiles in Paris.PhantomShadow said:Holy fck the nerd rage in this discussion. Were you guys raging on about how shitty George Lucas ruined your memories of star wars with the prequal trilogies?
I'm going to see this film at the drive in tomorrow evening along with abrams star trek.
I don't remember you guys being as * about Abrams re invention of the Trek universe by creating a alternate reality.
I still hold my opinion that Abrams Star Trek will be my favorite film this year hoping Public Enemies next weekend replaces that.
I can't imagine how you guys will * about the shitty remake that GI Joe got when it comes August time.
I'm just expecting big smurfing explosions with shitty action and dialogue.
It's what I do.ElJuski said:*drapes a warm towel over Shannow; hands him a coffee mug*
I know, man. We're in this...together.
@Chippy: you always show up RIGHT ON TIME, man.
I've never seen Star Wars.PhantomShadow said:Holy fck the nerd rage in this discussion. Were you guys raging on about how shitty George Lucas ruined your memories of star wars with the prequal trilogies?
I'm going to see this film at the drive in tomorrow evening along with abrams star trek.
I don't remember you guys being as pissed about Abrams re invention of the Trek universe by creating a alternate reality.
I still hold my opinion that Abrams Star Trek will be my favorite film this year hoping Public Enemies next weekend replaces that.
I can't imagine how you guys will bitch about the shitty remake that GI Joe got when it comes August time.
I'm just expecting big fucking explosions with shitty action and dialogue. one is mad that it isn't the old Transformers. People are mad (internet mad...which equates to casual indifference in actual emotions) that it's fucking awful and on it's way to being the biggest movie ever.PhantomShadow said:Holy fck the nerd rage in this discussion. Were you guys raging on about how shitty George Lucas ruined your memories of star wars with the prequal trilogies?
I'm going to see this film at the drive in tomorrow evening along with abrams star trek.
I don't remember you guys being as * about Abrams re invention of the Trek universe by creating a alternate reality.
I still hold my opinion that Abrams Star Trek will be my favorite film this year hoping Public Enemies next weekend replaces that.
I can't imagine how you guys will * about the shitty remake that GI Joe got when it comes August time.
I'm just expecting big smurfing explosions with shitty action and dialogue.
Can I just delete everything I've said in this thread and replace it with this because gat damnChippy said:I'm convinced you have ADD.
Except I live in NearDetroitLand.ElJuski said:I would hang out with Chippy. And I know he lives in the Chicagoland area AND YET HE DOESNT HANG OUT WITH ME >: (
Ignorance is bliss?! How original of you...Cog said:For a totally outsider point of view, I think the ones who liked the movie have different tastes and are happier that the rest.
The flipside is that with movies like Dark Knight and Up breaking box office records there are plenty of reasons for Hollywood to make Oscar worthy films too. But Hollywood can't spend the time to make nothing but masterpieces as the industry would quickly go bankrupt between films. Especially in today's world where movie piracy is common practice.@Li3n said:Ignorance is bliss?! How original of you...Cog said:For a totally outsider point of view, I think the ones who liked the movie have different tastes and are happier that the rest.
Watching and enjoying crappy movies is fine... as long as you buy them out of the bargain bin at your local store... otherwise you're just telling Hollywood we'll watch and crap they put out as long as is has fart jokes...
I do not know where to go with this post. All I can say is that I pity you. Where the whole Abrams thing in this post came from..I do not know. Most of the people here liked it. Most everyone liked it. it was a good, fun movie. Why bring that up? It has no bearing here whatsoever.PhantomShadow said:Holy fck the nerd rage in this discussion. Were you guys raging on about how shitty George Lucas ruined your memories of star wars with the prequal trilogies?
I'm going to see this film at the drive in tomorrow evening along with abrams star trek.
I don't remember you guys being as * about Abrams re invention of the Trek universe by creating a alternate reality.
I still hold my opinion that Abrams Star Trek will be my favorite film this year hoping Public Enemies next weekend replaces that.
I can't imagine how you guys will * about the shitty remake that GI Joe got when it comes August time.
I'm just expecting big smurfing explosions with shitty action and dialogue.
You are missing my point. The thing is that you are completly furious for something totally outside of your control and don't affect your life in the least.@Li3n said:Ignorance is bliss?! How original of you...Cog said:For a totally outsider point of view, I think the ones who liked the movie have different tastes and are happier that the rest.
Watching and enjoying crappy movies is fine... as long as you buy them out of the bargain bin at your local store... otherwise you're just telling Hollywood we'll watch and crap they put out as long as is has fart jokes...
[youtube=][/youtube:2veymaen]Cog said:You are missing my point. The thing is that you are completly furious for something totally outside of your control and don't affect your life in the least.@Li3n said:Ignorance is bliss?! How original of you...Cog said:For a totally outsider point of view, I think the ones who liked the movie have different tastes and are happier that the rest.
Watching and enjoying crappy movies is fine... as long as you buy them out of the bargain bin at your local store... otherwise you're just telling Hollywood we'll watch and crap they put out as long as is has fart jokes...
bhamv2 said:Just got back from Transformers.
I liked it a lot, almost to the point of loving it. Seriously considering going back and seeing it again.
(I'll think of it as making up for all the people who are vehemently opposed to seeing it :tongue: )
Yeah, he sure sounds furious, what with all that cussing and caps lock and screaming... oh wait...Cog said:You are missing my point. The thing is that you are completly furious for something totally outside of your control and don't affect your life in the least.@Li3n said:Ignorance is bliss?! How original of you...Cog said:For a totally outsider point of view, I think the ones who liked the movie have different tastes and are happier that the rest.
Watching and enjoying crappy movies is fine... as long as you buy them out of the bargain bin at your local store... otherwise you're just telling Hollywood we'll watch and crap they put out as long as is has fart jokes...
