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Weird things that hit you




So I have this friend who was in high school with me. We were never really that close, but when we DID hang out we got along well. He's a sweet dude and everyone always knew him as someone who went his own way and was very interesting and honest. I never had a thing for him or anything; I just felt the way most people did--most people liked him a lot.

I just found out he got engaged and then married just recently. I barely know the guy anymore, but I almost cried. I'm thrilled, I'm a little sad, and most of all I'm shocked. I never thought he'd marry... maybe be in some kind of common-law relationship for the rest of his life.

He and his girl have such a sweet meeting story. They seem totally made for each other. But I haven't spoken to this person in almost 2 years. ( We mainly keep up on facebook, if ever).

I guess I'm just surprised at all the emotions I feel over an event in someone's life who I never thought I was that close to anyway.

Ever feel that way?




During my sophomore year of high school, one of the kids in my neighborhood shot himself in the park. I had hung out with this guy a couple times when I was younger (and only because I was with my other neighbor, a mutual friend) but had hardly even talked to him since early middle school. We got the news as the marching band got back to school from a competition one evening and the band director told us in the band room. For some reason, I broke down right there and couldn't keep myself from crying over this person I'd barely known.

Now that I think about it, I cried more when I found out he shot himself than when my uncle committed suicide.





I heard from an old friend from high school. He is married with a couple kids and doing great. Not all that eventful, but it kinda got to me. I guess it reminded me of what I wanted, but wasn't anywhere near to finding.




I was hit by an orange once. That was kind of weird.

Oh...that's not what you wanted.




I am a few months away from the age my dad was when he got married.

I'm at the age where I can get married and establish my own family.

When that hit me, I was terrified.






:rofl: DI + Reboneer, your goobers.




I dislike hearing old classmates gettin' hitched and starting to reproduce. Makes me feel... sad about my own single situation.

But then again my best friend told me he just dumped his girlfriend so that kinda evens things out.



One time in Cincinnati I got hit by a Turkey plummeting into my windshield.








I was hit by an orange once. That was kind of weird.

Oh...that's not what you wanted.

Drawn inward is Pierce Brosnan!


Wasabi Poptart

A few months after I started dating this one guy, his younger sister died in a car crash a few miles down the road from where he lived while I was at his house. She had left her daughter with us and was going back to her place to get something. She actually committed suicide from what we were told. She drove head on into a large truck, like a dump truck. She was still alive at the scene and was refusing to let the emergency crew to work on her.
It was a sad situation, so being upset over it would be understandable. I barely knew her. Only met her briefly once before this. I felt bad for my boyfriend and his family. I was the one who explained to the little girl that her mom had died. It bothered me, but I wasn't upset over it.
A few days later, we went to the yard where her car had been towed. For some reason my boyfriend and his brother wanted to see the car. I completely broke down when I saw the car. I cried like she had been my best friend from childhood. I couldn't stop. It was terrible. I felt like such an ass.




God... that must have been so shocking to see, though. Seeing that probably made it real, especially if it was you who talked to the daughter about it.



A high school friend of mine died about 5 years back; I left work early when I found out to attend her funeral. Then, a few weeks ago, something reminded me of her, and I realized, I could not remember her name. I looked it up in my high school year book at the time, and found her, but already, it's slipped my mind again. It's just weird how that happened




A guy in my high school graduating class died in a car accident a few summers ago. I didn't know him personally but I knew his name and face and it bugged me for weeks that someone my age could die. He was 21.




I got hit with a ham once. No that was Paula Deen.


This year has been weird of people I know dying or getting killed. Got a service to go to later today! That's gonna be weird.


Wasabi Poptart

I got hit with a ham once. No that was Paula Deen.
El Oh El




I used to have this Soul Mate in the Philippines,in near vicinity of her I could usually feel her emotions. We'll i then moved to Germany and I kinda lost contact with her. A year ago during work I suddenly got this wave of happiness for no apparent reason.One me at work and happiness,doesn't happen. I called her the next morning to find out that she just got married.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Today, reading a Philip K Dick biography (I'm alive and you are dead),

I read about the time he picked up an old newspaper and read about a 3 year old kid brought to a hospital for surgery. There was a problem with the anesthesics and he became blind, deaf and paralytic.
Dick, then, was shocked imagining how a 3 year old could feel in such a situation.

