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Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself...




...to sleep at night.

This is gonna be fun to watch: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8413377.stm

Australia intends to introduce filters which will ban access to websites containing criminal content.

The banned sites will be selected by an independent classification body guided by complaints from the public, said Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.

A seven month trial in conjunction with internet service providers found the technology behind the filter to be 100% effective.

However, there has been opposition from some internet users.
Twitter users have been voicing their disapproval by adding the search tag \"nocleanfeed\" to their comments about the plans.
\"Successful technology isn't necessarily successful policy,\" said Colin Jacobs, a spokesperson for Electronic Frontiers Australia, a non-profit organisation that campaigns for online freedom.

\"We're yet to hear a sensible explanation of what this policy is for, who it will help, and why it is worth spending so much taxpayers' money on.\"
Mr Conroy said the filters included optional extras such as a ban on gambling sites which ISPs could choose to implement in exchange for a grant.

\"Through a combination of additional resources for education and awareness, mandatory internet filtering of RC (refused classification)-rated content, and optional ISP-level filtering, we have a package that balances safety for families and the benefits of the digital revolution,\" he said.
The filter laws will be introduced in parliament in August 2010 and will take a year to implement.

'noble aims'

\"Historical attempts to put filters in place have been effective up to a point,\" Dr Windsor Holden, principal analyst at Juniper Research, told BBC News.
The \"noble aims\" of the filter could be lost in its implementation, he warned.

\"Clearly there is a need to protect younger and more vulnerable users of the net, but one concern is that it won't just be illegal websites that will be blocked,\" he added.
\"You have to take extreme caution in how these things are rolled out and the uses to which they're put.\"




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

I propose we start coming up with nicknames for it.

The Great Barrier Filter?




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself





Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

And what are they going to do... make it illegal to have a web surfing computer without the new blocking software? What about if someone has to reformate and forgets to re-install? Are they suddenly a criminal? Honestly... did ANYONE think this through?




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Nice to see a Western Style Democracy coming down on the side of the Chinese Communist on an issue.




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

And what are they going to do... make it illegal to have a web surfing computer without the new blocking software? What about if someone has to reformate and forgets to re-install? Are they suddenly a criminal? Honestly... did ANYONE think this through?
Read the article. Looks like it'll be an ISP-side thing, so it will filter the internet before it's received by the user, by the look of it.


General Specific

General Specific

Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

100% of the time? Really?

They must not stress test it or have any former hackers on the development staff.



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

there is no 100% "effective" in technology :)

Cake is a lie!




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

there is no 100% "effective" in anything :)

Cake is a lie!
all better



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

there is no 100% "effective" in anything :)

Cake is a lie!
all better[/QUOTE]

(sarcasm on)
abstinence - i.e. NEVER have any sex with anyone is 100% proof on not getting anyone pregnate
(sarcasm off)



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

there is no 100% "effective" in anything :)

Cake is a lie!
all better[/QUOTE]

(sarcasm on)
abstinence - i.e. NEVER have any sex with anyone is 100% proof on not getting anyone pregnate
(sarcasm off)[/QUOTE]

Sperm donation. To name just one option.[/QUOTE]
but that is not me getting someone else pregnant (unless I'm the one donating the sperm)

I guess I should be more clear on the sarcasm.

there are some few 100% proof (not many) hence the edit of "anything" doesn't really hold true.

If I never have sex with anyone then I can't get any women pregnant (or claim to be my baby) that is 100% proof. I won't be happy, but it works.

I have to think of any other possible 100% proof. (other than alcohol)



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

there is no 100% "effective" in anything :)

Cake is a lie!
all better[/QUOTE]

(sarcasm on)
abstinence - i.e. NEVER have any sex with anyone is 100% proof on not getting anyone pregnate
(sarcasm off)[/QUOTE]

Sperm donation. To name just one option.[/QUOTE]
but that is not me getting someone else pregnant (unless I'm the one donating the sperm)[/QUOTE]

You're the one donating, still never had sex, yet a woman can be pregnant with your child.[/QUOTE]

well.. I never donate either (at least in real life) so my original statement holds true :)




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

For a country that likes to promote itself as the independent, wild west type, they sure have a puritanical streak.