People who liked the movie´s story pretty much have bad taste, not terrible, but one has to be pretty much immature or a teenager to enjoy the terrible dialogue, blaxploitation and bland caharcters. The action sequences were great, not for me, mind you, but some people are fans of the whole shaky camera fad, so for them, it probably is a good action movie.Cog said:Let me see if I undertand what is happening here: Some people liked the movie. Others think that those who liked the movie are stupid and/or racist and others are angry because the people (hollywood) who used to entertain them no longer do that... For a totally outsider point of view, I think the ones who liked the movie have different tastes and are happier that the rest. Maybe its because they are stupid or maybe is because they don't take things so seriously.
I am, personally and for the first time, happy because in my city most of "big movies" are dubbed and maybe that will lessen the stereotypical aspect of this movie.
With this I can agree.JCM said:People who liked the movie´s story pretty much have bad taste, not terrible, but one has to be pretty much immature or a teenager to enjoy the terrible dialogue, blaxploitation and bland caharcters. The action sequences were great, not for me, mind you, but some people are fans of the whole shaky camera fad, so for them, it probably is a good action movie.
Really? I kind of enjoyed the whole thing minus the last 5 minutes (basically the way it ends).ElJuski said:Ha. Sheg, that was my favorite part of that movie. And possibly the only five minutes of that movie which I thought was worth the watching. BUT THATS A DIFFERENT TALE FOR A DIFFERENT DAY
I'm sorry for liking a movie you dislike. I'll... I'll try not to do it again in the future. :waah:ElJuski said:Bhamv, may god have mercy on your soul.
I was trying to say something like that with my Jurassic Park quote but I believe you said it better. Danke.ElJuski said:I know what a lot of you people are saying: I'm not looking for [glorified movie]. YES, WE KNOW THIS.
Not everything has to be all about brilliance and aesthetic, but there are craft that STILL apply when making ANY genre of film. You can see craft in comedy, action, horror. It's always there; there are people who are masterful at what they do, and there are fucking scrubs. Consider T2 in the later.
Now, barring that, you're thinking: well, it's going to be horrible so I'll drink a few beers and just laugh at it (like I laughed at Rambo 3!) Well you see, what happens is, is that this movie is so godawful terrible that it can't even be saved by ridicule. It's a lmbering, frankenstein abortion of a film that includes some of the worst characters and some of the most incomprehensible fight scenes. (Seriously, I want someone to try and say they actually saw what happened and with which robots it was. Describe in as much detail as possible, I don't want to hear "Optimus laid into a Decepticon."
This movie is a sheer assault on the eye balls and the brain, and is probably the worst movie of 2009 (so far. Oh god, and it's almost only 7 months in).
Yeah, but GI Joe has alot of things going for it:bhamv2 said:Except GI Joe. I am determined to see that movie, and like it too.
Movie magic? Nah.Shannow said:Lets be honest, it looks like it will be poop.
That is the same argument made here for TF2. It has giant robots fighting, what else do you want!?Shegokigo said:Movie magic? Nah.Shannow said:Lets be honest, it looks like it will be poop.
Deliver what I just described? I'm counting on it.
I'm sorry, I've been using the avatar that properly belongs to you for far too long, I'll change it posthaste. Here's a copy so you can crop it - I'm certain my version does not meet your approval.Kissinger said:"man i don't care that this game had shitty level design, boring fights, and infuriating controls. i wanted a guy with a huge gun blowing up evil aliens and that's what i got" - every halforum poster
"who cares if this book reads like it was written by a fourth grader with a learning disorder? just turn your brain off" - every halforum poster
"this picture of a pile of poop was literally created in mspaint with the spraypaint tool by someone with parkinson's but i liked it anyway. i wasn't expecting monet." - every halforum poster
That's what I've been pondering. It really makes you guys feel that much superior to put down the people who liked this movie?Shawnacy said:Why do you folks have to insult those with simply different tastes than you? A better sum up is, "some liked it. Some didn't".
+1bhamv2 said:That's what I've been pondering. It really makes you guys feel that much superior to put down the people who liked this movie?Shawnacy said:Why do you folks have to insult those with simply different tastes than you? A better sum up is, "some liked it. Some didn't".
Seriously guys, you don't like the Transformers movies. We get it. You don't like it when people defend the Transformers movies too, that's also clear. But do you have to dislike the people defending the movie? The people?
For all the intellectual superiority and maturity you guys feel disliking Transformers would show, are you really being mature and intelligent?
I'm done with this thread. No point clicking into a thread where a small clique of people delight in bullying others based on nothing more than movie preferences.
Earlier in thread:Shawnacy said:Sounds like Kiss knows how to make a good Transformers movie seeing how he knows exactly why the current ones are bad.
Can I read the script when you are done?
Feel free to work with Shannow and Juski if you like. Just make sure you share the credit with each other.
Why do you folks have to insult those with simply different tastes than you? A better sum up is, "some liked it. Some didn't". Am I stupid for enjoying a movie you don't? I can agree the movie has a horrible plot and script. But I can still be entertained by it. "Giant Robots" is just an easy way to sum up why I enjoy it. I could also elaborate and say I enjoyed the special effects, the explosions, the excitement, the action, and the giant robots.
MindDetective said:Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare ass farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?
+2Krisken said:+1bhamv2 said:That's what I've been pondering. It really makes you guys feel that much superior to put down the people who liked this movie?Shawnacy said:Why do you folks have to insult those with simply different tastes than you? A better sum up is, "some liked it. Some didn't".
Seriously guys, you don't like the Transformers movies. We get it. You don't like it when people defend the Transformers movies too, that's also clear. But do you have to dislike the people defending the movie? The people?
For all the intellectual superiority and maturity you guys feel disliking Transformers would show, are you really being mature and intelligent?
I'm done with this thread. No point clicking into a thread where a small clique of people delight in bullying others based on nothing more than movie preferences.
Bit out of context or does that have relevance?Shannow said:Earlier in thread:Shawnacy said:Sounds like Kiss knows how to make a good Transformers movie seeing how he knows exactly why the current ones are bad.
Can I read the script when you are done?
Feel free to work with Shannow and Juski if you like. Just make sure you share the credit with each other.
