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What age for a BB Gun?




My daughter turns 6 in January and I'm thinking of getting her a BB gun so she can go shoot with me when I go out to my dads house to practice. What age do you guys think is good for your first gun? I would make this a poll, but I can't seem to figure it out *sigh*




I guess it depends where you live. I personally wouldn't get a kid one until they are around 8 or 9 years old.




I'll have to ask my parents when I got my first one and go from there



I had access to a BB gun at her age. We had a lot of woodpeckers at my house, so my dad told me that I could use it to scare them away. I think that having that responsibility gave me the focus to not do silly shit.

But yeah, I think under supervision 6 isn't out of the question. Clearly she should not be walking around with the thing. But if you are with her every step.


Fun Size

Fun Size

In before "she'll shoot her eye out".




I think I had my first when I was 6 or 7.




I'd say 7-8 for a BB/Pellet gun, and then move her up to a .22 at 10-12 if she's still interested. Keep an eye on her though.



thats a good age for it, after all you gotta have somebody to protect you against black bart.

but honestly, as long as she can only use it as long as you're around then i say go for it.




I got an airgun at 7 from my Uncle. He taught me how to use it and then was gone the next day. I shot it everyday till it completely stopped working.

Not sure about the differences between a BBgun and an airgun, but as long as there isn't too much recoil, she should be fine.

As far as supervision, that differs from child to child. You'll know if she needs to be watched at all times.




You the type I'm talking about is the type I had as a kid you have to pump the handle about 20 times and you get out of breath before you shoot the first pellet? Pellet gun that's what they are called ah ha!



I'd say 3 years old. Any younger and it's a choking hazard.


Wasabi Poptart

My first question is does your daughter have an interest in shooting a gun or is this something you want her to do?

If she's interested in it, then I think it depends on her maturity level as to whether or not you should get her a BB gun. Does she follow directions well and listen to what you tell her to do or not to do? Will she understand that she is only to use HER BB gun when you or another adult are around to supervise her and that she is not to touch any other gun?

It's not just how many years old your daughter is that should matter here, IMO. She could be 10 and still not be ready for a gun, BB or otherwise.



I first fired a gun when I was 8, thanks dad.

He bought me my colt revolver when I turned 18 too.




It's not that she never she's guns I have a .40 a 9mm and a .22 I conceal carry my .40 any time I leave the house (legally and with a license of course) and she regularly see's me putting it in the holster and takign it in and out of the safe. The reason I'm wanting to do it is out of saftey.

Like yes there are guns in the house these are daddy's and you should never touch them, but if you do really want to come talk to me or mom and we will take you somewhere with a gun that is just for you and you can explore the ins and outs of it in a safe manner



I got a spring loaded bb gun when I was 8 and promptly used it to shoot my friend in the ass.




Never been comfortable with a gun...

Took some shots with my brother-in-law's old air rifle when I was in my teens; parents tried to get me to pick up shooting "in preparation for the army" - and I was a mediocre shot with an assault rifle.

I don't know about age, but supervision is a definite must until she learns it's not a toy.




As everyone else pointed out I agree that supervision is a must I don't want her to go out and prop up GI Joes to shoot limbs off like I did when I was 8ish




I got a spring loaded bb gun when I was 8 and promptly used it to shoot my friend in the ass.
Reminded me of when I shot my friend in the hand. He was about 200-300yrds away, walking home, and I came outside with my airgun and pretended to aim at him. Well he thought it would be smart to taunt me and began holding his arms outwardly as a "Cmon, bring it". So I took aim and fired at his hand. (I honestly didn't think it'd reach that far, no idea how strong the gun was at the time) Needless to say he was far enough that it didn't break skin, but his hand was swollen and purple for over a week. :twisted:




What age do you guys think is good for your first gun?
Completely depends on the kid and the family. I expect your kids would be more able to safely handle a weapon than my kids, as yours have been raised with guns in the house and a father that carefully handles his weapon daily.

I know 16 year olds I wouldn't trust with a BB gun.

So there's no way to set an age.



Wasabi Poptart

It's not that she never she's guns I have a .40 a 9mm and a .22 I conceal carry my .40 any time I leave the house (legally and with a license of course) and she regularly see's me putting it in the holster and takign it in and out of the safe. The reason I'm wanting to do it is out of saftey.

Like yes there are guns in the house these are daddy's and you should never touch them, but if you do really want to come talk to me or mom and we will take you somewhere with a gun that is just for you and you can explore the ins and outs of it in a safe manner
If she already understands that and you've given her some basic gun safety knowledge already, then I think with supervision she's probably ready. I grew up around guns (kept in closets and drawers since way back then that was acceptable enough) and I knew that only adults should handle them. I think I first shot my dad's BB gun when I was 10 or so and learned how to use a shotgun when I was in high school.




