Trecherous Seduction

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I found this on my work computer.... yeah

Hope you like the word slut.

Chapter One
Blood was everywhere. It was dripping down my golden curtains, pearl walls, and the brick fireplace. On the floor was my dead sister; she was only fifteen. I was in total shock that I was frozen in place. Footsteps were coming down the hallway. I needed to hide quickly, so I hid in my hamper. Good thing I’m short and slender. Someone opened the double doors to my room.
“I know the sister of this dead girl is in here. I can smell you.” The voice was from a young man.
I kept breathing in and out slowly. I heard him silently walk through my room. He was looking for me.
“Cornelius! Come into this room and help me find the girl.”
Who is Cornelius? The name sounds familiar.
“I’m coming, Viktor.”
The man in here is Viktor? Prince Viktor? Why would he be here?
“I’m here. Did you check her hamper?”
“No, I will do that.”
The footsteps came closer to my hamper. Oh, shit. Viktor opened the hamper and yanked me out by my long, blond hair.
“Here is the little slut.”
“I am not a slut! What do you want from me? Let me down!”
“Shut up!”
He placed a white cloth over my mouth. Everything was becoming fuzzy, and I blacked out.
I woke up to the sound of Cornelius’s voice. I looked around, and I was in a large living room. I was lying on their scarlet chaise. My hands and legs were bound by rope. I couldn’t see any doors, just windows.
“She’s awake.” Cornelius said to Viktor.
“Hello, Princess Clea. You are in Viktor’s palace. I am his brother, Cornelius.”
“Why am I here?” I mumbled.
“Did I say you could ask questions? Be quiet. You are here because my country is in a state of chaos. Your country causes a lot of wars with us. If you are to marry Viktor, Cornelius, or Roman, then both of our countries will no longer be at war. We killed your sister to show your parents that we are a threat, and we are not afraid to kill you. What do you say, miss?”
“I say you’re pathetic. You killed my beloved sister, and you kidnapped me. Do you really think my parents are going to accept a marriage proposal? Our country starts war with your country because you do not know how to keep your people happy. I rather die than marry one of the likes of you.”
“Oh, be careful, Clea. We might actually take up your offer. We have proposed to your parents numerous times to have you marry one of us. They have refused every time. The people of this country are happy…just misguided. This country’s only problem is your country continually coming into our country to start unnecessary wars.”
He glared into my eyes and scoffed. “I don’t think I would like you as a wife. You are too outspoken for my taste. The proper place of a woman is to always agree with your husband.”
“I don’t know of any woman who obeys her husband.”
“Be quiet. You will soon meet my brother, Roman.”
“I don’t care about meeting your brother. I want to go home and grieve my sister’s death. She was only fifteen.”
I was in too much shock to cry about her death. I had to be strong because if I wasn’t, then I would break down. If they saw my vulnerability, then they would likely kill me.
He grabbed me by the throat. “Shut up, you little slut.”
How can I be a slut? A man has never even courted me before. I heard loud footsteps come closer to the room.
“What are you doing to her? She is a lady!”
“Roman, be quiet. You speak about her as if you have any pity for a noble of our enemy country.”
“She is a lady and should be treated as such.”
“You think she is a lady? She is a little spoiled slut.”
The nerve of this man!
“You’re asking for another war by keeping me here.”
“Oh, darling you won’t be here long if we kill you. We had a messenger send word to your parents. They have one month to accept a marriage offer, or we will kill you.”
Damn. What am I going to do?
“Since you do not deserve a guest room, you will stay with Roman. He seems to be the one most kind to you.”
“Excuse me?” Roman and I said at the same time.
“Look, both of you even speak at the same time.”
“What an unthinkable suggestion!” I exclaimed.
“I am the eldest. This is a command, not a suggestion.”
“Cornelius, to keep a lady in a room with a man when they are not married is absurd,” Roman commented.
“I don’t care. This is about war and politics. This has nothing to do with propriety. Show her to your room. She will need clothes, so I suppose you will have to take her shopping tonight.”
“What makes you think I won’t try to escape?” “Oh miss, that would be foolish.”
“Why is that?”
“It would be foolish because my brothers and I are vampires.”
I don't know what to say beyond that.

It's not fair for me to say no without explanation, so here it is:

I'm not interested in reading a story about wasteful vampires. There's only so much blood to go around, and slinging it about the room like that just isn't right. Were I their matriarch, I'd make them lick everything clean so they'd learn their lesson.
Added at: 23:06
Besides, here's a real treacherous seduction:


I think they could have used whore a time or two. Just to mix it up.


I actually have no clue. I just found it on my work compy and thought I better share this.
That makes no sense: clothes don't have a soul, they should not be reflected in mirrors! Pure logic!
Hey! That's anti-clothism! How dare you say they have no souls, you monster! Next you'll say they steal our lint, and that we should put them en masse in composting bins.
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