I was thinking something similar with regards to mental health resources. Counselors serve a genuine need in the community and making it more expensive to create new, proficient counselors may have unintended consequences.On the surface it sounds good.
However, we see that when we optomize for one result (ie, the economy in this case) then it has detrimental effects in other areas. Take standardized testing in schools. Every curriculum is now geared not to learning, but to passing a rather arbitrary test, one which can't (for political reasons) test for critical thinking, work ethic, etc.
This has damaged our educational system.
By reducing the cost of "economically useful" degrees and increasing the cost of arts we may be forcing more people into a better job market than they otherwise might go into, but I worry that this incentive will actually erode our culture and ability to adapt. There's a reason the school of art and architecture and the school of music is on the engineering campus at the University of Michigan, and it's not just because that's where they had available land.
If they want to make such programs more attractive to students, they should look at making the program more attractive, not simply altering the cost model.
In exchange for flooding the STEM degrees with lukewarm students that have no passion for creative engineering? Talk about STEM industries taking a nosedive with everyone barely able to think at all, nevermind thinking out of the box.Weed out some of the riff raff for me, sure!
You would be doing me a great service!In exchange for flooding the STEM degrees with lukewarm students that have no passion for creative engineering? Talk about STEM industries taking a nosedive with everyone barely able to think at all, nevermind thinking out of the box.
Not only that, but psych industries would go up as people hit their 30's and 40's and figure out that stem was a bad choice.You would be doing me a great service!![]()
What's equal? There's the problem. If you have 60 different degrees in the humanities, but 20 in STEM, but you'd rather have a 50/50 split of graduates, then what?The other key point that really should be taken into account here is that what we're really talking about here are government subsidies. The states heavily subsidize tuitions at these colleges (some moreso than others). If we have to start seriously looking at cutting those subsidies due to economic shortfalls, shouldn't we also look at those subsidies in terms of the economy itself? If we want to subsidize ephemeral cultural value, so be it, but I think most would agree that we REALLY want to subsidize the investments that show a real and tangible ROI.
Doesn't have to be "either/or", look at them as seperate subsidies. When you do that it doesn't follow with ANY of our government philosophy on funding to have equal subsidies for cultural gains alongside technical/economic gains.
I mean....you don't even do that in a game of Civ.....
Not just a little bit! I'm going full blown elitist over here!a little bit of an elitest assumption
I don't see it as a concern, because there will always be lukewarm students. They will simply take the path of least resistance. That is frequently through Psychology, as it turns out.As for concerns about graduating so called "lukewarm" students, how about we cross that bridge when we come to it? Right now the demand outstrips the supply by so much that many industries would still gladly accept a lukewarm STEM major. It's also, frankly, a little bit of an elitest assumption to think that the only students that can handle STEM, or do something of value with it, are those that go into it with an already existing passion. It also assumes that the current graduates of STEM are there because they love the subject. Truth is a lot of STEM majors are already there simply for the money. So why not make the picture a bit clearer?
You get no argument from me on that.Or Communication.
In terms of cultural significance, let me also point out that STEM itself has massive cultural significance. What has been more important to American, NAY, WORLD cutlure? John Irving? Or the internet?
And let's take it a step further. Would we even have had Kurt Vonnegut if not for the inspiration he drew from the Space Race?
No one is denying there would be short term economic benefits to a plan like this.Let's take it a step even FURTHER
What would Design and Art proffesionals out there prefer? More lukewarm Design and Art students? Or another Apple, which has supplied them thousands of jobs?
40 years? I'd agree to 10 at most. Really, I will happily trumpet the benefits of STEM right along with you. But to critically assess a proposal you have to poke holes in it. Listing the obvious benefits over and over doesn't strengthen the proposal...only your own commitment to it.Ok, so it's accepted that there are short term economic benefits. And by short term we are talking about at least a generation from what I see since we are talking about a working life. If we can have a plan that has obvious benefits in over the course of 40 years, with possible speculative problems centuries from now.....that's about as good a plan as I think government could ever come up with. And while you may be tempted to draw parallels with global warming/environmentalism on that description remember: it took STEM to identify that problem and it will take STEM to fix it.
Good point. Ok. So the major issues I see with this proposal:40 years? I'd agree to 10 at most. Really, I will happily trumpet the benefits of STEM right along with you. But to critically assess a proposal you have to poke holes in it. Listing the obvious benefits over and over doesn't strengthen the proposal...only your own commitment to it.
When I hear comments on something that will gut primary education I can't help but wonder if that really matters at this point. We've already killed the poor horse and are continuing to beat it. Does it really matter if we stop? Especially with no one caring/willing to actually try and recesitate it.Interesting point. How do we approach this if it's going to gut primary education? Teachers are already disincentivized by low pay and yowling human larvae.
English and Classics here.As someone currently in school for a Psych major (and knows he's going to have to get AT LEAST a Masters if he wants to make a career out of it), I'm getting a real kick out of this. Go on, discuss my future as I slowly acquire more debt trying to better myself...
Exactly this for me.As someone currently in school for a Psych major (and knows he's going to have to get AT LEAST a Masters if he wants to make a career out of it), I'm getting a real kick out of this. Go on, discuss my future as I slowly acquire more debt trying to better myself...
I'm detecting some snark here, so let me just say that the structure of the state university system is something we all have a right to discuss. It may be more personal to you as a student, but those of us who pay for your studies have a right to be interested in how the money can be best used, and every American has a responsibility to be concerned with our slowly flagging university systems.As someone currently in school for a Psych major (and knows he's going to have to get AT LEAST a Masters if he wants to make a career out of it), I'm getting a real kick out of this. Go on, discuss my future as I slowly acquire more debt trying to better myself...
I fully agree with this. It's already happening to a slight degree, in terms of 1st-year "dropout" rates that have been "Addressed" in the worst way possible: making 1st year easier.Second you're assuming that the universities/processors will be graduatin lower quality students, which I disagree with. If there's one thing I've come to appreciate about science professors it's that they have little problem with failin large portions of their classes. That said the universities should not be encouraged to artificially inflate its graduation rates to show success in the program, that could be devastating.