18 or later, 'far as I'm concerned. But I may not be the one you're looking at for this sort of thing :-P




learned how to use a shotgun when I was in high school.
I just shifted in my chair a little. :heythere:



Oh do potato guns count? I made one of those bad boys in 6th grade.



Did someone say guns?
I've been shooting as long as I remember and what matters has already been said in this thread. If she's mature enough to handle a gun then that age is fine. Of course I believe the rule of thumb is that the first time you take someone shooting you give them the 3in buck and a 12 gauge.
Edit: Also, no one should have any guns. Take them all away.




I had great fun as a kid going skeet shooting with my dad. I couldn't have been more than 9 the first time he took me.




depends on the kid.
I had a bb gun at 7 or 8.

My own 8 year old is a little too airheaded. Maybe in a year



How about never ? A DS with Nintendogs seems like a much more suitable present for a 6 year old girl.
This is probably because I'm European, but I'd never give a kid a gun.




Oh do potato guns count? I made one of those bad boys in 6th grade.
I did so much damage with that thing.... :twisted:




How about never ? A DS with Nintendogs seems like a much more suitable present for a 6 year old girl.
This is probably because I'm European, but I'd never give a kid a gun.
It IS because your European. As the DS with Nintendogs... I dunno. That would just be encouraging sedentary behavior. At least with the BB gun she'd be outside in the sun.


Wasabi Poptart

learned how to use a shotgun when I was in high school.
I just shifted in my chair a little. :heythere:[/QUOTE]

I've even gone hunting. It wasn't anything big, just ducks. I also learned how to shoot a pistol a few years ago. :cool:




WildSoul if you live in one of the states that allows it I would deffinatley say get your concealed handgun license (or whatever it's called in your state) it deff brings you peace of mind if you're in a bad neighborhood or in an area by yourself with your baby because, no offense, women strike robbers as easy targets. If you do want any information on it just tell me the state your in and I'll dig up info on it, just PM me if you want



NEVER!!! My son shot me in the ass when he got his first one. That shit sucks!

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

depends on the kid.
I had a bb gun at 7 or 8.

My own 8 year old is a little too airheaded. Maybe in a year


Do they make bulletproof butt gear? seriously!!




I'd say 7-8 for a BB/Pellet gun, and then move her up to a .22 at 10-12 if she's still interested. Keep an eye on her though.
This seems like the answer I would also give.




The .22's I have covered I have a 9 shot .22 revolver that was my great grandma's she used to wear when she rode a horse, 2 .22 rifles, one being from around the 1940's and a .22 Semi-auto I bought for my wife


Wasabi Poptart

WildSoul if you live in one of the states that allows it I would deffinatley say get your concealed handgun license (or whatever it's called in your state) it deff brings you peace of mind if you're in a bad neighborhood or in an area by yourself with your baby because, no offense, women strike robbers as easy targets. If you do want any information on it just tell me the state your in and I'll dig up info on it, just PM me if you want
No offense taken. My husband and I discussed it before we came out to CA and decided not to have guns until either we settle down some where (we move pretty often because he's military) or the kids are older. In the meantime, we have some things around the house and in my car that we can use to defend ourselves if the need arises.




Eh CA is one of those states where it's nigh impossible to get a CHL as they are an "At Will" issue state meaning that they will only issue a CHL if they think you need one and a military base at that is federal property and anytime you are in the base the firearm would have to be locked up unloaded in your trunk



Answers courtesy of /k/
When they are born, you buy them a rifle
8, or like a little youth 10/22 or bolt action .22... start em young and they grow to be responsible gun owners...
Depends on what you've been teaching them, 6-10 is usually fine though.
get her a BB gun but only let her use it under your supervision until she gets older. at 10-11 you could buy her a little .22 six shooter/derringer.
those .22 six shooters are loud as fuck... rifle would be safer in a few respects
My step brother takes his 4 year old to the range, he teaches her gun and range safety using a cap gun. Its pretty smart, and its about the cutest damn thing you ever saw.



BB gun at 10, 22 bolt action at 13, 22 semi at 15, 18 .38 special revolver

That what my dad gave me, and when I have kids seems pretty good. You don't want to start them to young otherwise they will think and treat guns as toys, they have to have some level of maturity.




How about never ? A DS with Nintendogs seems like a much more suitable present for a 6 year old girl.
This is probably because I'm European, but I'd never give a kid a gun.
Hey what do you expect from the nation that would give a gun to a kid but tell him playing games is evil and seeing a nipple will see him go to hell :p.
