Export thread

What do you think of me?




So, let's hear it. apparently people think I'm creepy.




I can tell you why, because for a while you made me VERY uncomfortable. You sometimes take your silly flirtation/innuendo to a weird level. I personally think you've been getting a little better about it, and I know you're just kidding. But I also know it still bothers some people.

I still think you're nice.




I voted Grue.




I think of you as "the funny owl from the 'retards... every family has one' motivational poster" because that's your avatar and it makes me smile on the inside AND the outside.



man, if I made a thread like this I'd get my ass chewed off for being an annoying bitchy attention whore.

honestly, bubbs, I'm too busy thinking everyone hates me to worry about you.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

you make me laugh, and the gay flirtations are fun.

when will you stop breaking my heart?




man, if I made a thread like this I'd get my ass chewed off for being an annoying bitchy attention whore.

honestly, bubbs, I'm too busy thinking everyone hates me to worry about you.
Well, yes. I don't like this sort of threads, at all. However, I was told to by an admin :-P




man, if I made a thread like this I'd get my ass chewed off for being an annoying bitchy attention whore.

honestly, bubbs, I'm too busy thinking everyone hates me to worry about you.
Well, yes. I don't like this sort of threads, at all. However, I was told to by an admin :-P[/QUOTE]

Anyways, I think you're a well rounded everyman. If anyone finds you weird, they really oughta grow a thicker skin, I've met some space cases that re-define the term "creepy." You don't even come close to creepy in my books.



passing a suggestion isnt an order, Bubbletronics. I read what she said. :p

And honestly, if GUYS are creeped out by you (as evidenced by that thread) more so than girls that's a good thing, unless you're gay.


Cuyval Dar

I loves teh Bubblezorz. Shame on the mysterious admin.




Well, no, I didn't say I was ordered to. I said she told me to make this thread if we were going to continue the discussion about my apparent stance. And since I was sort of curious, I decided to go ahead and make this thread. I wouldn't have made it out of nothing.




I loves teh Bubblezorz. Shame on the mysterious admin.
Um, before this gets blown out of proportion, I suggested to Bubble that he take this query out of Mav's thread so as not to continue the derail.

"Told me to" does not make me want to vote positively in this poll at the moment.



I loves teh Bubblezorz. Shame on the mysterious admin.
Hey, to be fair, the question was raised in another thread tangentially. All said admin did was suggest that it might warrant its own so as not to hijack the existing one.

As for the gaseous owl? Not creepy. Takes more than the odd weird comment to elevate him to that category in my books.




I loves teh Bubblezorz. Shame on the mysterious admin.
Um, before this gets blown out of proportion, I suggested to Bubble that he take this query out of Mav's thread so as not to continue the derail.[/QUOTE]

Well, yes. My apologies if anyone thought I meant anything different :confused:


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I've been waiting patiently it seems for ever to see what happens when you pop. funny owl bubble.

Outside of that, I like ya just fine and have no problems with you.

I also like Crone and all the rest of you mal-contents.



I, for one, want to jump your bones.




I, for one, want to jump your bones.
I have a magical transportation ring you can use to get to Belgium.



*stabs you repeatedly*

die dead man! die


Wasabi Poptart

I think you're a little weird and have thought you take things a bit too far sometimes when you're trying to flirt, but I also think you're a good guy.



I think you're a little weird and have thought you take things a bit too far sometimes when you're trying to flirt, but I also think you're a good guy.
i think the EXACT same thing about you, oddly.


Wasabi Poptart

Oh I know I'm weird. :D



I know far creepier people.

Yes you're creepy.



I know far creepier people.
see her avatar,




I see you as a volkswagen van on the highway, billowing with smoke. Part of the journey to the destination, but begging the question, is that pot smoke or a thrown rod?


Rob King

Rob King

I think Bubble is a pretty cool guy. eh likes owls and doesn't afraid of anything...



voted funny


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

*stabs you repeatedly*

die dead man! die[/QUOTE]

.... I just had this robe cleaned!!

:censored: seriously, no one respects how hard it is to get zombie matter out of fine linen....




*stabs you repeatedly*

die dead man! die[/QUOTE]

.... I just had this robe cleaned!!

:censored: seriously, no one respects how hard it is to get zombie matter out of fine linen....[/QUOTE]

Why use zombies when you can use flesh golems? Cheaper, easier, and sturdier!

Also: "I was told to":
First off, I admit I misworded that, but I was just talking in French to someone else on Facebook, and "Elle m'a dit de" is much, much less close to "ordered" than it would be in English. More like "she suggested I could do this if I was curious about this", which is all I was trying to say, imply, or whatever else.
Secondly, there was a smiley there! WHy does everybody always think aything is so serious? :waah:

And Allen: I'll stop cheating on you when you stop leaving me alone with hot and willing women. Ok, unwilling women. Ok, unwilling animals. Inanimate objects. Ok, ok, I'll probably never stop cheating completely >_<

...Some people think that's a creepy comment? Really? That sort of thing? Eh :-(



And Allen: I'll stop cheating on you when you stop leaving me alone with hot and willing women. Ok, unwilling women. Ok, unwilling animals. Inanimate objects. Ok, ok, I'll probably never stop cheating completely >_<

...Some people think that's a creepy comment? Really? That sort of thing? Eh :-(




And Allen: I'll stop cheating on you when you stop leaving me alone with hot and willing women. Ok, unwilling women. Ok, unwilling animals. Inanimate objects. Ok, ok, I'll probably never stop cheating completely >_<

...Some people think that's a creepy comment? Really? That sort of thing? Eh :-(

I may or may not have done that on purpose.







