wait, wha?

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Not too surprising, really. Heck, Jenny Poissoun is in a very active PbP on the Paizo messageboards. Friggin does photoshoots as her characters and everything.
...what good is it that they're strippers and porn stars if they're gonna keep their clothes on.

They're gonna keep their clothes on, no?


Staff member
Keep your hot chicks out of my nerd hobbies!

But only because I'm married and can't enjoy them.
...what good is it that they're strippers and porn stars if they're gonna keep their clothes on.

They're gonna keep their clothes on, no?
Are they ugly with their clothes off? Nuh uh!

Yeah, I watched part of this. It's...interesting, but really dull. And badly edited.


Staff member
Yeah, I watched part of this. It's...interesting, but really dull. And badly edited.
I watched the first few episodes of the Robot Chicken writers playing D&D over at Wizards, and was not impressed.

How is it that between porn stars, Robot Chicken and the PvP/Penny Arcade games, the webcomic artists end up being the most interesting to listen to?


Creators/ writers esp have more interesting things to say than superhotties who use their bods for performance sex?


Staff member
Creators/ writers esp have more interesting things to say than superhotties who use their bods for performance sex?
It doesn't surprise me that porn stars are boring (though I might have expected at least some stunts from the producers to try and make them interesting), but it did surprise me that the Robot Chicken writers were bland and the few attempts at humor weren't funny. Maybe they just took a while to open up in that setting, and later episodes were better.
The things is that the PA/PVP gamers are all actual gamers - they'd be playing anyway. I doubt that's the case with the RC crew or the porn stars. The same reason why The Guild and Gold are funny, but attempts at doing the same from outside the audience are quickly forgotten failures.
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