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Well campus tech support was helpful



Some of you know this is in regards to an earlier thread on which I created
in asking for help for campus wi fi for my PS3.

I stopped by in between classes to see if they could be of any assistance
in helping my PS3 connect to the wi fi on campus.

What I gathered from them is that they don't service systems like what I
have only computers and things of that nature.

So now it looks like I will have to get a wireless router of my own.

I'm slightly complaining somewhat because one of my college suite mates
who owns a 360 can connect via xbox live through his ethernet cable whilst I cannot.

Are there any inexpensive routers I can purchase without breaking the bank?

It's a bit annoying because I can't play any of my multiplayer games online.
Uncharted 2 is fun but I'm missing out on the multiplayer.




See if he'll split the cost with you and get a wireless router. You can both share it and he can play your PS3 games when you're not around.



The thing is the campus provides individual routers in each of our rooms.

The last two semesters that I have been here one of the computer science majors in my previous suite connected his own router to it and we had a better connection.

Since moving to this suite without the router I used before instead of the campus' one I never had a problem.

The only way to stay connected online is via an ethernet cable. Their wi fi connection without ethernet is fairly lousy even though the provider is Time Warner.




Suck it up, pussy.



you are lucky. here routers aren't provided and we aren't allowed to buy our own either.




Are there any inexpensive routers I can purchase without breaking the bank?
My experience is that buying a cheap router is a crap-shoot. It might work just fine, it might be flaky.

I'd try setting up internet connection sharing through your computer, first. Connect to the school's network with WiFi and then connect from your PC to your PS3 with an ethernet cross-over cable (or connect via ethernet to your schools network, and connect PC-to-PS3 with Wifi).
