Web Site Stats

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Staff member
Okay, there is a guy on the vBulletin site who is bitching and moaning that he got rooked using the Pro version of the Gameroom (I'm reading all about it to see if they have a fix for the FF broken images). He told the developer that he paid for the addon and never used it and never intended to EVER use it. He wants his $50 back.

The developer came back with links to the guy's site where the gameroom was live & kicking and also linked to when he purchased the website.

That's really what this post is about. Not the gameroom, but the website he bought. They listed the traffic and auctioned off the site based on the traffic stats. Winning bid? $5100.

Here's their stats for that time frame:

Here's ours from the same date range.

As you can see, we outperformed that site in every aspect in that span, sometimes by a very, very large margin.

Don't know what that means and I'm not selling, but it's funny as hell that people are paying that much for something we kicked the shit out of!


Staff member
Their bounce rate is 51.22% and ours is 27.31%. The bounce rate is when someone gets to the site and then just leaves instead of clicking anywhere else. The higher it is the worse it is. We kick their ass in this category. People who hit our site click on at least one other link within the site nearly 72% of the time. Them? Less than half.


Staff member
The only thing that could be considered better on their site is the new users. We only have new users at 16.65% but you could also read that as we have more loyalty.
For comparison, it has been surmised that burgeoning successful webcomics have around 12000+ uniques, around 3-10% new visitors, and about an 80+% bounce rate.


Staff member
Their bounce rate is 51.22% and ours is 27.31%. The bounce rate is when someone gets to the site and then just leaves instead of clicking anywhere else. The higher it is the worse it is. We kick their ass in this category. People who hit our site click on at least one other link within the site nearly 72% of the time. Them? Less than half.
Sorry, I flipped the numbers in my head. For some reason I thought we had the 51%. Doh!
Having lower % of new users isn't actually bad. It means that you have a stronger core audience (on average).

Advertisers like that. Ideally, they want a high number of uniques and a strong core audience.

Kitty Sinatra

So does this mean that you're selling us back to Kurtz, Dave?


Staff member
I would never sell this place. I'm going to let it slowly grind into dust on its own while I try and keep it going by kicking, screaming and holding on by my fingernails.

Or I'll have a heart attack and die. Whichever.
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