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What are you doing for Mother's Day?



What are you doing for Mother's Day? How are you celebrating it? Are you celebrating it?

I'm giving a refurbished LCD monitor to my "adoptive" mother - my landlord at home -... big change for her, coming from an old 15" CRT. Just got it hooked up for her, and she is very happy! :)




We're dong our monthly Nursing Home visit with our Youth Group, followed by a little breakfast and then performing a musical @ church for everyone. After that, we'll go out to eat with anyone that wants to join us.


Wasabi Poptart

My plan for tomorrow is to have a nice, relaxing breakfast. I have requested a breakfast burrito from the Mexican place up the street and a cup of my favorite Starbucks coffee to drink with it. After that the day will probably be the same as usual. I got an enameled cast iron casserole, a gift certificate for a massage, and I was told there is one more thing coming. Yesterday, my son brought home a card and sunflower plant for me, too. So, it's already a pretty neat Mother's Day for me.
My mom is across the country and working tomorrow besides, so I might not get a chance to talk to her. She already got her cards in the mail from us. I gave her a gift card for Borders. She's already planning to use it on Monday for a cup of chai and a new book.




Me and my sister are going to take her and my niece to Copeland's to get some cheesecake for mother's day. I love my mom so much.

I was going to visit her today... but my bumper cover was nearly ripped off my car by my stupidity with the help of the bush that is planted in my driveway. Mom says it's a yew.




I'm makin lunch for mom, my grandmas, and my uncle's wife. Should be a fun time.




Pulling weeds, making chicken cordon bleu, and baking her a lemon meringue.


Philosopher B.

You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?




Called my Mom to congratulate and have a chat. She and dad live out of town, so... *shrugs*

My sister invited them for dinner today. I can't attend, because I have work to do.


Chad Sexington


I'm going to Europe on Monday, so I'm saying my farewells. (My gift is: I don't bother mom for 3 months! [Seriously though I bought her season one of Damages on Blu-ray]).

We'll have a nice dinner I believe.




Europe? Nice! What parts thereof?



My mom lives 3,000 miles away in Europe, so a phone call usually does it for me.




Cooking dinner and doing general housework. She has a day off today.



called my mom in China and wished her a happy mother's day. I will take her out to dinner when she is back in town.




Just a phone call. She's in a different state and preparing to move all of her and dad's stuff (by herself) to a different state. Go mom!




getting married in 8 hours :)




getting married in 8 hours :)
You still have a chance to run... ;)



Getting Married!





Getting Married!





Europe? Nice! What parts thereof?
I'm guessing he's going to Chaz's mom's part of Europe :)


Wasabi Poptart

Getting Married!

You'll be fine. Your wedding will be beautiful even if some small details fall through. Just keep in mind that this is about two people, you and Tin, declaring your love for one another to those people who matter in your lives. You being Mrs. Tinwhistler is the goal for the day. Everything else will fall into place no matter what.

Early congratulations to you both!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am 1000 miles away, so I sent flowers and will call later today when it is appropriately late in the day. It would be the worst present to wake my mom up on Mother's Day, since she sleeps in a lot.



Frankie Williamson

My mom lives about 16 hours away by car...sooo, I'm gonna give her a call tonight. My grandma too.




Basically nothing, she doesn't think much of mothers day. We watched the Giro though, so I guess that counts?




Getting Married!

You still have time to run.




Getting Married!

You still have time to run.[/QUOTE]

She could do what that one chick did and pretend to get kidnapped



Europe? Nice! What parts thereof?
I'm guessing he's going to Chaz's mom's part of Europe :)[/QUOTE]

He can try. My dad benches about 300 lbs and is 6 foot 5.


Chad Sexington


Europe? Nice! What parts thereof?
Pretty much everywhere. Starting in Lisbon, I land 16:30 local time, and we're heading east. Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy a few stops in between. We're sort of flying by the seat of our pants. No set route. My friend has to leave after 7-8 weeks but I'm staying on for an extra month, during which I'll try for Greece, Turkey and then fly to England & Ireland, which he has zero interest in. Then in September I'm off to PAX. I'm doing a lot of travel this year.

Also I have no interest in banging Chaz's mom. I'm not saying she's not bangable, I'm sure she's a lovely lady, I'm just a classy Sexington who respects the institution of marriage.




Europe? Nice! What parts thereof?
Pretty much everywhere. Starting in Lisbon, I land 16:30 local time, and we're heading east. Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy a few stops in between. We're sort of flying by the seat of our pants. No set route. My friend has to leave after 7-8 weeks but I'm staying on for an extra month, during which I'll try for Greece, Turkey and then fly to England & Ireland, which he has zero interest in. Then in September I'm off to PAX. I'm doing a lot of travel this year.

Also I have no interest in banging Chaz's mom. I'm not saying she's not bangable, I'm sure she's a lovely lady, I'm just a classy Sexington who respects the institution of marriage.[/QUOTE]

May I suggest Finland? Especially in July. 1st-4th of July there's the Medieval Market in Turku, and 23th-25th there's Ropecon in Espoo (right next to Helsinki).

Both are occasions that yours truly will be participating in unless dead ;) It would be nice to meet fellow forumites.




Come on now, Mr. Sexington, this is EUROPE, their currency is based on threesomes, orgies, and open marriages


Chad Sexington


Well my friend flies home from Italy on July 5th so I don't think we'll be there then, but I might try and make a run up there after he's left, then. Having one change of clothes I'd only be able to roleplay as Weary Traveller Who Still Can't Order Coffee In French. But it'd be cool to grab a drink or something if I can get to there.




Well my friend flies home from Italy on July 5th so I don't think we'll be there then, but I might try and make a run up there after he's left, then. Having one change of clothes I'd only be able to roleplay as Weary Traveller Who Still Can't Order Coffee In French. But it'd be cool to grab a drink or something if I can get to there.
Well, if you don't mind me roleplaying the Con Guest Who Hasn't Showered Since Friday Morning... ;) But I can tell you, it's always fun at Ropecon. It's small, of course (about 4,000 visitors), but there's always plenty to see and buy. Books, comics, boffer swords, actual swords, outfits... and lot of the stuff is in English.

Just steer clear from the Saturday night exploitation horror movie show. It's terrible... because the films they show make Uwe Boll look like frickin' Cecil B. De Mille.




My Mom's on the mainland so I gave her a call. And congrats to both of you on the wedding!


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I'm staring at and writing code.

I'll put in a call to my mummy later.

and now I miss my kitten.


Rob King

Rob King

Called my mother earlier on in the day. It didn't sound like she has been having a good day :(

I'll be seeing her on Tuesday, though, when I go home for a few days.




Yesterday one of my mother's friends called to let us know her son died in a climbing accident at Yosemite on Friday. I can't imagine how hard a time she's having right now. I made the special menu I had prepared but because of this news were we all kind of subdued about it.




Called my 71 year old mother, just to hear that she took a tumble down a flight of stairs. She dang near took out 3 other old ladies. She just ended up with a BAD bruise on her leg.




So I won that twitter contest and got an AWESOME card (actually 2!) with the gift card. So I want to thank Dave for running the contest and working so hard to make sure I got everything by Mothers Day. I did and my mom FLIPPED. She just started crying and was so touched by it. So thanks Dave for hosting the contest and thanks mom for being awesome. You might be nutty, you might be a crazy cat lady but dammit, you are the best mom I could have ever had.

She had just gotten done crying and hugging me. She was really and truly blown away.
