WAR mac client

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Staff member
Anyone using it? How well does it work? It's using Transgaming to run the windows version of the game, which worked well for CoH (I noticed no slowdown on my macbook pro running the game in Mac OS versus booting into Windows).

For that matter, how is WAR? I know GasBandit loves it. What about everyone else?

Oh, this thread is dangerous. I knew when they were coming out with a Mac client it would seriously up the odds of wanting to reactivate my account, now that my laptop is the best gaming machine in the house. If it's any good, I'm in trouble.

At least I know I won't be playing Champions Online.


Staff member
I play war, get into it for a month maybe two, and then jsut fall out of it. I am not sure why, I mean, it seems good enough. I guess the world wide stuff jsut isnt much there for me every time I try.


Staff member
Wow, it took me all of 10 minutes to get bored of that. Ugly graphics, clunky interface, and worst of all, it just sort of dumps a newbie right in. The tooltips don't help a tremendous amount, either.

Shannow said:
I guess the world wide stuff jsut isnt much there for me every time I try.
That was pretty much the reason I stopped. I had more fun in PvP than I've ever had in an MMO, and I loved the concept of the open quests, but it was too much of a crapshoot whether there'd be anyone to help out with the ending.
ZenMonkey said:
Shannow said:
I guess the world wide stuff jsut isnt much there for me every time I try.
That was pretty much the reason I stopped. I had more fun in PvP than I've ever had in an MMO, and I loved the concept of the open quests, but it was too much of a crapshoot whether there'd be anyone to help out with the ending.
Same for me. Even playing the game with my brother, you can't two-man the end of the Public Quests and if there's nobody there you might as well not bother.
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