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Then someone will just sneak up on you when you are sleeping, and suck it right outta ya for their evil wicked ways!
well darling, I hope you will at least ask permission first before wisk it away ;) (plus my wife may not approve) ;)



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Then someone will just sneak up on you when you are sleeping, and suck it right outta ya for their evil wicked ways!
well darling, I hope you will at least ask permission first before wisk it away ;) (plus my wife may not approve) ;)[/QUOTE]

Point is that it might be 99.99999,,,~% effective, but not 100%[/QUOTE]

ok.... I'll give you that assuming someone COULD break in and whisk it away.




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

This thread was about internet filters! Now it's about the probability of Chibibar impregnating a woman and Ame's stealing into his house "whisking" his sperm away somehow just to prove her point.

Halforums; you are weird. :confused:



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

This thread was about internet filters! Now it's about the probability of Chibibar impregnating a woman and Ame's stealing into his house "whisking" his sperm away somehow just to prove her point.

Halforums; you are weird. :confused:
Heh! :) I'm one of the weird internet people who can be convince given the right argument. She is right in a way, that I can't protect my sperm 100% (even getting it snip there is a small chance at least it has been done before) so that disprove my statement of 100% proof anything (except 100% proof alcohol)




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Then someone will just sneak up on you when you are sleeping, and suck it right outta ya for their evil wicked ways!
well darling, I hope you will at least ask permission first before wisk it away ;) (plus my wife may not approve) ;)[/quote]

Point is that it might be 99.99999,,,~% effective, but not 100%[/quote]

ok.... I'll give you that assuming someone COULD break in and whisk it away.[/QUOTE]

I smell a challenge...

So Shegs, Ame and whoever else, first one to break into his house and steal a testicle wins... only rule is that the cut has to be non-fatal... second place get's a t-shirt.

well.. I never donate either (at least in real life) so my original statement holds true
For you maybe...



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

For a country that likes to promote itself as the independent, wild west type, they sure have a puritanical streak.
Puritanical? Try authoritarian.

Believe me, this is not the worst thing the Australian government's done by a long shot.




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Oh c'mon, which country with an indigenous minority didn't do that at one point or another?



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Then someone will just sneak up on you when you are sleeping, and suck it right outta ya for their evil wicked ways!
well darling, I hope you will at least ask permission first before wisk it away ;) (plus my wife may not approve) ;)[/quote]

Point is that it might be 99.99999,,,~% effective, but not 100%[/quote]

ok.... I'll give you that assuming someone COULD break in and whisk it away.[/QUOTE]

I smell a challenge...

So Shegs, Ame and whoever else, first one to break into his house and steal a testicle wins... only rule is that the cut has to be non-fatal... second place get's a t-shirt.

well.. I never donate either (at least in real life) so my original statement holds true
For you maybe...[/QUOTE]

You have to break in to do this? I think not, Jesus Christ.



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Jesus Christ.




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Then someone will just sneak up on you when you are sleeping, and suck it right outta ya for their evil wicked ways!
well darling, I hope you will at least ask permission first before wisk it away ;) (plus my wife may not approve) ;)[/quote]

Point is that it might be 99.99999,,,~% effective, but not 100%[/quote]

ok.... I'll give you that assuming someone COULD break in and whisk it away.[/QUOTE]

I smell a challenge...

So Shegs, Ame and whoever else, first one to break into his house and steal a testicle wins... only rule is that the cut has to be non-fatal... second place get's a t-shirt.

well.. I never donate either (at least in real life) so my original statement holds true
For you maybe...[/QUOTE]

What does third place get?




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Unless Chibi has 3 balls, experience.




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Hey, if it's gonna make me level I'm in.



Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Oh c'mon, which country with an indigenous minority didn't do that at one point or another?[/QUOTE]

In the '70s? Not so much.




Web filters that work 100%... sure Australian, whatever you have to tell yourself

Being distracted by discriminating against other groups of people shouldn;t count...
