Videos You May Have Forgotten About:

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Stumbled across this after years of not having seen it. Had it stuck in my head for months the first time around.... gonna take a while to get it out again.

Any other "old" videos that you remembered cause of this thread?

The GF insists I put this one up for her contribution:
Shegokigo said:
Another oldie!

I was just about to post that one. About once a year I'll think of it and do a quick google search for "a hobo in my room." Works every time.
Shegokigo said:

You should get a kick of the dub:
I found this a few months ago. I didn't remember anything about this show at first until the theme song kicked in. Then "BAM," instant flashback! "Oh holy crap, I remember this show now! I use to watch this religiously when I was like four or five years old!"


Yeah she was raised by hispanic babysitters as she was growing up (rich family) so she speaks it pretty fluently as well. Even though she's pale, cinnamon haired and freckled. :zoid:


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Sand Animation from the 2003 SICAF (Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Fesival)
Might be NSFW, he draws nekkid people in the sand! EDIT: Oh! That's the preview frame. Let me know if sand nipples are inappropriate.


Staff member
Shegokigo said:
Yeah she was raised by hispanic babysitters as she was growing up (rich family) so she speaks it pretty fluently as well. Even though she's pale, cinnamon haired and freckled. :zoid:
There IS this small country called "Spain" that's full of white people that speak Spanish. You might've heard of it. (I keed I keed)
I think Shego is well aware that in a country of 120 million people, not all of them are short, brown and sombrero'd.


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Calleja said:
I think Shego is well aware that in a country of 120 million people, not all of them are short, brown and sombrero'd.
What about the stripey ponchos and the handlebar moustaches? WHAT ABOUT THE MOUSTACHES?!?
Shegokigo said:
Stumbled across this after years of not having seen it. Had it stuck in my head for months the first time around.... gonna take a while to get it out again.
I have never seen this before. It is freakin AWESOME.
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