Wasted Money

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So sometimes I look at all the money I've ever earned and think, "Gee where the hell did it all go?"

I've had a lot of dental work done in the last ten years, so when I was at the dentist recently I asked for a printout of everything I had done in 'X' years. Since 2002 I've spent (personally since I don't have dental insurance) $7,000.

Yup, that's where all my money went.

So, where'd all your money go? What are your vices and money sinks?



Flappy hootie reduction sugery?
I'm sitting on a $10,000 dental debt right now.

My money goes to food, almost completely. The GFs checks pay the rent/bills, mine are for restaurants mostly. With some games/movies on the side, though ever since I got into MMOs, I buy less games and with Netflix, I have no reason to buy movies.
*looks at probably nearly 1,000 discs of DVDs*

*looks at huge novelty cup stuffed with movie tickets*

*realizes he forgets to hang on to the ticket stubs over half the time*

*swallows sadness*
Compleatly missed the point.

Armor and cloth for garb (though I don't consiter it wasted, so I still probalby missed the point).


Booze, like not a ton, but its a fair bit.

Im still trying to find the perfect rum.

Le Quack

Trying to think up something that cute girl would like to do, then purchasing it for the both of us.
Very little. I try not to regret purchasing things, especially big things. Sure I can look back on things now and wish I had some of that money I used to, but no point crying over spilled milk, and I got my money's worth at the time.
I get coffee in the mornings sometimes. Used to be every morning, but I have cut back. I would like to eventually STOP getting coffee in the morning, though.

I need me a Toddy!

I get coffee in the mornings sometimes. Used to be every morning, but I have cut back. I would like to eventually STOP getting coffee in the morning, though.

I need me a Toddy!

I used to make that all the time. I need to find a place that sells the filters for it though. I made quite the mess trying to make my own filter for it...


Staff member
Ya know, Vyta, the owner of Highland Coffees cold-brews with a simple french press. He leaves the cold water and grounds sitting overnight, then adds milk and flavor in the morning. I didn't think you could do that, but his are great, so I suppose it does...

at the current price of about 6.50 a pack, at a pack and a half a day (on average):
6.50 x 1.5 = 9.75
9.75 x 365.242 days in a year = 3,561.12 a year.

now consider when I started buying cigarettes they were obtained at 2.00 a pack. So we average the low price with the new (no, I'm not a math whiz, someone else could do better I'm sure) we get:

11.75/2 = 5.87 x 13 years..... 27,895.36

now, I'm no math whiz and those aren't exact figures, but consider the periods of time I smoked considerable more than 1.5 packs a day, or times when I probably paid way more than the average price (bars charge an arm and a leg for a pack of smokes) it's probably a pretty close estimate.


Staff member
I buy a lot of coffee, myself. I hate going out to bars and stuff, so I never buy alcohol. But I buy a good amount of coffee. About once a month I'll get some comic books, and I might catch 1 movies per month... but I looooove hanging out at my local cafe several nights per week. Still, I don't get hyper-expensive drinks, so it's not so bad.

Really, most of my money gets spent on weekends when I get to see the fella. We go out to eat/cook together, sometimes take little mini vacations to New Orleans, or go to the LAN center. We'll still rock climb from time to time. We always say we're just gonna stay home and watch movies, but then we don't, heheh.


At three different points in my life, I empited my bank account for Warhammer 40k miniatures. Boy, those 3000 point Space Marine, Chaos Marine, Tau, and Imperial Guard armies sure were a good investment when I haven't even looked at them in a few years.


In my early twenties I used to buy a new shirt for work every couple of days.

In my late twenties I went to night clubs about 4 times a week.

In my thirties eating out my last 2 restraunt bills have been in the region of £200 for two people.


