Vote for Jet!

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Guys! GUYS! I entered Jet in a cute baby contest. Ièd really appreciate it if you went there and voted for him so I could win things and prove my baby is the best baby in Newfoundland.

Step 1: Go here!
Step 2: Enter your e-mail.
Step 3: Find Jet Miller! Just Ctrl+F him!

I'll remind you just who you are voting for:

Jet is wearing such a jaunty chapeau, I couldn't NOT vote for him.

Plus he's a Miller so I'm sure he's a stand-up good-lookin' fella.


Might I add that "Jet Miller" is an awesome name, and I might just steal it.

Philosopher B.

Poor old Dave remembers a time when there weren't so many babies in the world.

Element 117

damn that was hard. The picture loading just kept pushing his name down as I was about to click... it was like chasing a dollar bill across a parking lot on a windy day.


Staff member
I didn't initially Ctrl-F because I thought there would only be a few of them like a NORMAL contest. I got about halfway down the page before I said fuckit.


I didn't initially Ctrl-F because I thought there would only be a few of them like a NORMAL contest. I got about halfway down the page before I said fuckit.

Admit it. You temporarily forgot where you were and what you were doing.
I didn't initially Ctrl-F because I thought there would only be a few of them like a NORMAL contest. I got about halfway down the page before I said fuckit.
Yeh, this is round one. :) It shall be narrowed down to ten babies.

Jet will win the battle for baby supremacy!!


I didn't initially Ctrl-F because I thought there would only be a few of them like a NORMAL contest. I got about halfway down the page before I said fuckit.
Yeh, this is round one. :) It shall be narrowed down to ten babies.

Jet will win the battle for baby supremacy!![/QUOTE]

Any way of telling how he's doing?


Staff member
Is there any way of sending threatening messages to the fools who don't know the cutest baby when they see him?
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