Wacky student government posters!

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So, my buddy is running as the semi-serious (in any case, least pretentious) candidate for our class rep at college. I've whipped up some posters for him, and figured y'all might have a good time coming up with new slogans. Here they are:

Sadly, this one will never see the light of day, but I quite like it:


Staff member


Justin Moor's opponent wants to make this the new school uniform.

Vote Justin Moor.


Schillers are money that we put on our ID cards. Being able to use Schillers means you don't have to carry cash.
I hate to be the party pooper, but do you have any that appeal to people outside of the nerd community? I know that nerds are more prominent now, but I'd assume there are still jock contingents at colleges nowadays.


Well, it's a liberal arts college. While there's lots of variety in the type of nerd, even the jocks would agree that everyone's a nerd here. While most people won't get the references, they will get that a joke has been made, and frankly, that's half the battle right there.

That said, if you've got awesome non-nerd ideas, post 'em! (We're totally printing up a batch of 'He's not a wildebeest' posters now)


Staff member
I get a slew of them, but if I saw those posted up somewhere, I'd make it a point not to vote for that guy. Except for the dog one. That one has futzpah.

That said, go for it anyways. It's about time someone tried to be funny with stupid student elections.
I remember a humorous attack ad campaign that a friend and I had considered doing if I had run for the presidency of one of our on-campus student societies.

My favorite one was a graph showing the rise of piracy in Somalia during the previous year, and casually linking it to the previous president.
(Insert several images of cute puppies, kittens, tiny goldfish, etc)
Do you remember your favorite pet that died all those years ago?

I heard that [opponent] kicked it when it was a baby.

Demand more justice, vote Justin Moor.
Why vote for less?


When you can get MOOR!
(A collage of these images adorn the poster: http://images.google.com/images?q=moar )
(Pick some evil sumo image from here: http://images.google.com/images?q=evil sumo )
Justin Moor:
Bouncing SUMO out of the ring and
Putting student funds back to work for YOU!
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