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Want to feel horrible about your own art?




Go here.

Weep softly to yourself when you realize that these too are just amateurs. They aren't getting pro work any faster than you are, and they're way better than you. By "you", I really mean "me".



Go here.

Weep softly to yourself when you realize that these too are just amateurs. They aren't getting pro work any faster than you are, and they're way better than you. By \"you\", I really mean \"me\".





Sweet! I've been looking for a theme for my kids' birthday party.



Sweet! I've been looking for a theme for my kids' birthday party.

ah the ol' "Zebras with turbine engine assholes" theme.


Rob King

Rob King

All of those were damn good, but half of them were nothing to despair over.

I am often simultaneously appalled and relieved at the unrealized talent I find in people who work at call centers and restaurants. Some of these people are better than me at everything I hold dear, but don't bother to do anything with it.

I worry less about the talent I'm competing against, and focus on the talentless people who somehow have jobs doing what I want to be doing. If they got there somehow, there's hope for me.




I don't need more reasons to feel horrible about my art.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I'll feel horrible about my art no matter what you stick in front of me.




Talent, creativity, intelligence, good ideas. They all mean jack shit without ambition. You always have a decent chance of beating people that are better than you. Unless you just sit around and cry about it. Bitches.

BTW, I'm not insinuating that you're a bitch, fade.

(I'm explicitly calling you one) :moon:



Feeling horrible would require having any amount of artistic talent I guess. :arrowright::arrowright:


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I gave up on my drawing skills a long time ago.

In a galaxy far far away?

Anyways, I'm a writer now!


Rob King

Rob King

Anyways, I'm a writer now!

I get to feel horrible about that now.




Of all the artists I know, I can't think of a single one that DIDN'T think their own art was bad.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Of all the artists I know, I can't think of a single one that DIDN'T think their own art was bad.
Ditto. I know people whose work astounds me, but all they can focus on is how to do better.



if an artist doesn't hate their work, they are either liars, or without talent.

besides fade, i think the only difference tween their work and yours is a higher degree of OCD for detail completion.




Only poseurs and hacks feel their own work is brilliant. Whether it's drawng, painting, digital art, music, or writing. Talent without skill produces unrealized potential, skill without talent produces competent but dull work, and talent and skill without effort produce nothing.




Only poseurs and hacks feel their own work is brilliant. Whether it's drawng, painting, digital art, music, or writing. Talent without skill produces unrealized potential, skill without talent produces competent but dull work, and talent and skill without effort produce nothing.




if an artist doesn't hate their work, they are either liars, or without talent.

besides fade, i think the only difference tween their work and yours is a higher degree of OCD for detail completion.
Thanks, but I don't think I agree. Most of those guys have a much better understanding of things like light and anatomy than I do. And pretty much everything else. That's not just false humility either. It's depressing to go to that forum.




Who can draw very good here? I'd like to ask a favor and get them to draw something for me...

and no... it's not the ol' "Zebras with turbine engine assholes" theme.lol