Why do you folks have to insult those with simply different tastes than you? A better sum up is, "some liked it. Some didn't". Am I stupid for enjoying a movie you don't? I can agree the movie has a horrible plot and script. But I can still be entertained by it. "Giant Robots" is just an easy way to sum up why I enjoy it. I could also elaborate and say I enjoyed the special effects, the explosions, the excitement, the action, and the giant robots.
MindDetective said:Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare a** farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?
Alright. You didn't enjoy it. I recommend not seeing it again or purchasing the DVD.Shannow said:So, I am wrong for pointing out why I did not liek this movie? I even gave a couple specific examples, both in this thread and the other. I can give many more, if that would suit you.
And yes, I jsut wanted to see robots fighting, too.
The problem isn't when people say they didn't like the movie. The problem is when people present that opinion as absolute fact and then insult everyone who disagrees.Shannow said:So, I am wrong for pointing out why I did not liek this movie? I even gave a couple specific examples, both in this thread and the other. I can give many more, if that would suit you.
And yes, I jsut wanted to see robots fighting, too.
Relevance. Basically it was an extreme (albeit joking) example of the concept of dumbing down of the media, and why its accepted. Thats all.Shawnacy said:Bit out of context or does that have relevance?Shannow said:Earlier in thread:Shawnacy said:Sounds like Kiss knows how to make a good Transformers movie seeing how he knows exactly why the current ones are bad.
Can I read the script when you are done?
Feel free to work with Shannow and Juski if you like. Just make sure you share the credit with each other.
Why do you folks have to insult those with simply different tastes than you? A better sum up is, "some liked it. Some didn't". Am I stupid for enjoying a movie you don't? I can agree the movie has a horrible plot and script. But I can still be entertained by it. "Giant Robots" is just an easy way to sum up why I enjoy it. I could also elaborate and say I enjoyed the special effects, the explosions, the excitement, the action, and the giant robots.
MindDetective said:Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare a** farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?
The Troll teaches us something.A Troll said:The problem isn't when people say they didn't like the movie. The problem is when people present that opinion as absolute fact and then insult everyone who disagrees.Shannow said:So, I am wrong for pointing out why I did not liek this movie? I even gave a couple specific examples, both in this thread and the other. I can give many more, if that would suit you.
And yes, I jsut wanted to see robots fighting, too.
So no one should post anything on a forum, then? That is what you are saying here.Shawnacy said:Alright. You didn't enjoy it. I recommend not seeing it again or purchasing the DVD.Shannow said:So, I am wrong for pointing out why I did not liek this movie? I even gave a couple specific examples, both in this thread and the other. I can give many more, if that would suit you.
And yes, I jsut wanted to see robots fighting, too.
Buying the toys might be okay. I hear some of them look pretty snazzy.
Well that happens a lot; that's why books have editors. Now, if the whole book was a grammatical mess, and the author tried to talk to me like I was four, and didn't even explain the action scenes all that great...sixpackshaker said:"I am enjoying an action packed book, but the author left his preposition dangling, so I'll stop reading now."
Am I? *Checks* Not seeing it there.Shannow said:So no one should post anything on a forum, then? That is what you are saying here.Shawnacy said:Alright. You didn't enjoy it. I recommend not seeing it again or purchasing the DVD.Shannow said:So, I am wrong for pointing out why I did not liek this movie? I even gave a couple specific examples, both in this thread and the other. I can give many more, if that would suit you.
And yes, I jsut wanted to see robots fighting, too.
Buying the toys might be okay. I hear some of them look pretty snazzy.
Shawnacy said:Am I? *Checks* Not seeing it there.
Hmm. Let me consider if I possibly implied it. No... don't seem to be implying anything like that.
Forums are a great place to post opinions. But that's all they are. Opinions. You don't start arguments about opinions, and you sure as heck don't tell someone their opinion is wrong and they must be stupid to think that way.
*shrug* You're always going to get this douchebags who are so threatened by others opinions that they feel the need to trample on everyone elses. They're easily identifiable in this thread.Shawnacy said:Am I? *Checks* Not seeing it there.
Hmm. Let me consider if I possibly implied it. No... don't seem to be implying anything like that.
Forums are a great place to post opinions. But that's all they are. Opinions. You don't start arguments about opinions, and you sure as heck don't tell someone their opinion is wrong and they must be stupid to think that way.
LOL!Adammon said:*shrug* You're always going to get this douchebags who are so threatened by others opinions that they feel the need to trample on everyone elses. They're easily identifiable in this thread.Shawnacy said:Am I? *Checks* Not seeing it there.
Hmm. Let me consider if I possibly implied it. No... don't seem to be implying anything like that.
Forums are a great place to post opinions. But that's all they are. Opinions. You don't start arguments about opinions, and you sure as heck don't tell someone their opinion is wrong and they must be stupid to think that way.
Best just toand move on.
So is calling other people names because they like something different.Kissinger said:also this idea that opinions can never be wrong is frankly childish
Wow...I mean, just wow. I am not even going to touch that little bit of bait right there.Adammon said:*shrug* You're always going to get this douchebags who are so threatened by others opinions that they feel the need to trample on everyone elses. They're easily identifiable in this thread.Shawnacy said:Am I? *Checks* Not seeing it there.
Hmm. Let me consider if I possibly implied it. No... don't seem to be implying anything like that.
Forums are a great place to post opinions. But that's all they are. Opinions. You don't start arguments about opinions, and you sure as heck don't tell someone their opinion is wrong and they must be stupid to think that way.
Best just toand move on.
And fuck anyone who thinks otherwise!A Troll said:I'm not saying people shouldn't express opinions. I'm just saying they shouldn't follow up their opinions with something along the lines of "and smurf anyone who thinks otherwise." At least not when we're discussing a movie.
I am a master baiter after all.Shannow said:Wow...I mean, just wow. I am not even going to touch that little bit of bait right there.Adammon said:*shrug* You're always going to get this douchebags who are so threatened by others opinions that they feel the need to trample on everyone elses. They're easily identifiable in this thread.
