TV show ideas

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Have you ever just been talking with someone or maybe even just letting your mind wander and an idea for a TV show comes to your mind? Well here is a place for you to share it.

I will go first. I had an idea for a comedy superhero show it could be either a live action or an animated cartoon. The show would follow the daily life of a superhero. Now the twist would be that the superhero would make a living by having sponsors. So he would have his sponsors stickers all over his uniform and every time he saves someone or is in a interview he has to start plugging his sponsors. Every now and than he would have to have meetings with his sponsors and they would go over his actions and stuff. There could be episodes where he would be troubled because some criminal he has to stop is linked to one of his sponsors and he has to decide if he should stop them or not cause he doesn't want to lose his sponsor.

So that is my idea in a nut shell. Now you all get to share your ideas. :)

hylian said:
Edrondol said:

whats that to? I strangely enough have not seen that before.
Mystery Men!

GREAT movie! Very underrated as a comedy.

-- Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:22 am --

Just look at the cast!

-- Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:27 am --

From Mystery Men:

The Shoveller: If we had a billionaire like Lance Hunt as our benefactor...
Mr. Furious: That's because Lance Hunt *IS* Captain Amazing
The Shoveller: Don't start that *again*. Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing *doesn't* wear glasses.
Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms.
The Shoveller: That doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't be able to see.

Mystery Men was criminally underrated and years ahead of its time. Seriously, if it was released now, it would be huge. Or, you know, at least bigger.

I think Watchmen would be great as a 12-part mini-series. An hour for each episode and have special internet features between episodes for those bits between issues. But that's neither here nor there.

How about a sitcom within an insane asylum? Or does Friends basically cover that, already? (seriously, they were neurotic as all hell)

I'd love to see an ongoing zombie TV series. Walking Dead is basically that, already, only in comic form.

Allen said:
annoying d- and c-list celebrities are shoved into a hallway. it is dark. they are likely to be eaten by a grue.
You're kidding, right? D & C listers?!?

Hank Azaria ... The Blue Raja
Janeane Garofalo ... The Bowler
William H. Macy ... The Shoveller
Kel Mitchell ... The Invisible Boy
Paul Reubens ... The Spleen
Ben Stiller ... Mr. Furious
Wes Studi ... The Sphinx
Greg Kinnear ... Captain Amazing / Lance Hunt
Geoffrey Rush ... Casanova Frankenstein
Lena Olin ... Dr. Annabel Leek
Eddie Izzard ... Tony P.
Artie Lange ... Big Red
Pras ... Tony C. (as Prakazrel Michel)
Claire Forlani ... Monica
Tom Waits ... Dr. Heller

None are annoying. You are the one who called them annoying. I take exception to your views on this. Exception, I say!

I think that was his pitch for a show, not a comment on the cast of Mystery Men...

Also "Dollar Bill" from Watchmen. One of the Minutemen. He was sponsored by several banks to fight against robberies.
Edrondol said:
None are annoying. You are the one who called them annoying. I take exception to your views on this. Exception, I say!
no, I said to take the d- and c-listers that are annoying and put them in a hallway. I never said all of them were annoying. Just the annoying ones.


Staff member
Ooh, I have one: A single woman living in the city, making it on her own and having a job of some sort. There's probably a funny male admirer/best friend and a lot of stock shots of skyscrapers.


NICE, right?
What about if you had a show tat followed the life of a guy/girl or maybe the life of a couple of people. In the show you would have the person/people have dreams based on real life situations. The events in the dream always are going to happen that day but in real life the events never happen. So anyways somehow the person/people realize that a organization has been using time travel to make events happen as they want. The dreams that the person/people are remnants of the alternate time line. The time travel technical that the group uses leaves a resonance pulse of some sorts from the last time line. Now they don't know that there is anyone who can pick up on those resonance waves. But the person/people who have those dreams their minds are wired slightly different from normal peoples so that they can pick up on the resonance of the alternate time line. The show would be all about the person/people trying to figure out whats going on and trying to stop the organization.

Philosopher B.

Hey I got an idea. We have this sitcom right, and there's humour. Or is that too radical.
Similar to the sponsored superhero bit, I had an idea that I'd like to do as a web-show (similar to the guild) that was inspired by Watchmen and Dr. Horrible.

Two University students who are pretty brilliant and insanely philanthropic become drunk on the idea of superheroism. Both build devices and attempt to become superheroes in a Batman/Ironman inspired fashion, and take off into the night to rescue people that need it.

Through the course of the first episode, they would encounter each-other, interpret the other as a supervillian, and spend much of the first story arc fighting each other. Superhero shenannigans are interspersed with story arcs dealing with University life and dealing with the fame that their alter-egos are gaining. Local media spends much of the arc flip-flopping on who is the hero and who is the villian. Both do good works, but both continually try and foil each other's works, interpreting it as part of some sort of evil scheme.

Near the end of the first arc a real villain arrives, and they manage to take her down.

The next bit, I think, is what would make it so fun, so I'll spoilerize it because I'm awesome like that.

[spoiler:ellmc2ah]Near the end, both heroes discover that not only are they friends with each-other's alter-ego, they live in the same boarding house.[/spoiler:ellmc2ah]

[spoiler:ellmc2ah]The villain who they end up fighting as a unified team is another tenant in the same house, although a more reclusive one that we've seen limited interaction with during the entire first season.[/spoiler:ellmc2ah]

[spoiler:ellmc2ah]Finally, all three of them end up getting arrested and given prison sentences for being menaces to society.[/spoiler:ellmc2ah]

The whole thing was going to be my commentary on how self centered so many of the University students I've met are. It was also sort of inspired by my first few years, where I had trouble connecting with people. If any of the characters had taken the time to get to know the people around them, there would have been a lot less confusion in their lives, and the plot, and the villain could have been dealt with preemptively.
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