Wanna Feel Old?

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I felt old when the Transformers: The Movie 20th anniversary special edition DVD came out...

...Jesus, that came out 5 years ago!?
FWIW, I work with people who weren't even born by the time I was old enough to drink.

They're all such foeti.

You goddamn kids get off my lawn!
Now, I have to buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain.


Staff member
#1 thing to make me feel old this year: developing a crush on a girl 10 years younger than I am. (Which still makes her an adult. No need for Icarus references.)


I didn't think it would work but yeah I feel old now.

I also feel sad. Nice work.


Staff member
I felt old when I realized my niece - the little kid who always ran up to me and hang onto my leg when I tried to walk - is going to turn 18 this year.
I find it scary that kids who weren't born during 9/11 - one of the defining events of our generation - are on the verge of becoming teenagers.
I first watched the 60's Spider-man cartoon 18 years after it first aired.

I first watched the 90's Spider-man cartoon 18 years ago.



Staff member
My youngest turned 18 this year. Yes, Sammi is now 18 and fair game, ya pervs. My son turns 21 in May.

And thanks to Shego for the first laugh of the morning. Hell, for the last few days. The PvP comic and the first response in this thread both made me giggle.
That sperm that got away from you when you were fooling around in the back seat of your car at the drive-in, instead of watching Waterworld, just borrowed the keys to that same car.
I routinely pull over/arrest people whose birth years correspond with important times in my life (year I moved back to the US, year I left the States for France etc).

Then there's my wife... who's 7 years younger than me. *grins*


major point that made me feel old, reading the list with a friend who said "who the fuck is clarissa, thats sabrina"

How old are you? I thought of it as Sabrina too. Mostly because I enjoyed that show much more than the other.
No dude, not even once, I like my womyns to be womyns. I do love me some r/trees, though, if you're looking for something to disapprove of.
Might as well lump the whole internets in there, as reddit is usually worth looking at in it's entirety. I enjoy browsing r/trees, too, for informational purposes.
Contrary to what seems to be the popular belief (Albeit lighthearted.) that Dave is the oldest resident here I almost certainly hold that title, by many years. The first films that I remember are those made in the late thirties/ early forties. You are right Hylian, your chart is not for old folks! While being aware of my age I do not think of myself as "Old".
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