Uhh...Games or Politics for this one?

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Ah marketing stunts, where would we be without you. At least I hope it is that and not for real, because that would be a new low for the moon people.
You know what's really sad? He has to consummate the marriage using the headphone jack.

You know what's sadder? He can.
Ah marketing stunts, where would we be without you. At least I hope it is that and not for real, because that would be a new low for the moon people.
They have guys who date stuffed pillows there. With the image of a 12 year old on it. Nothing would surprise me from the Moon People.


Staff member
Don't you love when writers try to sound topical, but end up sounding stupid when they make a way out of date reference?

It's like when your mom tried to use the lingo of the day.
Now that they're married, does this mean he's going to touch his penis to the screen for the hand-holding and kissing parts? Or was their relationship already to that level?


Now that they're married, does this mean he's going to touch his penis to the screen for the hand-holding and kissing parts? Or was their relationship already to that level?
I'm sure there is a Wii interface where it can get interactive.
it is interesting that they are setting a precedent for the equal rights of cybernetic non-persons. japan could be the first country to recognize the basic rights of AIs?

or maybe it is time to bring out the nuclear weapons again and stop this "anime" thing in it's tracks.


I have no problems with this as long as its not a man marrying a male video game character. ;)
Why? No, really. Why would that all of a sudden be a problem to you?

The wink-smiley suggests this was a joke, possibly in the same sort of completely-missing-the-point way as that 'Oh sweet, Futurama's on!' poster.

If not... :popcorn:
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