[Funny] Villain in Dark Knight Rises Named Bane to Hurt Mitt Romney - Limbaugh

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I would not know... do to the Comedy Central Blackout on Direct TV[DOUBLEPOST=1342572348][/DOUBLEPOST]A thing on Limbaugh... I listened to him back in the late 80's, when I was working in the oilfield to pay for college. He sounded like someone who told it like it is... Then this one caller asked why Regan is a Conservative and the "Hard Liners" in the Soviet Union where Conservatives too. Since one was a Democratically elected official and the others were appointees of a Communist dictator (basically.)

I thought it would be a good time for him to say what conservative and liberal is depends on the point of view of the nation...

His reply was, I is just the Liberal media trying to make it sound like Regan is a Dangerous man like the Hardline Commies in Russia...

I quit willingly listening to his crap then, 1989.
So wait... they're a 'brain-dead pop-culture crowd'.... who know about Mitt Romney's history circa the 90s.

I don't...

I don't think that's a thing.

(Also a real socially-disconnected pop-culture nut is more likely to hear "Bain Capital" and think "Dur, like in Batman?" than the other way... wait, what's happening, why I am even addressing any of this. I have leftover pizza to eat.
No, Rush is right. Hollywood's been getting away with this shit for years. Remember when Peter Jackson named the second LotR movie after the 9/11 attacks?


Staff member
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot - a professional big fat idiot. Why go after Batman? Why form what may be the absolute worst conspiracy theory in the history of everything? Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a theory.

Rush Limbaugh is the Penguin. He closely resembles the Tim Burton version, (Danny Devito) plays the politics game much like that Penguin, and - possibly due to his girth or the effects of years of prescription pain killer abuse - he has a slight waddle when he walks.
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