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Want to see stupid in action?







I like his attitude.

"Yup, looks like it's coming right at me. But it probably isn't dangerous."




I don't even know what to say.




I'm sure in the next couple of days he'll be making the rounds on the morning talk shows, making chit chat with the talking heads with his *aw shucks* attitude. And not one of them will call him out for being the absolute fucking moron that he is, & then end the interview short.




I already get CSPAN and Fox News.




Heh, "I love you."

Those three words probably scared the shit out of his wife more than any mention of tornados, debris, roofs coming off or anything




That guy is so lucky, and he probably doesn't realize it. This is why you stay away from tornadoes, moron!




It is so strange, that when I was in grade school there was only one confirmed film showing a tornado. Now there seems to be dozens more every week each spring.




How many tranquilizers was this guy on?


General Specific

General Specific

Welp, that tornado is coming straight for me, better sit and wait for it to get me.


Yup, it got me... want to get supper later?




It is so strange, that when I was in grade school there was only one confirmed film showing a tornado. Now there seems to be dozens more every week each spring.
Proliferation of affordable and reliable recording devices + People wanting their fifteen minutes of fame + distribution over the internet = a metric buttload of tornado "documentarists".




Proliferation of affordable and reliable recording devices + People wanting their fifteen minutes of fame + distribution over the internet = a metric buttload of tornado "documentarists".
That and storm chasers - people who track storm systems in hopes of seeing a tornado. There's even a show about various teams called, naturally enough, "Storm Chasers". One crew is attached to an idiot filmmaker who wants the "Twister" shot, looking up the funnel, even though that shot can't actually happen. Another crew started out as semi-Extreme Sports types, who film the twisters and sell the footage to news stations. That aspect is undermined by the fact that the apparent leader of that crew actually is a meteorologist and they've explored a lot of unconventional ways of getting probes into tornadoes, include R/C airplanes and an air-cannon. The driver at one point complains that they're focused more about the science than selling video or gathering hail to sell to Boeing or Lockheed Martin. Then there are other teams of various funding levels, up to a massive government project featuring over a dozen mobile Doppler radar units on trucks... that are too fragile to be driven near storms.

The idea is, the more data that can be gathered from an active tornado, the better we can interpret weather systems as to what will and won't cause a tornado, allowing for better early warning systems.




Plus, everyone is just hoping to see Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton get tossed into the air.




He's the Steve Irwin of storm chasers.

"There's a tornadah. One of the deadliest storm systems there is... I'm gonna poke it with a stick."




No more stupid then any other thing you can do for kicks that can end up with you dead... except this one didn't cost any money...

Not like he was putting anyone else in danger...

He's the Steve Irwin of storm chasers.
Well i guess he'll die in some sort of wind related household accident then... like the wind opening a window that hits him and he falls down and hits his head on something...