And my insides curl and twist every time I think about that.







Today, reading a Philip K Dick biography (I'm alive and you are dead),

I read about the time he picked up an old newspaper and read about a 3 year old kid brought to a hospital for surgery. There was a problem with the anesthesics and he became blind, deaf and paralytic.
Dick, then, was shocked imagining how a 3 year old could feel in such a situation.

And my insides curl and twist every time I think about that.
I have that edition in my room back in Spain, great book.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Today, reading a Philip K Dick biography (I'm alive and you are dead),

I read about the time he picked up an old newspaper and read about a 3 year old kid brought to a hospital for surgery. There was a problem with the anesthesics and he became blind, deaf and paralytic.
Dick, then, was shocked imagining how a 3 year old could feel in such a situation.

And my insides curl and twist every time I think about that.
I have that edition in my room back in Spain, great book.[/QUOTE]

I loved it, even with the author's constant spoiling of some novels I haven't read yet... And also the fact they used a portrait of K Dick by Crumb, wich is why I linked to the picture of this edition!

Also, I found it a little unsettling that I'm, in some ways, very similar to K Dick... Except I'm not nuts.




Also, I found it a little unsettling that I'm, in some ways, very similar to K Dick... Except I'm not nuts.
Suuuuuuuree you ain't :p


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Also, I found it a little unsettling that I'm, in some ways, very similar to K Dick... Except I'm not nuts.
Suuuuuuuree you ain't :p[/QUOTE]

Yes, I'm not! I have proof! God told me!



There's some pretentious lucid dreaming film that I have recommended to me by students all the time. I pretty much just say "The man was schizophrenic, stop wasting your time."




I'm 20% done with my life, but I've done less than 5% of what I want to do.

I'm now old enough to own a house, even though I don't feel like an adult yet.

My coworker has a family, and she's as old as I am.

I'm going to be in debt for the rest of my life.

My parents are past the age when their parents died.

My best friend is gone, and he's never coming back.

Life is weird.




I'm 20% done with my life, but I've done less than 5% of what I want to do.

I'm now old enough to own a house, even though I don't feel like an adult yet.

My coworker has a family, and she's as old as I am.

I'm going to be in debt for the rest of my life.

My parents are past the age when their parents died.

My best friend is gone, and he's never coming back.

Life is weird.
I've rented houses, and I own land. I feel like an adult, but mostly against my will.

Everyone I know has children, whereas I'm the only one who hasn't had one yet.

I'll be in debt for awhile, but I'll bounce back up again, I always do.

My grandparents are alive and well, going into their 80's soon and they show no sign of stopping.

My best pal is immortal.
When my cousin passed away, the next day it hailed and the day he was buried it was clear and sunny. I never believed that November was capable of producing such excellent weather.




No laughs at my weird al joke?

I hate you guys.




No laughs at my weird al joke?

I hate you guys.
Sorry Espy, I wasn't even aware you posted in this thread. Here, I'll force a laugh for your benefit.




No laughs at my weird al joke?

I hate you guys.
I laughed.




I hate you a lot less GeneralOrder.

Blackcrosscrusader is dead to me.




Ministry got called "obscure metal" in the IRC.

I now feel old.




Weirdest thing that happened to me recently (that I can remember) was discovering this comic.

Honestly, my mind free-associates things all the time. I see all kinds of connections between things that don't necessarily relate. I'll hear a spot in one song I'll see how the font in one ad is extremely similar to something else, or how fascinating the golden ratio is and wonder whether or not there's some relation to other irrationals (e, π, etc), or how it relates to music or even just speaking voice.

Every day, a new discovery. I just hang on for the ride.





Ministry got called "obscure metal" in the IRC.

I now feel old.
To be fair, they haven't ever really been well known outside of industrial/metal circles.




Ministry got called "obscure metal" in the IRC.

I now feel old.
To be fair, they haven't ever really been well known outside of industrial/metal circles.[/QUOTE]
That helps. Thanks.




Ministry got called "obscure metal" in the IRC.

I now feel old.
To be fair, they haven't ever really been well known outside of industrial/metal circles.[/QUOTE]
That helps. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

It should. They aren't Nine Inch Nails and they don't need to be. Both are great but do different things for different reasons in the industrial landscape.
