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Turn your shit off...



Today's Earth Hour. Turn off all your shit at 8:30 pm local time, or a vicious Chazwozel will show up at your door with a baseball bat for your TV and light bulbs.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight


(We won't be home.)







Hell no. Matter of fact, I'm gonna let my heater and AC fight it out.

Take yer greenieganda somewhere else.




Working, so can't. :(

I mean, I COULD try it at work. But I'd probably be fired.




Isn't this the hour where we show the earth who is boss? Shouldn't we be cranking that shit up and stabbing the earth so it knows just who runs the show around here?



Hell no. Matter of fact, I'm gonna let my heater and AC fight it out.

Take yer greenieganda somewhere else.
This is gonna be you

Turn your lights out or Chaz knockes em out.




I conserve every day. The only things that are running while I am not in a room are those on batteries.

Not so much for the Earth as for my wallet haha



I conserve every day. The only things that are running while I am not in a room are those on batteries.

Not so much for the Earth as for my wallet haha
I really don't care if someone does it or not, but I do seriously find it funny that some people are so wired into a grid that they can't just turn it all off for one measly hour.



working, so can't turn everything off, however, I have gotten into the habit at home of turning everything off instead of say, leaving my computer on all day. So even though I don't agree with the eco-fiends, [sic] I do agree we should recycle and conserve when possible. It just makes sense.




I shall do this. The baby is gone for the night leaving my husband and I alone. ;)




Isn't it more eco-unfriendly to take a flight just to make some kind of stupid point? Granted, not as bad as having a private plane fetch your hemp shirt - yes, I'm looking at you, Mr. Harrelson - but this is just stupid. Of course, our lights /will/ be off since we'll be out, but that's not the point.


Wasabi Poptart

Earth Hour. Pfft. No thanks.


Just Me

Just Me

To paraphrase Mongomery Burns: Mother Nature started this fight for survival in the first place and now that we are gaining the upper hand she suddenly starts yammering



I'm turning it ALL on.




Not just no, but I might go find me a Prius driver to beat up. :devil:

(hopefully the one who cut me off yesterday and was a complete asshole about it)



keeping all unused appliances and electronics unplugged, not just turned off, saves me $$. You go on being defiant though.



I bought me a lamp with a incandescent light bulb, just for earth hour! I kept the reciept so I can take it back tomorrow using even more gas.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

keeping all unused appliances and electronics unplugged, not just turned off, saves me $$. You go on being defiant though.
Some people don't like money.

They drive SUVs.



Frankie Williamson

UFC is tonight at 8. Not a chance.




... it's saturday. Saturday NIGHT.

Is anyone else seeing the stupidity of "earth hour" being at a time when half the population is out anyway? Using electricity in bars and pubs and clubs and movie theaters and shit that WON'T turn anything off?



... it's saturday. Saturday NIGHT.

Is anyone else seeing the stupidity of "earth hour" being at a time when half the population is out anyway? Using electricity in bars and pubs and clubs and movie theaters and shit that WON'T turn anything off?

That's the whole point. But whatever. Jeez, you'd think an hour off the grid wouldn't be all that hard for people. I remember several posters who were scratching their heads at anti-intellectualism. Well, guess what, you're being a dumbass redneck.




Tell you what, I'll make you a deal: I'm not going to shut anything off , BUT I will have my sims characters shut everything off.


Wasabi Poptart

One night isn't going to make much of a difference, IMO. It's like saying, "I'll ride my bike to work today, but I'll drive my Hummer on the other 349 or so work days." It's the equivalent of a "Hallmark holiday".




One night isn't going to make much of a difference, IMO. It's like saying, "I'll ride my bike to work today, but I'll drive my Hummer on the other 349 or so work days." It's the equivalent of a "Hallmark holiday".
Hey! I'm working on getting myself to similar levels of energy output to Al Gore:

I just need three more giant monitors and a ridiculously large mansion to store them in. See? I'm part of the solution.:awesome:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I will do my part 365 days of the year.




I just never remember. But I'll see what I can do.




