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VG Cats Does True Blood




Le Quack

I like true blood, and I am a manly man.




I find it kinda funny that this was posted about two weeks ago, and we're just now getting around to noticing/commenting on it ;)


Why would we check his site? We like it when comics actually update.







VG Cats updated?

Within this century?

And it wasn't a guest strip?

What kind of world do we live in!?



The end is nigh! Isn't this one of the seals of the web apocolypse? VG Cats updates regularly, Kurtz keeps up the color...

But, I like True Blood. It's a decent show. I've been meaning to read the books too but the wife got a hold of them.

The comic was, like most webcomics, eh.




My wife has gotten me into this show. It's growing on me, and likewise she is all over the books. Me I like Sam and Eric the best.



HCGLNS said:
My wife has gotten me into this show. It's growing on me, and likewise she is all over the books. Me I like Sam and Eric the best.
Eric's cool, Sam's interesting. I honestly don't really care so much for Bill or Sookie (although the nude Anna scenes are nice). Tara was a riot in the first season, second not so much. Eric's great in the second season so far, but I'm actually interested in Godrick.

Last night's episode:
Godrick [spoiler:9as9m9cd]"I'm actually older then your Jesus. I wish I could have known him, but I missed it."[/spoiler:9as9m9cd]
[spoiler:9as9m9cd]Eric acting like a human as he goes up to the 3 members of the church was funnier to me then Jason & Bills awkward moment.[/spoiler:9as9m9cd]




I managed to see an episode the other night and it was just about the worst thing ever.

Good god.




Oh, vampires.

Oh, really horrible, pointless period joke.




Le Quack said:
I like true blood, and I am a manly man.
The quasi-pornographic nature of the show makes it approved for male consumption...

And that comic was simply not offensive enough to be a good VG Cats... the previous one with the L4D Special infected made me lol.




@Li3n said:
[quote="Le Quack":1nfhc6if]I like true blood, and I am a manly man.
The quasi-pornographic nature of the show makes it approved for male consumption...

This is almos exactly what I was about to say. I mean, it can't be girly with so many BOOBS!


Steven Soderburgin

Man, if it takes him a year to finish a strip, no wonder he doesn't update more often.

Oh, and True Blood is awesome.



doomdragon6 said:
I managed to see an episode the other night and it was just about the worst thing ever.

Good god.
Yeah, I don't see what all the fuss is about. A ridiculous amount of people I know love it, even people with opinions I actually respect. I watch it occasionally because my boyfriend does (he's not one of the people with opinions I respect when it comes to TV :rofl: ), and to me it just seems like a supernatural soap opera with all the naughty parts left in. It's pretty awful, but I will admit that being forced to watch some episodes this season at least has me interested in what happens. The premise is fascinating but the acting is terrible. I keep saying I just need to read the books but I have way too many books on my must read list as it is.

Regarding the comic: does he not even try on the art anymore?




Lally said:
doomdragon6 said:
I managed to see an episode the other night and it was just about the worst thing ever.

Good god.
Yeah, I don't see what all the fuss is about.
Vampire sex... duh.

Also, after Twilight anything that doesn't pussify vampires = gold.




Lally said:
The premise is fascinating but the acting is terrible.
I keep seeing you say this, but I have no earthly idea what you're basing that on. The acting is top notch, as evident by the fact that many of the actors have been nominated for numerous awards. Besides, you could claim every dramatic show is a "soap opera."

I just don't understand people who don't like it because they think it's low quality. I'm fine with the notion that people may not find it interesting, but to say it has an interesting premise and then complain about the quality doesn't add up.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Tress said:
The acting is top notch, as evident by the fact that many of the actors have been nominated for numerous awards.
snicker. The worst actress on the show(on television?) by far (Paquin) won the Best Actress Emmy, and those awards barely have any legitimacy.



Tress said:
I keep seeing you say this
I've said it twice, including this time. I apologize for going around trashing the show. The other thread was the Rant thread, whereas this thread actually is about True Blood, so I thought it might be okay to express my opinion of it here, too.

Tress said:
but I have no earthly idea what you're basing that on. The acting is top notch, as evident by the fact that many of the actors have been nominated for numerous awards.
Yeah, and you could say the Pinto was a great car based on the fact that Ford has won awards for excellence in auto manufacturing. And, for the record, let's take a look at those many actors nominated... (according to IMDB)

Anna Paquin (Sookie): yes, a ton of awards, no one is arguing that
Stephen Moyer (Bill): None
Sam Trammel (Sam): None
Ryan Kwanten (Jason): None
Rutina Wesley (Tara): Still "None"
Jim Parrack (Hoyt): NOPE
Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette): one award, for True Blood itself. (but for the record, he's actually not bad)
Carrie Preston (Arlene): one award*
Chris Bauer (Andy): Another no
William Sanderson (Bud): one award*
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric): a couple foreign awards
Todd Lowe (Terry): Nope
Michelle Forbes (Maryann): a couple for movie roles, and a couple for, gasp, soap opera roles! I guess she's good at those.
Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica): None!