Best just toand move on.
And here he says the girls tell him it's a good size.Shannow said:Wow...I mean, just wow. I am not even going to touch that little bit of bait right there.Adammon said:*shrug* You're always going to get this douchebags who are so threatened by others opinions that they feel the need to trample on everyone elses. They're easily identifiable in this thread.Shawnacy said:Am I? *Checks* Not seeing it there.
Hmm. Let me consider if I possibly implied it. No... don't seem to be implying anything like that.
Forums are a great place to post opinions. But that's all they are. Opinions. You don't start arguments about opinions, and you sure as heck don't tell someone their opinion is wrong and they must be stupid to think that way.
Best just toand move on.
It's quite apparent that various people on both sides are pushing each other's buttons now - and it's working. There's no real discussion going on, nevermind productive discussion.MindDetective said:I don't think it counts as trolling if it is just two sides disagreeing.
This. It's over really.stienman said:It's quite apparent that various people on both sides are pushing each other's buttons now - and it's working. There's no real discussion going on, nevermind productive discussion.MindDetective said:I don't think it counts as trolling if it is just two sides disagreeing.
And if either side isn't trolling, considering the extreme generalizations being made, well, that's just sad.
No. I watched Transformers 1 for giant robots fighting.Shannow said:That is the same argument made here for TF2. It has giant robots fighting, what else do you want!?
EVERY Halforum poster? Really?Kissinger said:"man i don't care that this game had shitty level design, boring fights, and infuriating controls. i wanted a guy with a huge gun blowing up evil aliens and that's what i got" - every halforum poster
"who cares if this book reads like it was written by a fourth grader with a learning disorder? just turn your brain off" - every halforum poster
"this picture of a pile of poop was literally created in mspaint with the spraypaint tool by someone with parkinson's but i liked it anyway. i wasn't expecting monet." - every halforum poster
You yourself are apart of this, Adam.stienman said:It's quite apparent that various people on both sides are pushing each other's buttons now - and it's working. There's no real discussion going on, nevermind productive discussion.MindDetective said:I don't think it counts as trolling if it is just two sides disagreeing.
And if either side isn't trolling, considering the extreme generalizations being made, well, that's just sad.
Well, maybe we need a different word for it.stienman said:It's quite apparent that various people on both sides are pushing each other's buttons now - and it's working. There's no real discussion going on, nevermind productive discussion.MindDetective said:I don't think it counts as trolling if it is just two sides disagreeing.
And if either side isn't trolling, considering the extreme generalizations being made, well, that's just sad.
Angry forum sex.MindDetective said:Well, maybe we need a different word for it.stienman said:It's quite apparent that various people on both sides are pushing each other's buttons now - and it's working. There's no real discussion going on, nevermind productive discussion.MindDetective said:I don't think it counts as trolling if it is just two sides disagreeing.
And if either side isn't trolling, considering the extreme generalizations being made, well, that's just sad.
Shen you missed my point entirely, there. I was saying that your post about GIJoe and why to see it was like what others were saying as to why to see TF2, thats all. I was comparing the two.Shegokigo said:No. I watched Transformers 1 for giant robots fighting.Shannow said:That is the same argument made here for TF2. It has giant robots fighting, what else do you want!?
I got 10minutes of it and 2hrs of Shia "acting" like an idiot.
I've stressed these are the reasons I am avoiding Transformers 2.
Because I answered it:Shannow said:Shen you missed my point entirely, there. I was saying that your post about GIJoe and why to see it was like what others were saying as to why to see TF2, thats all. I was comparing the two.
I'm going to call Godwin's on that last comment, cause I know where you are going.Kissinger said:taste is subjective, fine, but if you like the transformers movie, smurf, is there anything you WOULDN'T like?
also this idea that opinions can never be wrong is frankly childish
Till eventually it's all "Ow My Balls XIII" staring Ashton Kutcher IIIShannow said:the real problem is, by shelling out money constantly, we all just feed the cycle. And thats why the good big movies are fewer and further between. Thats the other problem with it all.
No, i see what you were saying there, but it just came off originally as, I am seeing it for this reason, whether its bad movie or not. And that was what a lot of the argument on TF2 was stemming from. That was jsut the way it came across in the opriginal post, so thats why i said that. Sorry.Shegokigo said:Because I answered it:Shannow said:Shen you missed my point entirely, there. I was saying that your post about GIJoe and why to see it was like what others were saying as to why to see TF2, thats all. I was comparing the two.
My hopes that GI Joe will be better than Transformers was due to the fact that it has better actors, it actually showcases the main characters instead of making them cameos. Oh and isn't being made by Michael Bay. How's that for differences?
Ah gotcha :uhhuh:Shannow said:No, i see what you were saying there, but it just came off originally as, I am seeing it for this reason, whether its bad movie or not. And that was what a lot of the argument on TF2 was stemming from. That was jsut the way it came across in the opriginal post, so thats why i said that. Sorry.
Well, I've been trying to keep myself apart from this... :tongue:Shannow said:You yourself are apart of this, Adam.stienman said:It's quite apparent that various people on both sides are pushing each other's buttons now - and it's working. There's no real discussion going on, nevermind productive discussion.MindDetective said:I don't think it counts as trolling if it is just two sides disagreeing.
And if either side isn't trolling, considering the extreme generalizations being made, well, that's just sad.
See I don't think that was the case at all, it seemed more like they were seeing someone eat paste sayingA Troll said:So is calling other people names because they like something different.
And that it's their fault all our food is now paste flavor. :tongue:Shegokigo said:See I don't think that was the case at all, it seemed more like they were seeing someone eat paste saying "I like paspte! Not cause it's tasty or filling, but because it sticks to the side of my mouth!" and they replied "Hey dumbass, eating paste is for retards"A Troll said:So is calling other people names because they like something different.