Staff member
bout to go waste some money on some Chinese Combo King. Dumb name, but really good American-Chinese food. :D
Games, comics, movies, eating out...a lot, booze etc. It's not that I don't make enough money to support a hefty discretionary budget, it's that I'm getting closer and closer to being transferred (hopefully) somewhere where I will have to buy my own residence rather than living in Force housing and I would like to have as much money saved as possible for a massive down payment on a house.

Gill Kaiser

I always hoped that I would be able to avoid debt. I want to use debit cards rather than credit cards, and I don't really want to borrow money for large purchases. That may be naive.

Anyway, now that I've finished University, I'm in debt from my student loan, although I thank Jebus that I'm not saddled with the kind of ridiculous interest that students get in the US.
Money comes and goes. I try not to worry about where it all went once it's gone.

Most of my money seems to go towards food, gas, and movies. I don't smoke or drink (regularly). I don't play MMORPGs.

I buy the occasional shirt from Woot and MP3s from Amazon, but that's probably <$60/year.

Paying for tuition fees eats up the majority of it.
I think my wasted money mostly goes to eating out when I really should be eating in.

I don't really consider money spent at bars that much of a waste because I'm usually having a good time to make up for it.

I think my comic collection from before was a waste because I don't really read them that much anymore..but that's mostly because I've read them so many times I know exactly what each page and word balloon looks like. It's hard to find the suspense in the first issues of the walking dead when I know who lives and who dies, but for the first couple of times I read it, it was really enjoyable. So I guess it's kind of a half waste.

These days my money is wasted on more individual things. I'll spend 10 bucks on shit I just don't need like champagne for my tuesday meeting with my friends, or I'll see a movie and get popcorn even though I can't afford it anyway.
Several small purchases such as movie tickets and junk food that, though I thought of as insignificant at the time, have added up to my exclamation of "holy crap, why is my bank account short $150 from last month??"

Considering my current income is $0.00, this is not an insignificant amount.


I have a retarded metabolism. I'm 120 pounds and I have a footlong for lunch, two dinners, and snack all night. It adds up fast ><

Besides that, I too am saving up to move out.


I like to think I've very good with my money. I really only buy things that I cannot obtain otherwise. Let's see:

Cigarettes/Coffee/Junk Food/Soda - I don't require any of those.
Meals - I'm on a meal plan so it's already paid for and my meals are always simple: rice, meat, fruits, vegetables. If I do eat out, I know a place that has a shitton of food for just 5 bucks and its delicious. I also only drink water because juice is available at the dining hall and I don't drink soda.
Books - I read them from the library. I only buy books when they are extremely well written or otherwise unobtainable: The Stand, The Dark Tower Series, A Canticle for Leibowitz, etc.
Movies - If I do watch movies, it's only with friends and/or if they get good ratings. Otherwise, I just wait until they come out and watch them online.
Games: No MMO, also torrents.
DnD - Spent 5 dollars on a miniature, the rest of the books I have in .pdf format.
Rent/Kids/Etc. - College student. When I'm done I'll probably live with my parents for a while. The house will be lonely without me and I think they'll enjoy my company, at least, until I can buy a place of my own.
Gas - College student, everything is within walking distance or I use a bus pass.
Clothing - I'm wearing the clothes my father wore to work when he was younger. Unfortunately, most of his shirts are bright colors and I favor blues and blacks. All my other clothes are from Chinatown so they're dirt cheap.
Hobbies: I shoot guns, which themselves are quite expensive. I do a lot of reading before hand and spend quite a bit of time considering which ones to buy though, so I don't burn through cash just walking in and picking out one. The ones I shoot the most often are my .22's, so ammo is dirt cheap. 7.62x54R and 9mm are about .20 cents a round, but that's about as low as you'll find them.

I have no job currently, but that should probably change in the near future.
I have a retarded metabolism. I'm 120 pounds and I have a footlong for lunch, two dinners, and snack all night. It adds up fast ><

Besides that, I too am saving up to move out.
you must be under 25. believe me that usually goes away, and it's a sad day in mudsville when it does.
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