We need a banner ad.

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Staff member
I just received a free Banner ad at http://www.ibpdownloads.com/. But we don't have a banner ad.

We need one. Anyone want to see what they can do for us?

As of right now I do NOT have the size specs. But I'm working on it. Don't think we'll get many hits from it but it's free, so...


Staff member
Yes, but clicking that takes you to a page that does not let you upload a banner. Basically they want money and then don't give you the option to get what you paid for. Adding to that, I've asked the question as a response in similar threads and even started one of my own in the Introductions thread. They have 21,697 members and I have 23.08% of the posts on their entire forum today. Which is to say I've posted 3 times.

I think I got taken, but at least I'm going to get a copy of every one of their games 1 at a time.


Staff member
Nice! Okay, the dimensions of the image has to be 468x60. I tried to use Paint to change the one GS did but then I can't read the writing.

Any PS or Paint gurus here that can help?


Staff member
Here's the text I'm putting with the banner.

At Halforums, making banners is not our highest priority. We worry more about taking care of the clients who want a forum but not the pain that comes with moderation and hosting. Hope to see you there soon, too.


Staff member
Hmm.. The description sounds like a joke where someone is trying to say something catchy, but it's overly long and winded.

But I can't think of much better.

Here's the resized banner:

View attachment 183

L2Photoshop n00b

Edit: How 'bout this?

"At Halforums, you probably shouldn't come to us for banners. What you SHOULD come to us for, however, is a community to host your forums without the hassle of moderating them yourself. Want to see what we're all about? Come say hello!"

Something along those lines. I'm not a writer though, so someone else should probably take a crack at it.


Staff member
The image resizer is mucking things up. So we're looking for a different way of doing it. Currently our choices are REALLY BIG IMAGES or screwed up image links but they show.

Kitty Sinatra

img and /img tags work just fine for me.

hmm . . . no they don't. They did

Dammit Dave.

Wait, there I go. It helps that I used an image url.
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