"Up" tastes like paste now? I suppose I should go back for a second helping then.DarkAudit said:And that it's their fault all our food is now paste flavor. :tongue:Shegokigo said:See I don't think that was the case at all, it seemed more like they were seeing someone eat paste saying "I like paspte! Not cause it's tasty or filling, but because it sticks to the side of my mouth!" and they replied "Hey dumbass, eating paste is for retards"A Troll said:So is calling other people names because they like something different.
I think it would be fair to say that "This Thread" is a horrible experience of unbearable length.Gusto said:Can we agree that this thread as served its purpose? I mean, I'M certainly enjoying it.
Gusto said:Can we agree that this thread as served its purpose? I mean, I'M certainly enjoying it.
Yeah, that is what she said.Adammon said:I think it would be fair to say that "This Thread" is a horrible experience of unbearable length.Gusto said:Can we agree that this thread as served its purpose? I mean, I'M certainly enjoying it.
Wouldn't it be adept thinking to say: Big Food Corporation sells paste at record numbers, therefore, they would make more paste and more paste and more until there was paste everywhere? I mean, since it sells so well, why not?DarkAudit said:And that it's their fault all our food is now paste flavor. :tongue:
That and it is easier to shell out than that other, better stuff!Shegokigo said:Wouldn't it be adept thinking to say: Big Food Corporation sells paste at record numbers, therefore, they would make more paste and more paste and more until there was paste everywhere? I mean, since it sells so well, why not?DarkAudit said:And that it's their fault all our food is now paste flavor. :tongue:
More accurately what I am saying is:IronBrig4 said:I think a lot of defenders are missing the point here. Just because lots of people are buying tickets doesn't mean it's a GOOD movie. Let's use another example of something bad that people like... how about Bud Light? Sure, millions of people buy it. But they drink that piss because it's cheap and therefore gets them trashed for less money. I'm sure nobody LIKES Bud Light.
Transformers 2 is in the same boat. Millions of people will buy tickets because they can switch off their brain and enjoy some puerile Michael Bay entertainment. Doesn't mean it's good.
On a side note, I hear that the Pirates of the Caribbean success has compelled Hollywood to remake the classic 1935 pirate movie Captain Blood. I hope to God they don't let Michael Bay get his hands on it. The passionate yet respectable Errol Flynn/Olivia de Havilland romance will be replaced with Megan Fox's sweaty cleavage, every sinking ship will explode like it was filled with C4, and the black servants will talk in 21st century street slang.
Except some people ACTUALLY DO LIKE BUD LIGHT. I know it's crazy, but they do. You give them a good beer for free and say "try this, it's what beer should taste like" and they can't even stomach one sip. Call them what ever you want, but they are the majority.ElJuski said:More accurately what I am saying is:IronBrig4 said:I think a lot of defenders are missing the point here. Just because lots of people are buying tickets doesn't mean it's a GOOD movie. Let's use another example of something bad that people like... how about Bud Light? Sure, millions of people buy it. But they drink that piss because it's cheap and therefore gets them trashed for less money. I'm sure nobody LIKES Bud Light.
Transformers 2 is in the same boat. Millions of people will buy tickets because they can switch off their brain and enjoy some puerile Michael Bay entertainment. Doesn't mean it's good.
On a side note, I hear that the Pirates of the Caribbean success has compelled Hollywood to remake the classic 1935 pirate movie Captain Blood. I hope to God they don't let Michael Bay get his hands on it. The passionate yet respectable Errol Flynn/Olivia de Havilland romance will be replaced with Megan Fox's sweaty cleavage, every sinking ship will explode like it was filled with C4, and the black servants will talk in 21st century street slang.
I drink Bud Light because its cheap and it gets me drunk. But suddenly, this case of Bud Light starts tasting like the absolute worst Bud Light ever. So bad that I don't want to drink Bud Light anymore.
HOWEVER, people keep BUYING the Bud Light. And the company is making millions off of this shitty Bud Light. So it looks like I won't get my decent Bud Light anytime soon anymore. All shit, all the time!
sixpackshaker said:Now you guys are just hitting the "I hate this because it is popular" button.
I am just defending my 4th choice in beer.Shannow said:sixpackshaker said:Now you guys are just hitting the "I hate this because it is popular" button.
Wait...what!? smurf that poop. We hate it because its a bad smurfing movie.
It doesn't have to be amazing, just respectable. Reasonable dialogue and characterization ain't that hard. I'm not calling people stupid for seeing it. I wish they would demand a little more from the people making these movies, though. It isn't a high demand, really, but people's expectation seem to be so low that they are willing to let very simple components of basic storytelling slide.Shakey said:The majority of people don't go to a movie like this to be amazed by the depth of the characters or the incredible writing.
You keep missing the point. Even for one of those movies, it's bad. And enough is enough. If people feel insulted that others have had enough, too bad. Because enough is enough.Shakey said:The majority of people don't go to a movie like this to be amazed by the depth of the characters or the incredible writing. They go there to shut their brain off and watch some stuff blow up. They aren't going to notice or care that the plot sucks and the writing could have been done by a 10 year old.
So basically, never discuss movies on the forum? Gotcha.Shakey said:Yelling and screaming about how stupid people are for going to see it does nothing except give you high blood pressure. Deal with it. People like movies for different reasons than you. Calling them an idiot does nothing to help your cause. It's a freakin movie.
FTFY.Shegokigo said:So basically, never discuss anything on the forum? Gotcha.Shakey said:Yelling and screaming about how stupid people are for going to see it does nothing except give you high blood pressure. Deal with it. People like movies for different reasons than you. Calling them an idiot does nothing to help your cause. It's a freakin movie.
Yelling and screaming is not discussing. Discuss all you want, I just don't see the point in the whole "you're an idiot and you're wrong" argument.Shegokigo said:So basically, never discuss movies on the forum? Gotcha.
If it's really enough and you're tired of crap movies, then show them by not going to it. How many people went to it because they wanted to see how bad it was? That doesn't seem counterproductive?DarkAudit said:You keep missing the point. Even for one of those movies, it's bad. And enough is enough. If people feel insulted that others have had enough, too bad. Because enough is enough.
