Vision of the future - 2030/2035

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Alright so 25 years ago we had stuff in BTTF2 probably jokingly inserted into the movie:
Power laces, hoverboards, flying cars (still waiting on that one), hermetically sealed Pepsi bottles (due to the Tylenol tampering scare in the 80's), micro-hydrate ovens that unshrink a pizza in 5 seconds, video fax conference calls (ok well minus the fax part, we have that NOW), keyless entry systems (thumpads), digital screens (those are still coming), floating dogwalkers, dust repellent paper (doesn't that exist somewhere?), binoculars the size of a credit card (I think these would work as a computer zooming device, probably cell phone size!), holograms, instant news (internet), and instant weather monitoring services.
The latest is we have Nike bringing out the actual power laces shoe from the movie, down to every detail.

Now what are we going to have as futuristic objects in the future FROM NOW?
Please no WAR inventions.


Future innovations:

sodas will be banned, for lack of enthusiasm. Pop rocks will take their place in spring water.

tv and movies will have faded into obscurity

transporters (like Star Trek) will begin to be used for the first time

We will have civilian visits above the earth, possibly to the moon.

Digital billboards visible from Earth will be erected by Facebook and other conglomerates, on the surface of the moon.
Those shoes just remind me of how kids today seem to be learning to tie their shoes at 4 and 5 years old, and then wearing velcro and straps because they've forgotten immediately after.
As far as space goes I foresee private enterprise leading the new space race. The US Government has practically given up on space sence the end of the Star Wars initiative. Bottom line is the government of the US doesn't want to fund any projects that wont see immediate returns. Anything that is pure research or wont have returns beyond a single elected term has almost no chance of getting the needed funding.


Will replace all water.... the stuff from the toilet.


Element 117

Suicide booths. Cars that drive themselves. Super networks of rail bullet trains, and cruise ships replacing the airplane. No one travels anymore because by this time 3d and augmented reality/telecasting will feel so realistic everyone will stay home. Clones will be legal, for body part harvesting and androids will do most hard labor to make up for the smaller human populations due to the food crash of 2025
Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I fully expect the world 25 years from now to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland, due to major wars fought over dwindling resources and ideological differences.
More rain in the temperate zones of the Earth. Libya, Nigeria and Algeria will be swallowed by the Sahara.
Diesel cars will make up 45% or more of the cars in the world.
Hybrids will be a fad from the past.
Fast cars will only be available to the ultra-rich that can afford a 50% gas guzzler tax.
Disco will come back in style.
High speed trains will be scattered across our more populous states. I don't think I'll live to see a transcontinental TGV.
Radical Islam will finally succeed in driving the Mid-East into the Dark Ages.
Get used to using more Nukes and Coal for power generation.
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