Up To My Arms In Kittens

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So our cat Kiki just had a healthy litter of 6 kittens. I assisted in the birth to make sure there were no complications. They are now about 2 weeks old and starting to become adventurous. We have decided to keep 2 of them and give the rest away (to people we trust mind you, not total strangers). However, on my way home from work this morning, I had a terrible surprise waiting for me in the open field in front of my house. Apparently, a mother cat and one of her kittens had died overnight there. The only reason I knew this was because there was another kitten that had survived and had caught my attention because of it's meowing next to it's mother. My heart sank as I watched it cry and cry, so I decided to bring it some KMR mix to drink. It initially ran from me at first, but then surprisingly came close enough for me to feed it and pet it. After it was done, I picked it up and started to gently pet it. Again, to my surprise, it just let me. It is now inside my house with me and my wife, sitting on my lap and playing with my shirt.

At the moment, my wife and I are having a tough time deciding what to do. We are going to take care of her and take her to the vet on Monday, but after that we are hoping we can find someone to take her in. We are certainly not going to take her to the pound, but we really can't keep another cat unless we give away one of the kittens we were planning on keeping.

Either way, our house just became a little more livelier.


Those pictures need more funny captions.
Well then, get on it!

Update: As I hoped, my mother cat Kiki decided she didn't mind another in her brood and has officially "adopted" her. I am so relieved and happy!
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