So most people are idiots, and Hollywood films are going to get dumber and dumber until one day every movie is a SFX orgy between robots controlled by nubile women under the control of expressionless Keanu Reeves clones, with the occasional subplot of an akward clone high schooler trying to hit it with a nubile orgy robot controller.Shakey said:Except some people ACTUALLY DO LIKE BUD LIGHT. I know it's crazy, but they do. You give them a good beer for free and say "try this, it's what beer should taste like" and they can't even stomach one sip. Call them what ever you want, but they are the majority.ElJuski said:More accurately what I am saying is:IronBrig4 said:I think a lot of defenders are missing the point here. Just because lots of people are buying tickets doesn't mean it's a GOOD movie. Let's use another example of something bad that people like... how about Bud Light? Sure, millions of people buy it. But they drink that piss because it's cheap and therefore gets them trashed for less money. I'm sure nobody LIKES Bud Light.
Transformers 2 is in the same boat. Millions of people will buy tickets because they can switch off their brain and enjoy some puerile Michael Bay entertainment. Doesn't mean it's good.
On a side note, I hear that the Pirates of the Caribbean success has compelled Hollywood to remake the classic 1935 pirate movie Captain Blood. I hope to God they don't let Michael Bay get his hands on it. The passionate yet respectable Errol Flynn/Olivia de Havilland romance will be replaced with Megan Fox's sweaty cleavage, every sinking ship will explode like it was filled with C4, and the black servants will talk in 21st century street slang.
I drink Bud Light because its cheap and it gets me drunk. But suddenly, this case of Bud Light starts tasting like the absolute worst Bud Light ever. So bad that I don't want to drink Bud Light anymore.
HOWEVER, people keep BUYING the Bud Light. And the company is making millions off of this shitty Bud Light. So it looks like I won't get my decent Bud Light anytime soon anymore. All shit, all the time!
This is what annoys the me the most. I LOVE MINDLESS ACTION MOVIES. I'm not saying there should be a movie about big robots fighting ever because oh my oh dearie what would the neighbors think.North_Ranger said:Hmm... I have to admit I never saw the twin bots as racist - although I must admit that the minstrel shows and the like were a foreign phenomenon hereabouts (although making fun of the Roma is comparable). But I still think people are reading too much into the whole thing: to me, the twinbots sounded like wannabe gangstas, the white kids who think that using such slang will make them cool, along with wearing your pants half-mast and such.
The reading thing? Not racist. If memory serves, one of the twins said the language was ancient Cybertronian or something - in essence a dead language or one that has retained only ceremonial meaning. Kinda like an Autobot version of Latin that only the Primes know because it's part of their heritage. That's why they had to wake up ol' pappy Jetfire to tell them what the symbols mean.
And yes, I did see the movie. I went to see it for two reasons: big robots fighting and Megan Fox. And before you call me a Philistine, talk to my collection of Shakespeare plays and the Middle English version of The Canterbury Tales.
*climbs out of the pit and burns his hipwaders*
Now this is way too much. ^DarkAudit said:You keep missing the point. Even for one of those movies, it's bad. And enough is enough. If people feel insulted that others have had enough, too bad. Because enough is enough.Shakey said:The majority of people don't go to a movie like this to be amazed by the depth of the characters or the incredible writing. They go there to shut their brain off and watch some stuff blow up. They aren't going to notice or care that the plot sucks and the writing could have been done by a 10 year old.
But really gets me is people excusing the blatant racism. "I'm too young to know better." "But it's funny." "kids don't know what Little Black Sambo is" "" Seek help. You've got issues that are gonna bite you in the a** down the line. I'll show you this again. There's no difference between this and the two StepinFetchitBots...
Half the forum...ElJuski said:Also, half the forum?
:shock:Chippy said:Half the forum...ElJuski said:Also, half the forum?
Half forum...
*waits patiently for Lally to knock herself unconsious*Lally said:[sigh]
[bangs head on wall]
If I'm five pages late why is Dark still crying racism?ElJuski said:Shawnacy, you are five pages late of me calling out the racism of said film. It was an interesting discussion (ha).
Also, half the forum? Seems like a handful of people that are bantering about how this movie is anything more than a turd.
Did you just put Star Trek and UP budlights? Seriously?Shawnacy said:If I'm five pages late why is Dark still crying racism?ElJuski said:Shawnacy, you are five pages late of me calling out the racism of said film. It was an interesting discussion (ha).
Also, half the forum? Seems like a handful of people that are bantering about how this movie is anything more than a turd.
I've count you, Kissinger, Dark Audit, Shego, Charlie, and Shannow as the majority of haters of the film. And most of you are pulling the "Im right, and you're wrong cause yer dumb" argument. And if that's not enough you're all calling the downfall of cinema as we know it because apparently Tranformers 2 proves without a doubt that intellectual and overall "good" movies are not long for this world. Sometimes I wonder if you even put things into perspective at all. I'm looking at a list of movies in theater right now. Of them I can suggest the following as films that have been generally liked by Joe Blow Average and movie critics alike.
The Hangover, Up, Star Trek, Angels and Demons, Drag me to *, Moon, The Stoning of Soraya M.
Hollywood has survived blockbuster "budlights" before. I doubt Tranformers 2 is going to make any significant dent in it's structure.
Way to undercut your whole argument! No one's going to listen to you after you say thatScytheRexx said:I am probably the only person on the planet that enjoyed Star Wars Episode 1
Yeah, I went to Denny's for some late-night breakfast afterward, and mentioned to my friends [spoiler:1nq520l5]"man, that scene felt like such a deus ex machina."[/spoiler:1nq520l5]BananaHands said:Did anyone else notice that apparently there are...
That was so fucking cheesy. Made me rage.
I admit it, absolutely. I won't agree that someone is stupid because they like it though.Dieb said:Way to undercut your whole argument! No one's going to listen to you after you say thatScytheRexx said:I am probably the only person on the planet that enjoyed Star Wars Episode 1
Heh, just kidding, but on a more serious note - I haven't seen either Transformer movie, and I don't intend to. After I paid good money to see "Pearl Harbor", I was never going to let Bay get another dime from me. So I can't say anything about the movie, good or bad. I'd just like to point out that, from what I've read, most people's argument for Transformers is "hey, there's nothing wrong with mindless action movies!" And of course this is true. Sometimes, you just want to see some hot people kicking a** with explosions involved.
