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Video game questions and advice thread




Formally a Nazi zombies thread until I came up with another question. Post questions or advice if you have them!

So with me and some of my friends, one of our biggest past times is call of duty: world at war and the Nazi zombies mode.

They just released a new map, "der riese" I think it's called, and we're a bit at a loss for 2 player tactics. Right now we put our back to the wall of the teleporter site where you can buy the Bowie knife, before we open it. The box is there initially and they only come from one direction so it works for the first few levels.

What gets us though, is when we open that door. What do y'all do?




2nd call for opinions! I want to beat some of my old star fox 64 high scores but I don't remember the best routes to take for the most kills. What route did you like to take and why?



phil said:
2nd call for opinions! I want to beat some of my old star fox 64 high scores but I don't remember the best routes to take for the most kills. What route did you like to take and why?
Corneria-Sector Y-Aquas-Zoness-Macbeth-Area 6-Venom offers the most kills I think (Zoness, Macbeth, and Area 6 are all HUGE point possibilities, especially Area 6). Also, Area 6 is the best stage ever, I always approach Venom from that way just because of how awesome it is.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

team fortress 2

any tips on how to not be completely incompetent as a soldier?




Allen said:
team fortress 2

any tips on how to not be completely incompetent as a soldier?
Shoot the ground and try to get splash damage if your not certain you can nail them with the rocket. Use the Shotgun if your ambushed and out of rockets. Look for chances to take advantage of your vertical rocket jumping ability. That's really all there is to know about it.




Allen said:
team fortress 2

any tips on how to not be completely incompetent as a soldier?
1. Practice. This applies to every class, of course.
2. Aim at where your target will be, not where your target is. Your rockets are one of the slowest moving projectiles in the game, and you only get four per clip, so you can't afford to miss too often.
3. At first, don't try to go for direct rocket hits, especially if your opponent is facing you and can dodge your rockets. Try to use splash damage to hurt your opponent, by aiming at the ground or at nearby walls. If you're engaged in a close-range encounter, jump up and shoot at the ground. Later, as you get better and more accustomed to rocket flight, you can try to direct your rockets directly onto your opponent, eventually leading to the holy grail of soldiering, airshots.
4. Learn to rocket jump. One of the soldier's greatest advantages over other classes is his aerial mobility. Rocket jumping allows you to reach higher areas your opponents can't get to. It also allows you to get above opponents and rain rockets downwards, which helps with the "shoot at the ground and hope for splash damage" strategy.
5. Remember you have a shotgun and a shovel too. The shotgun's an excellent weapon, even at longer ranges. If you're engaging an opponent at a range where he can dodge your rockets, pull out your shotgun.
6. Related to 5, try to learn how much damage is needed to kill each class. For example, if you manage to catch a scout with some significant splash damage from one rocket, pull out your shotgun and finish him off. A heavy, on the other hand, will probably require you to empty all four rockets on him before you switch to the shotty.
7. Related to 6, know the strengths and weaknesses of each class, as well as the nuances of each map. If you're up against a pyro with a flamethrower, chances are your rockets will be airblasted back. If you're crossing a wide open area, look for the sniper on the other side. (Or, better yet, shoot him)
8. You are one of the best possible targets for a kritzkreig medic. If a medic kritzes you, make sure you make each rocket count. They'll all hurt, trust me.

Generally speaking, soldiers are the "jack of all trades, master of none" class. Their rocket damage is overshadowed by demomen grenades and stickies. Heavies have more health and a bigger gun. Also, soldiers are the second slowest class in the game. However, every competitive team always runs at least one soldier, which should tell you how useful they are.




Allen said:
team fortress 2

any tips on how to not be completely incompetent as a soldier?
This "should" be the right video, can't tell because of at work filter.



Frankie Williamson

Man, ever since youtube began stripping the sound off videos that infringe on the worse than rape laws (copyright) the world has been a sadder place.




Frankie said:
Man, ever since youtube began stripping the sound off videos that infringe on the worse than rape laws (copyright) the world has been a sadder place.
I'm fine with that rule. The music is never used well, it's just been something annoying to play over gameplay vids or a collection of random anime clips.




Sucks when you want to listen to an "80s mix" or something to that extent though....


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

yeah shego, that was probably the right video. Thanks for the tips guys. I guess practice time.
