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Trump for President!






Whatever happens, it's going to be a very interesting republican convention. I can't wait to see Palin and Trump clash.

Honestly, though, I was for Perot, and I think Trump's business savvy could count for a lot. The real wars in the future will be economic, not militaristic, and we need to put ourselves in a good position now if we're going to stand a chance.




Plus, the man is a definite shark. That's sort of what we need right now.

I do agree that he might be a touch too thin-skinned, though... hopefully he has the sense to listen to his political advisors. I do agree that he could do very good things for an economic turnaround of this country, though.




I propose a new constitutional amendment that you must have been on at least one reality show to run for president.

The situation in 2020!



Plus, the man is a definite shark. That's sort of what we need right now.

I do agree that he might be a touch too thin-skinned, though... hopefully he has the sense to listen to his political advisors. I do agree that he could do very good things for an economic turnaround of this country, though.
Yeah just Google Trump + Rosie feud. ;)




Trump is the first person to ever lose money running casinos, he can't be that good.



Yeah, can't see him as the sort of guy who'd help improve your budget deficit.

I mean, have you seen inside Trump Tower?



Yeah, can't see him as the sort of guy who'd help improve your budget deficit.

I mean, have you seen inside Trump Tower?
No no... the question for Trump (and with which he would lose all his votes) would be "Have you ever seen the inside of a Wal-Mart?" followed by "What is the price of a gallon of milk?"




Business savy?

Trump Entertainment Resorts- Chapter 11 bankruptcy 2009
Trump Plaza Hotel- Chapter 11 bankruptcy 1992

I think I'll pass on this one.



Then again, if it does turn out to be him or Palin... huh.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Finally, a president that will bend over backwards for the interests of big business.


Wasabi Poptart

Having worked for one of his properties in Atlantic City, he is not business savvy. He knows how to borrow money and borrow against his own assets. We were forever hearing about how there was a big note coming due at our property or another one in the city. Next thing you'd know people were losing their jobs and our benefits were cut to shreds. I left before my department was eliminated.




Then again, if it does turn out to be him or Palin... huh.




Yeah... I just can't see Trump being a qualified President. CEO of a company, sure, but not President of the United States.

Donald Trump is an entrepreneur. This makes him good at business, but the nature of the beast is taking a chance on many ventures, having most fail, and hoping one will turn big and give profit to cover the rest. Not exactly the same thing as leading a nation.




I don't know. A buisness man could make a good leader.

Danny Williams is the recently retired premier of my province. He's a lawyer and business man....and thanks to him for the first time in years we are no longer in a decline. We're actually making money and we're attracting growth and development.




I don't know. A buisness man could make a good leader.

Danny Williams is the recently retired premier of my province. He's a lawyer and business man....and thanks to him for the first time in years we are no longer in a decline. We're actually making money and we're attracting growth and development.
I'm sure that had nothing to do with discovering shitloads of oil...




Ooh! Is it time for Newfie-bashing? I LOVE this game!




Trump = Palin

Self-promoting, consistent failures who cash in on their name purely to suckers who believe that he/she represents the path to success.




But whos to say if he is wrong. At least he is 1 billion times better than palin
One billion times zero presidential qualities... that's still pretty little ;)

Also: No. Simply no.




Trump = Palin
Hey hey hey hey... I think he's a terrible choice for presidential candidate too, but let's not resort to cruel name calling.




I was talking to a friend of mine today and I brought this up. He started laughing and saying it was a good idea. I was started to argue, and he said:

"No wait, hear me out. If Trump wins, he'll just start spending the country into oblivion. Approve everything for the military, spend whatever the people want... then BOOM! The country declares bankruptcy. We default, tell China to fuck off because we ain't paying them, and start from scratch with our shiny new hardware. It'll be perfect!"



yeeeks... I can actually see this happening, imagine this ticket: Palin for Pres, with Trump as her Vice President.




I'm sure that had nothing to do with discovering shitloads of oil...
The oil was around years before Danny. We were getting shat on because mainland Canada had laid 'claim' to it...there's nothing wrong with that but at the time we were gaining no profits from the oil OR the lower churchil development (hydro-plant) despite it being here.

It took a lot of work and bitching on Dannys part for us to see any profits.




Michigan has an entrepreneur for governer now, so I'm interested to see how it plays out here. For what it's worth, I don't know that Trump is a good example of an entrepreneur that could truly do well, but that doesn't mean that entrepreneurs are not suited to the job.

Quite frankly I think we need more engineers in government. Too bad it pays so little compared to a good position in silicon valley.




Michigan has an entrepreneur for governer now, so I'm interested to see how it plays out here. For what it's worth, I don't know that Trump is a good example of an entrepreneur that could truly do well, but that doesn't mean that entrepreneurs are not suited to the job.

Quite frankly I think we need more engineers in government. Too bad it pays so little compared to a good position in silicon valley.

We should make being in congress like jury duty. Everyone with a PHD gets randomly selected. After their 4 years are up we'll let them know where we stashed their family.