But that doesn't mean there aren't bad action movies! There's a difference between "Die Hard" and "Speed Two: Cruise Control", people. Now, again, I haven't seen this film. I have no idea at which end of the spectrum it lies. But can't people admit that a movie can be a dumb action film and be bad?
Pretty much the same for me.Krisken said:I admit it, absolutely. I won't agree that someone is stupid because they like it though.
So you read the reviews. You saw the first movie. You knew it was going to be a pile of shit. Yet you paid money to go see it just so you could complain about how big the pile of shit really was. Your money went towards proving that no matter how bad the movie is, if there are enough explosions and robots we will pay to see it.BananaHands said:Sorry, that's the movie to me. You guys can like, you guys can hate it. But I'm done with this thread, my $0.02 is in and reading fanboys WHO HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN IT defend it is just giving me a headache.
Oh, and if he wanted to make this a cartoony feel good movie, don't make every transformer swear just for the sake of swearing.
Again, you paid money to see this movie. You knew from reviews it was going to be horrid. You still went. You are as much to blame as those who only wanted KABLAM BOOM POW!Shannow said:I love the argument of "if you expected high cinema, you are wrong!!!"
We were not exopecting high fuckign cinema. What you cant get is that we expected to to be fucking insulkted with the lowest common demoniator of everything. What gets us is your argument of "I wanted big robots fighting!!" Thats fine, but expect a bit more from yourself. It was shit, it was way low brow, and it was made for idiots. yes, i said idiots. I am sorry. I can turn off my brain when i see something I want to, and I tried to here. But when I am bitch slapped by stupidity and bad acting and bad writing and bad direction SCENE AFTER SCENE AFTER SCENE, it gets to be much. And your attitude is why shit like this gets a 200 million dollar budget. That is the greatest insult to common fucking decency of all. Idiocracy was right, and you fall right inot that class.
For sure I'm part of that 60 million. But the whole experience taught me to never play into that never again.Shakey said:Again, you paid money to see this movie. You knew from reviews it was going to be horrid. You still went. You are as much to blame as those who only wanted KABLAM BOOM POW!Shannow said:I love the argument of "if you expected high cinema, you are wrong!!!"
We were not exopecting high fuckign cinema. What you cant get is that we expected to to be fucking insulkted with the lowest common demoniator of everything. What gets us is your argument of "I wanted big robots fighting!!" Thats fine, but expect a bit more from yourself. It was shit, it was way low brow, and it was made for idiots. yes, i said idiots. I am sorry. I can turn off my brain when i see something I want to, and I tried to here. But when I am bitch slapped by stupidity and bad acting and bad writing and bad direction SCENE AFTER SCENE AFTER SCENE, it gets to be much. And your attitude is why shit like this gets a 200 million dollar budget. That is the greatest insult to common fucking decency of all. Idiocracy was right, and you fall right inot that class.
Bowielee said:I'm just going to add that Roger Ebert is a pompus windbag. Those who can, do. Those who can't, become film critics.
You know, I don't agree with Chuck often (or at least admit to it) but I both agree with this sentiment, and have long hoped that 'now fuck along' would enter the standard lexicon.Charlie Dont Surf said:Bowielee said:I'm just going to add that Roger Ebert is a pompus windbag. Those who can, do. Those who can't, become film critics.
You couldn't be more wrong. Now fuck along.
Yea, don't mess with Ebert. He's a damn good writer, and not nearly as pompus as other film critics. He gives good reviews to good action/sci-fi/nerdy films. While I hardly agree with him all the time, he's much more open to non-artsy films than 99% of critics.Ravenpoe said:You know, I don't agree with Chuck often (or at least admit to it) but I both agree with this sentiment, and have long hoped that 'now smurf along' would enter the standard lexicon.Charlie Dont Surf said:Bowielee said:I'm just going to add that Roger Ebert is a pompus windbag. Those who can, do. Those who can't, become film critics.
You couldn't be more wrong. Now smurf along.
Most adult thing I've seen here so far.Espy said:For the record, I know many of you won't agree, and I know there is a raging battle between groups here. I don't think you are stupid if you liked it, I don't think you are an idiot. I think you are just a regular person. Most people will like this film.
So, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
We can just agree to disagree an move on.
Agreed, and I posted in this thread previously :bush:Krisken said:Most adult thing I've seen here so far.Espy said:For the record, I know many of you won't agree, and I know there is a raging battle between groups here. I don't think you are stupid if you liked it, I don't think you are an idiot. I think you are just a regular person. Most people will like this film.
So, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
We can just agree to disagree an move on.
This says everything I wanted to sayShannow said:It was shit, it was way low brow, and it was made for idiots. yes, i said idiots. I am sorry. I can turn off my brain when i see something I want to, and I tried to here. But when I am bitch slapped by stupidity and bad acting and bad writing and bad direction SCENE AFTER SCENE AFTER SCENE, it gets to be much. And your attitude is why shit like this gets a 200 million dollar budget. That is the greatest insult to common fucking decency of all. Idiocracy was right, and you fall right inot that class.
Forum reduces the imgShegokigo said:Agreed, can't read the text.Gadzooks said:too small
Wow, I never knew that. I was always copying and pasting targets into a new tab, which was a pain in the ass. Thanks!Shakey said:Click on the green box in the upper left of the image. It expands.
ThanksShakey said:Click on the green box in the upper left of the image. It expands.
While sounding excellent in theory, somehow I see a "Cultured Halforumites Recommend These Fine Works Of Art To You Base, Transformers-Sequel-Loving Buffoons" thread going over like a lead balloon. And what makes a "fine work of art" is so subjective, I fear that's what it'll turn into, despite anyone's best efforts.ElJuski said:Actually, the recommendation thread is a fantastic idea. I'll get cracking on that after the weekend.
