vBulletin Version 4 Beta is out!

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Staff member

Fresh reinstall, now running Beta 4.
everything was deleted including the userbase.
The URL has changed!
> http://test.halforums.com/ <
Please re-register and do your usual.

---[ Original post ]---

It's also LIVE! Well, sort of. I've got it on our test site. But we need people to help us test it.

Here's what you'll get:

1) Insight to what our site will be looking like.
2) Um....Nothing else.

Here's the downside:

1) Your logins may disappear at a moment's notice.
2) Your posts/blogs might go away several times.

Here's what Ame & I will get out of this:

1) Insight on how things work.
2) Valuable test information on things like images and moving posts to blogs/articles, etc.

Basically we need 6 or 7 people who won't care that anything they say will be gone who are willing to take the time to post there, set up a blog, complete a profile, etc. even though when we redo everything they'll have to do it all over again.

Also, people who understand that this is a beta and so will not just OMFG IT DOESN'T WORK!!! and instead give us details as to what happened to make something NOT work.

If interested, drop me a PM.


Staff member
Fuck it. I'm going to post the link live here. Remember that everything you do will be erased, but we still need to follow some of the rules.


Also remember that the login you use will deleted, too.

Knock yourselves out, folks.


About how much destruction and mayhem are you looking for? How long will you be testing?


Staff member
Nope. If a user can break it then it's too broken to use.

We already know about the broken quote trees...


Staff member
Something I added today that will go live when the new site goes live: a direct link to the IRC channel! You click the button, put in your name and it takes you right to the #Halforums IRC channel!


I'll keep updating this as we go and figure out new stuff.
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