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Wanna see some cool animation?




Technically this could probably go in the Awesome Videos Thread. If you guys feel it doesn't warrant it's own thread I won't put up a stink if you decide to move it.

I've been out of college for a year now, and someone from the year behind me has now seen to it to put together a vimeo channel of the student films from Sheridan that I'm going to pimp to you.

Even though the person that did it just graduated this year, most of what's up there is actually from my year or the year before right now.

This one's from the year ahead of us, and honestly you may have even seen it before. It's definitely made the rounds:

Agnes is from my year, she's a good friend of mine. A lovely, happy Polish girl who decided she wanted to do something creepy as shit, which seemingly contrasts entirely with her personality. That or reveals all kind of dark things about her inner workings. (Yet surprises no one who is familiar with Polish animation):

Eddie's a friggin' art directing genius. I worked with him on our third year film and also on another short we did in Beijing. He won an award for this and now he works at JibJab:

Carlos and I had the same mentor in 4th year so I got to see week by week progress on this. I'm not really sure what Carlos is doing nowadays but I know he wants to get into video games (I think that'll be clear when you watch it). Keep in mind, we weren't taking a 3D course. It was a traditional one. We only took 2 semesters of Maya throughout the whole 4 year program. Carlos is pretty much entirely self taught:

This one is from the year ahead of us and it's depressing as hell. I sort of know Carla, the girl who made it, but honestly she never seems to remember me. A mutual friend of ours helped her out a bunch with it. It's been shown in a tonne of festivals, and if I recall correctly will even be shown at TIFF later this year:




Aminder is another very talented lovely girl from my year, who made this, and now works at Nickelodeon:

(You have no idea how many times I told her she got evolution wrong. It didn't matter)

Never met Kyu, he was in the year above us. But his film was possibly the best of that year:

Another wonderful person from my year. She works at Pixar now:

I didn't really know Vanessa Tam very well, but after I saw a rough cut of her film I had to track her down and just tell her how much I LOVED her backgrounds. Theyre gorgeous, and the film is funny too:

Anyway there's a tonne more there, not all of it is fried gold but it's all good stuff (Except for mine. There's a reason I didn't pimp my own film in this thread). And there should be more being added all the time. Check it out.





This is exactly why I gave up television for the Internet.

EDIT: That cranking-the-well sound effect in "Well Being" is bugging me. I know I've heard it before somewhere (MM7?). Also, Hah! Wilhelm in Dr. Brock! Sweeet!




I know I've posted Sun Day before, the film I was a part of in my third year (Like I said, not posting my 4th year one. I didn't even want it on that vimeo channel but somebody else put it up):

But here are some of the other group films from that year. These are all done with teams of 10-12 people. We weren't supposed to do more than 3minutes.




This is how I see the net.

So no, I don't want to see your "cool animation“






Is this a Chinese censorship thing? Vimeo is working fine for me (On Firefox).



That fish one is an interesting concept and I enjoyed it. i did find it hella creepy though.




Works for me too.

Also, this is some excellent stuff.




Is this a Chinese censorship thing? Vimeo is working fine for me (On Firefox).

Not that there's anything wrong with th--------------




This guy was I think, three years ahead of me? Maybe only two. I dunno. He went to Pixar. I know that much.
Easily one of the best films to come out of Sheridan in the past decade:




Chairman Mao.

Not that Mao's Chairman Mao, Mao.
Frig, Terrik, would you shut up about Chairman Mao already?!



I laughed out loud there.. for reals yo




Dogs of war. Hah! Love it!





It's actually inspired by the sad story of Laika, the first animal in space. She died in orbit.




*reads thread title*

Nope! :troll:

(Seriously, maybe later, after I get some school work done.)




This is another friend of mine who I worked with on that third year film. The idea behind it is simple, it's safe subject matter for a grad film. But its execution really set it apart:

This one is bizarre. The style is gorgeous though. I'm not sure where he is currently but he was at Nickelodeon last I heard:

Another friend of mine. She learned ToonBoom for this. Unfortunately the school doesn't do a great job of teaching us that, despite the fact it's practically industry standard nowadays. It turned out GREAT and she got lots of attention for it. She works for a company doing social media games now:

Ah, Mike. This guy's hilarious. Film turned out awesome too:

This one came out before I was even in the program, but it's still infamous as one of the program's best:

There's quite a few more now from THIS year's grads, which I haven't checked out just yet other than a few friends' of mine (who haven't put theirs up online)




Oh hey, Vera Brosgol.




Johnny wanted to celebrate the fact that he was one of like 4 Americans in our graduating year:




Did Game Set Match use a sample from the Raccoons? That sounded like Bert Raccoon to me.




All the sounds are (or at least SHOULD) be either copyright-free fair use, or are from a huge sound library the school pays for. I doubt he got the sound from the Raccoons, but it's likely that the Raccoons used the same sound library.




Nah, it's not quite the same. Just sounds remarkably similar to the Bert Raccoon VA.




Not on the Sheridan Animation Vimeo channel, but still related; Our Stop Mo teacher sometimes makes 30 second zombie shorts in his spare time.




Saw another one (from Sheridan, no less) on Reddit, resurrecting this thread to post it.





Yeah I saw that one there.




Jen was waiting to put this one up online, but I guess her festival circuit is over now. She's another one I worked with on Sun Day, aside from doing most of the effects shots, she and I shared the Production management role. She's now working as a production manager at a commercial animation studio.




I just found out another friend of mine, Sean- who I also worked with on Sun Day (He was basically our director, as well as head of story)- posted his 4th year film up online.
It's not actually finished, but it's as finished as it ever will be. He hates animating, and he's colour blind, so what was done for graduation is likely all that will ever be done. He was heading in the direction of storyboard artist, actually. Anyway, the dude's a comedy genius as well as being insanely talented as a storyteller and artist.




This one hit Reddit a couple of days ago. Kept meaning to post it here. Well, I just did!





That one's not from Sheridan! That's a Ringling student film!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

That table flip wasn't in reaction to a simile! It was reacting to the origins of an animated film!




Noam. a friend of mine from the year behind me, was featured on Cartoon Brew today for his very strange final film.





Sagan was in my year as well, she based her film around a) What if the LHC were built in Toronto, and B) What if it went horribly horribly wrong? She's working mostly in independent games right now.

Martin was the year ahead of me, and I never met him. But his film was one of my favourites that year. It's a criticism of the animation industry that flew over most people's heads, but even so the humour works, and the film gained a lot of popularity. Even played at TIFF

Vanessa is another one of the people I worked with on Sun Day. Her film is depressing. She's working in mobile games.

I did some colouring for Naz while I was in second year. I had no idea what the film was about, but her "help wanted" poster had these hilarious turkeys drawn on it and that was enough to get me.

Lily's film "Sketchi" is another depressing as balls one, from the year... I think two years ahead of me. She won a few awards for it, I think it even played at TIFF.




I wouldn't call those two "depressing." I'd call them "tender."
Sketchi, especially, has a lot of love behind it. It's no Cat, but it certainly speaks volumes...without saying anything.





Ashlyn is a true punsmith, as well as one of the most driven, passionate animators I had the pleasure of attending school with. She's working at JibJab now.