If it's put forth like that, then of course it's not going to go over well. We're obviously capable of having a decent discussion on this forum, otherwise this place never would have made it.Lally said:"Cultured Halforumites Recommend These Fine Works Of Art To You Base, Transformers-Sequel-Loving Buffoons"
Then I don't understand how it's different from the forum itself. I have always regarded this community as a place where we recommend neat stuff to each other.Shakey said:If it's put forth like that, then of course it's not going to go over well. We're obviously capable of having a decent discussion on this forum, otherwise this place never would have made it.Lally said:"Cultured Halforumites Recommend These Fine Works Of Art To You Base, Transformers-Sequel-Loving Buffoons"
And that's the problem. Who decides that? As this thread shows better than any, there is a great disparity in the opinions on what sucks donkey balls and what doesn't. So, that's why I fear it will turn into a really snarky discussion as everyone tries to recommend things THEY think are awesome.Shakey said:Personally I like checking out smaller films that didn't get big releases. There's just so many of them it's easy for a good one to slip past. It doesn't even have to be considered a "fine work of art". Just something that most people might not normally look at. It would of course be nice if it didn't suck donkey balls, but whatever.
I've seen the forums manage to have a decent discussion about what they think is awesome. Specially in suggestion threads such as "you tube" threads. Our Tranformers thread just turned out to be one of the bad ones.Lally said:Then I don't understand how it's different from the forum itself. I have always regarded this community as a place where we recommend neat stuff to each other.Shakey said:If it's put forth like that, then of course it's not going to go over well. We're obviously capable of having a decent discussion on this forum, otherwise this place never would have made it.Lally said:"Cultured Halforumites Recommend These Fine Works Of Art To You Base, Transformers-Sequel-Loving Buffoons"
And that's the problem. Who decides that? As this thread shows better than any, there is a great disparity in the opinions on what sucks donkey balls and what doesn't. So, that's why I fear it will turn into a really snarky discussion as everyone tries to recommend things THEY think are awesome.Shakey said:Personally I like checking out smaller films that didn't get big releases. There's just so many of them it's easy for a good one to slip past. It doesn't even have to be considered a "fine work of art". Just something that most people might not normally look at. It would of course be nice if it didn't suck donkey balls, but whatever.
Movies, music, religion, and politics. Those seem to be the top four taken by many (myself included often times) to be a "I'm right, you're wrong".Shawnacy said:I've seen the forums manage to have a decent discussion about what they think is awesome. Specially in suggestion threads such as "you tube" threads. Our Tranformers thread just turned out to be one of the bad ones.
Whoever feels like stepping up to do it. I agree that everyone throwing out recommendations would be a mess. If Juski wants to do it, he can make the suggestions. Toss up a thread "Juski's movie(or book) of the week(or month) - insert title of the movie/book". Discussion hopefully ensues. If it turns in to another pissing contest than let it die.Lally said:And that's the problem. Who decides that? As this thread shows better than any, there is a great disparity in the opinions on what sucks donkey balls and what doesn't. So, that's why I fear it will turn into a really snarky discussion as everyone tries to recommend things THEY think are awesome.
That's exactly what I was looking for.ElJuski said:It doesn't have to be what you think is like, AWESOME!, but having a good discussion on artistic merits and aesthetes would be pretty exciting, for once.
I do agree with this... that's one of the reasons that the suggestion of a book club really got my mind ticking... something that everyone could participate in versus being handed down recommendations. I was an English/Lit major, so the thing I miss the most from college is reading novels and discussing themes/motifs/techniques/etc. I would love to organize something like that with the forum.ElJuski said:It doesn't have to be what you think is like, AWESOME!, but having a good discussion on artistic merits and aesthetes would be pretty exciting, for once.
This is true. As I left the theater I couldn't tell you the number of conversations being had by movie goers saying how great they thought the movie was. The local news interviewed people who had come from the movie and praised it. I doubt Micheal Bay is going to lose sleep knowing the 1% of the population that lives on the internet and systematically pans everything but the Gargolyes animated series didn't like his movie. He's making the movie for the other 99% of the population that will help it become a billion dollar box office draw. We hate Garfield but Jim Davis has created something that is universally known and enjoyed by millions. We hate Britney Spears but she's topped the charts countless times. We are the minority and the entertainment world doesn't give two flips about us or our opinion which pisses us off so much we must protest by voicing on disgust in the only place where we think a bunch of random strangers actually give two flips about our opinion (in truth they don't.) I didn't like the movie as much as the first one but I've mentioned earlier if I had to invest in a director for a film it would be Micheal Bay.Lally said:And that's the problem. Who decides that? As this thread shows better than any, there is a great disparity in the opinions on what sucks donkey balls and what doesn't. So, that's why I fear it will turn into a really snarky discussion as everyone tries to recommend things THEY think are awesome.
Steve said:This is true. As I left the theater I couldn't tell you the number of conversations being had by movie goers saying how great they thought the movie was. The local news interviewed people who had come from the movie and praised it. I doubt Micheal Bay is going to lose sleep knowing the 1% of the population that lives on the internet and systematically pans everything but the Gargolyes animated series didn't like his movie. He's making the movie for the other 99% of the population that will help it become a billion dollar box office draw. We hate Garfield but Jim Davis has created something that is universally known and enjoyed by millions. We hate Britney Spears but she's topped the charts countless times. We are the minority and the entertainment world doesn't give two flips about us or our opinion which pisses us off so much we must protest by voicing on disgust in the only place where we think a bunch of random strangers actually give two flips about our opinion (in truth they don't.) I didn't like the movie as much as the first one but I've mentioned earlier if I had to invest in a director for a film it would be Micheal Bay.Lally said:And that's the problem. Who decides that? As this thread shows better than any, there is a great disparity in the opinions on what sucks donkey balls and what doesn't. So, that's why I fear it will turn into a really snarky discussion as everyone tries to recommend things THEY think are awesome.