*not to necessarily imply some awards are better than others, but these are for ensemble casts, not for individual achievements.

There are more, but I'm fairly sure this covers the main cast and I'm bored with making the list, but suffice it to say, there is nowhere near a majority of cast members nominated and winning "numerous" awards. But, let's put that to the side, because that's not even my point. Even if I had gone to IMDB and found they all had 20 Oscars and Emmys on their resume it wouldn't change the opinion I gained from watching the show and not from finding out how many awards they had won.

Tress said:
Besides, you could claim every dramatic show is a "soap opera."
Yeah, I guess you could. But people don't.

I think the acting is bad. I think the premise is interesting. That's what I'm basing it on. And I've watched about 5-10 episodes, so it's not like I'm having a knee-jerk reaction to watching five minutes of it. Sorry. I just disagree with you.




Well lax acting (you haven't seen bad acting unless you've seen the crap that gets made here) is usually par for course for a quasi-pornographic show... but it's not that bad...

Lally said:
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric): a couple foreign awards
So of the whole cast he's gotten the best awards i take it...



@Li3n said:
Well lax acting (you haven't seen bad acting unless you've seen the crap that gets made here) is usually par for course for a quasi-pornographic show... but it's not that bad...

Lally said:
Alexander Skarsgard (Eric): a couple foreign awards
So of the whole cast he's gotten the best awards i take it...
I don't know if that's a joke or serious, but I don't know much about foreign cinema, so I don't know what those awards are. They could be the Teen Choice Awards of that country for all I know.

ETA: apparently they are big awards in their country, so sure, aside from Paquin, he's gotten the best awards.



I tried to watch the first episode and the accents made my ears bleed. :shrug:




Lally said:
I don't know if that's a joke or serious, but I don't know much about foreign cinema, so I don't know what those awards are. They could be the Teen Choice Awards of that country for all I know.

ETA: apparently they are big awards in their country, so sure, aside from Paquin, he's gotten the best awards.
That was a joke about how generic and rather dismissing "some foreign awards" is...



Frankie Williamson

Fun drinking game. Take a drink everytime someone says, "Soookaaay" or whenever a vampire bares his/her fangs, two if s/he does so against his/her will.




Frankie said:
Fun drinking game. Take a drink everytime someone says, "Soookaaay" or whenever a vampire bares his/her fangs, two if s/he does so against his/her will.
Damn, i need friends that actually drink at other times then new years...


Le Quack

Eric Skarsgard was amazing in Generation Kill


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Le Quack said:
Eric Skarsgard was amazing in Generation Kill
And he's also amazing on True Blood. I also love the actor that plays Jason Stackhouse and Lafayette. Chris Bauer(of the Wire fame), is also doing a great job this season as the former cop going absolutely insane with all the stuff going on. Michelle Forbes is also a great actress, and good as MaryAnn. I've also really loved the main Preacher and Anna Camp this season. There's a lot of good acting in True Blood, I don't think I'd throw it all away as terrible.

Like I've said often - it's trash, but it's very great trash. And I haven't missed a week yet.



Frankie Williamson




Le Quack

I live in Arkansas; Accents can be like that.



I actually know people (many of them in my family) that would say Bill like "bee-yull." I don't really have that much of a problem with the accents, and that's not why I say people on the show can't act. I can't stand when Tara talks, but I can't decide if it's because of her accent, her delivery, or just her voice in general.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Tara's not a good actress and the character has been a part of exactly 0 interesting scenes in the last two seasons.



Frankie Williamson

I liked some bits with her and Lafayette but that's mostly because Lafayette is awesome.




You know Lally, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to characterize me as someone who won't let you have an opinion. I just expressed a contrary opinion of my own, and you act as though I'm attacking the notion of individual thought. I think that's unfair.

True Blood has some good acting in my opinion. You don't agree. I see your point about nominations not guaranteeing quality, and I don't have a response to that point. We just have to agree to disagree on that.

However, I brought up the "people could claim ANY dramatic show is a soap opera" comment for a reason. Contrary to your experiences, I see that argument ALL THE TIME. I've seen people say it for shows like NYPD Blue, The West Wing, even critical darlings like the Sopranos. It's a catch-all criticism for a dramatic show that people don't like.



Tress: I'm sorry I got snappy with you. What you said just rubbed me the wrong way. It's one thing to disagree and another to be like "I have absolutely no idea where you could possibly get an opinion that differs from mine" like I had said the sun goes around the earth or something. And the "I keep seeing you say this" was just a minor point, but I know a lot of people don't read the random crap/epic win/rant threads so I didn't think it would be that big of a deal to repeat the point I'd made over a month ago there, and it just irritated me that you made it sound like I was posting it all over the place. I don't post anything bad about the show in the threads about it, I was just agreeing with someone else that already posted here, so it irked me that it seemed like I was getting attacked for it. Anyway, like I said, it just got under my skin; I guess I'm just a little irritable today. I'm usually not this snarky about differences of opinion, and I apologize.