Michigan has an entrepreneur for governer now, so I'm interested to see how it plays out here. For what it's worth, I don't know that Trump is a good example of an entrepreneur that could truly do well, but that doesn't mean that entrepreneurs are not suited to the job.

Quite frankly I think we need more engineers in government. Too bad it pays so little compared to a good position in silicon valley.
You could probably extend that to "we need people who are qualified to actually do the things they say they will do as president". Not just charismatic speakers. That applies equally to all political parties.




You know, republicans can puke all over at the Clinton administration, but the facts are there supporting it as one of the best presidencies of the 20th century. The guy was a Rhodes scholar and came from a rich education background. You would think the American public would hands down vote for more of these kinds of people. You know, those wacky good grade scholar types. I can't see how it would hurt to get a Bill Clinton type up there again with a Ph.D. in - oh I don't know- ECONOMICS AND/OR LAW!

It's funny how the ranked 'Greatest President's' have an extremely endowed educational profile.

Trump would be another W. in office. W. was also a "savvy" business man. Just like Trump, he took an almost unfuckupable (that's my newly invented word) business model (OIL INDUSTRY), and drove his ventures into the toilet.




The Prime Minister of Canada has a Master's degree in Economics. And is one of the most non-charismatic speakers in Canadian politics. But he gets the job done.




America just won't vote for a bureaucrat.




Intellectuals don't fare much better, either.

Which is a shame. I hate it when people use the term intellectual like a curse word :rolleyes:




Trump can only work to make the other candidates look good.




Trump can only work to make the other candidates look good.
Not even him can make Sarah Palin look good.




Not even him can make Sarah Palin look good.
He made Rosie O'Donnell look good.




Thats a pretty damn convincing argument there.




You know, republicans can puke all over at the Clinton administration, but the facts are there supporting it as one of the best presidencies of the 20th century. The guy was a Rhodes scholar and came from a rich education background. You would think the American public would hands down vote for more of these kinds of people. You know, those wacky good grade scholar types. I can't see how it would hurt to get a Bill Clinton type up there again with a Ph.D. in - oh I don't know- ECONOMICS AND/OR LAW!

It's funny how the ranked 'Greatest President's' have an extremely endowed educational profile.

Trump would be another W. in office. W. was also a "savvy" business man. Just like Trump, he took an almost unfuckupable (that's my newly invented word) business model (OIL INDUSTRY), and drove his ventures into the toilet.
The only problem with your logic is that some of the highly educated presidents have been bad too. So, education and intelligence is not always an indicator for success as a president.



He made Rosie O'Donnell look good.

Sigmund Freud said:
Tell me about yer muzzer...
That was just loony toones there..




The only problem with your logic is that some of the highly educated presidents have been bad too. So, education and intelligence is not always an indicator for success as a president.

Like who?




Well Mathias, Glen Beck hates Woodrow Wilson...

which makes Wilson the greatest president in history.




Wilson is a prime example of a highly educated president who did not do well in office (despite that Beck agrees... even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes). I'm not saying he was bad, I'm just saying he wasn't successful. You could also say Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, and a few others I'm too lazy to look up right now.







Damn, Obama might have to work after all.




Still not overly impressed with the field.




The Republican side has just Romney and Gingrich now, correct? With a possibility that Palin will run? Huckabee announced that he will not be running, though little has been said about why aside from a possible link to a PR disaster concerning a quadruple murder against police officers committed by a man he once pardoned against the recommendation of his state prosecutor.

Oh, and Ron Paul will run, last I heard. Not sure whose ticket he's on though.

The Dems so far have Obama that I know of. Anyone else?




If anyone runs next year against Obama in the primaries, it will be mainly to the purpose of getting his name out there for 2016




I'm still not entirely convinced that he was planning to run in the first place.




Nope. He officially said he is not interested now (he was) but I am guessing he can't find his birth certificate!




If anyone runs next year against Obama in the primaries, it will be mainly to the purpose of getting his name out there for 2016
It won't happen. It simply isn't done.




It won't happen. It simply isn't done.
No it is always done.


Fun Size

Fun Size

It is sometimes done.

Glad I could help.




No it is always done.
Not a real candidate, no.


Wasabi Poptart

It doesn't surprise me considering how poorly his casinos are doing. The signs are coming off of Trump Marina as you read this to make way for the new Golden Nugget (which just cracks me up since the Nugget was one of the original AC casinos and was sold years ago).




Business savy?

Trump Entertainment Resorts- Chapter 11 bankruptcy 2009
Trump Plaza Hotel- Chapter 11 bankruptcy 1992

I think I'll pass on this one.

I was about to say, his business savvy amounts to jumping ship and filing Chapter 11 as soon as things swing southward. The only thing that makes him a good businessman is BAILOUTS!




Teddy Kennedy was pretty real. Pat Buchanan was pretty real... They made a lot of noise and let people know that not their entire party was behind the president.

A president needs to be very unpopular for one of these guys to get traction in the primaries.

Neither George HW Bush, Jimmy Carter, nor George W Bush were unpopular enough to lose any primaries.




Of course we knew he wasn't going to run. He did not take a job at Fox News.
