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Trying to decide what to do



Greetings and Salutations Everbody,

First I would like to state on the record that you guys have been my internet family for many a year since being on Kurtz' forum. I may not like all of you or get along with a majority of you, but I do feel like its home here.

I'm creating this thread because I'm fairly stumped right now and perhaps need some wise words of advice.

I do not normally bring real life discussions to this forum because they are two separate elements. However, as of right now I guess I need a different audience.

It's taking me awhile to find my path in life. I'm probably what you would call a slow starter. Many of you know I'm in college however as of right now I'm dropping out of the college I am currently attending to assess what I want to do with my life and with my education.

I'm what you call, not one of your bright guys but I feel as if I am fairly intelligent in many fields. I grew slightly frustrated with the university with which I was attending because it seemed to be lacking. I was hoping you guys here could offer me some advice and perhaps encouragement as well.

As perhaps many of you know my passion is media and games. I wish to go to a college or arts school as some are called that have this area of focus. I would either like to work on 3D animation in animated films, create video games, or the business application of the digital world such as photoshop,etc.

At the current college I had just attended and at my community one I took some basic digital design courses that focused on this such as photoshop, indesign, etc. These pieces of software were fun to work with.

I'm not that entirely that great of an artist you might say. My sketches, drawings, and doodles, are more the cartoony feel that you would read in a Sunday newspaper. I like spending vast hours at a computer doing digital art. It's kind of like my 'zen' so to speak.

I've looked at several colleges before but they seemed a tad pricey. Any suggestions out there?

My current plan right now is to hopefully do an internship at a local museum here next summer as well as work. I'm a bit bedoggled in knowing where to start all this. I'm just slightly frustrated and rather blue at the moment as well. For me life always hasn't been easy its been more downs than ups, and its getting slightly aggravating to keep optimistic.

I guess I just needed a place to vent and hear some sageful advice. I may be gone a few days now and then, but I'll always come back.




Become a jolly, traveling hobo.

BOOM. You're welcome.




Suggestion: Stop creating a new line for every sentence in your damn posts?




Don't waste money on any courses beyond generals before you know what to do.




If you're going into a media arts school, you're probably going to have to assemble some kind of portfolio. You also need to look at where the job market's going to be in five years. Right now it's an 'employer's market' - a company can basically look for whatever requirements they want in a candidate and wait for someone who matches. Due to high unemployment, there are a lot of qualified people looking for work. Why hire some kid off the street when someone with real work credits to their name will work for the same low price?

Hopefully that all will change, but look seriously at what you're doing before you do anything else.