You realize all this stuff you're turning off, how much *more* power does it have to draw to restart than if it stayed running?




You realize all this stuff you're turning off, how much *more* power does it have to draw to restart than if it stayed running?
Lighbulbs, even florescent bulbs, don't use much power turning on. Incandescent bulbs use only a fraction of a seconds worth of power to power on. Florescent bulbs use ~23 seconds worth of power to start up (according to the Mythbusters). Outside of industrial lighting solutions, I doubt there are any lights that take even 1 minute worth of power to start up, let alone an entire hour.




and a "minute" of power is what exactly? How many amps? Volts? Power isn't measured in minutes.




How much power the lights would have used if they were left on for that minute. I thought the context conveyed that pretty well.




The lack of environmental responsibility shown in this thread makes me cry. I'm not telling everyone to be environmentalists... just don't be asshats. Most of the "energy hour" stuff is for commercial people, so they can turn of electricity+gas to an empty office building or to unessential lighting outside.

That being said, it's not too hard to watch TV or sit on your computer in the dark for an hour. You don't have to turn everything off, but one or two things would be nice. Just think of it as savings on your energy bill, which just also happens to help the environment.

Here's some numbers collected on Wikipedia through various articles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Hour#Energy_saved




I feel like I went to sleep and woke up in a parallel dimension where Chaz is the socially aware one and everyone else is the asshole.

I'm still not getting laid though, but that might be the common thread in all my parallel selves.


Rob King

Rob King

It's been earth hour for thirty minutes here now. I find it funny how many people are posting about it on Facebook. Aren't their computers supposed to be off?




Only thing on at my house is the fridge. (At a friends house right now)




It's been earth hour for thirty minutes here now. I find it funny how many people are posting about it on Facebook. Aren't their computers supposed to be off?
It's 8:30pm local time, so it just started for you. US east coast coming up in an hour.


Rob King

Rob King

Yeah, I know. I'm talking about people in my city posting about Earth hour while their computers should be off.



Happy Earth Hour! I make many slushie frozen drinks for meeeeeeeelting planet!!!! My Blender weeps for you!

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ----------

With rum!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Is using something with a battery violating Earth Hour? Like an iphone or laptop or whatnot? I mean you have to recharge it so it's still using power, just delaying it :)




And we just screwed Earth Hour by pumping an extra shitton of carbon into the air...

Morgantown is burning, and Calipari can SUCK IT!




...For some reason, the Atomium was turned off publically on TV, by Darth Vader. Wha?!




The lack of environmental responsibility shown in this thread makes me cry. I'm not telling everyone to be environmentalists... just don't be asshats.
Weeeeeeeeell see...




I knew I was gonna need the computer tonight so I shut it down all day.

During EH itself I had my lights and everything else off.



Kitty Sinatra

I cranked everything up during Earth Hour. It's when I got home, and I was hungry.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I cranked everything up during Earth Hour. It's when I got home, and I was hungry.
And Grues devour light.




I actually wound up having everything off during Earth Hour. Didn't get home until shortly after.



Easiest hour ever. Read a book from 8:30 to 9:30. I went to bed at 9:30, so technically everything was off all night long.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

What light did you use to read this book if everything was off?



Easiest hour ever. Read a book from 8:30 to 9:30. I went to bed at 9:30, so technically everything was off all night long.
What light did you use to read this book if everything was off?

Do sharks glow?


Rob King

Rob King

Does nobody use candles anymore? Not just for earth hour, but that's typically how I light my workspace at night.


Kitty Sinatra

Does nobody use candles anymore?
You don't have a cat, I take it?

My tail is as bad as a moth for seeking a flame.


Rob King

Rob King

Does nobody use candles anymore?
You don't have a cat, I take it?

My tail is as bad as a moth for seeking a flame.[/QUOTE]

Aah. Still though, I'm a bit surprised that people are acting like "No Electricity" = "No Light"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

We have candles for power out emergencies.



What light did you use to read this book if everything was off?


Not to mention I have two Yankee Candles in the living room...


Wasabi Poptart