And Allen: I'll stop cheating on you when you stop leaving me alone with hot and willing women. Ok, unwilling women. Ok, unwilling animals. Inanimate objects. Ok, ok, I'll probably never stop cheating completely >_<

...Some people think that's a creepy comment? Really? That sort of thing? Eh :-(

I may or may not have done that on purpose.[/QUOTE]

i took that into account. Still posted.


Rob King

Rob King

...Some people think that's a creepy comment? Really? That sort of thing? Eh :-(
No. It just means that there's a tiny sliver of hope that I'll be able to have your body.

*single faith-filled tear rolls down cheek*



man, if I made a thread like this I'd get my ass chewed off for being an annoying bitchy attention whore.

honestly, bubbs, I'm too busy thinking everyone hates me to worry about you.
And he's being one. Sorry I got to the party late.




man, if I made a thread like this I'd get my ass chewed off for being an annoying bitchy attention whore.

honestly, bubbs, I'm too busy thinking everyone hates me to worry about you.
And he's being one. Sorry I got to the party late.[/QUOTE]

I am honestly surprised the "whiny" vote count is still zero. I'd have guessed myself as much more of a whiner than a creep on this forum, to be honest. Ah well.



If what I'm seeing in this thread is considered "creepy," then your senses of creepiness are a touch sensitive.

Or I'm completely f'ed in the head, one or the other. *shrug*




Just don't worry about this poll too much, no matter what it says. A lot of people here have made a "label" of sorts for themselves. Even when they're not living up to it at all, they might get stuck with it. Just have fun. :)



man, if I made a thread like this I'd get my ass chewed off for being an annoying bitchy attention whore.

honestly, bubbs, I'm too busy thinking everyone hates me to worry about you.
And he's being one. Sorry I got to the party late.[/QUOTE]

I am honestly surprised the "whiny" vote count is still zero. I'd have guessed myself as much more of a whiner than a creep on this forum, to be honest. Ah well.[/QUOTE]

I picked creep, just to feed your own self doubts. :)




Just don't worry about this poll too much, no matter what it says.
But...but..."cute and funny" is winning. :tear:




I clicked 'em all, and the reason why is OOOOH SHINY!




Where's the option for "turtling $%$#@ son of a $%$@"


Cuyval Dar

Where's the option for "turtling $%$#@ son of a $%$@"


Kitty Sinatra

I voted Grue. Mostly because I thought I was voting on your next good times bed buddy, and since Neon's gone a vote for Grue is a vote for me :D

But also, I think of you as an honorary Grue. One of us. One of us. Well, since Neon's gone, one of me. One of me. One of me.




Voted other, on account of there was no "normal" option. It's an internet forum for crying out loud. Yeah, you've said some strange things, some creepy things, some annoying things and some drunken things; and you occasionally have some non-American English errors, but I don't figure that makes you any weirder than the rest of us.




I clicked 'em all, and the reason why is OOOOH SHINY!

I like the way you think...




voted grue. dunno what to say, ok you're weird but almost everyone is in these parts.

you're a cool dude in my books



and you occasionally have some non-American English errors, but I don't figure that makes you any weirder than the rest of us.
In other words, his English is fluent and well-written.




ugh, one of these threads.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

You are like a version of me from dimension Belgium. So I think Whiner, Creepy and cute/funny apply. I voted the last one because I like you... and I like your sens eof humour and extreme flirting.

But I have to point out I may have had problems for this same kind of humour in real life...




I checked the 'funny' box (more than cute). I don't feel your creepyness even though I see why you may creep people out... I get they're just jokes.
Maybe I'm just used to it (and to the whining, too) and don't pay any attention beyond 'just a joke' because SJ is my best friend and whatnot.

(SJ, you whiny bitch!)



You´re too damn curious.
No really.Stop it.
Cmon, you dont have to click it.
You cant help it, can you?
See what I mean? Too damn curious...


Kitty Sinatra

because someone was gonna do it

ugh, one of these threads.
ugh, one of these posts.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I checked the 'funny' box (more than cute). I don't feel your creepyness even though I see why you may creep people out... I get they're just jokes.
Maybe I'm just used to it (and to the whining, too) and don't pay any attention beyond 'just a joke' because SJ is my best friend and whatnot.

(SJ, you whiny bitch!)
Of course, make fun of your whiny friend while you make out with your girlfriend, you dirty hippy scientist!)




I don't find you creepy at all.



How Droll is ten times creepy than most of you.

So is Shego, for that matter.

Boobs are masterful camouflage.




How Droll is ten times creepy than most of you.

So is Shego, for that matter.

Boobs are masterful camouflage.

SHHHH... I told you not to tell them.

But, yeah, if I were a guy, you'd all probably find me incredibly creepy. I say a lot of really whacked-out, perverted things that fly under the radar because of my boobs.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I've got a little manboob action going on. Does that count as camouflage?




No, it's like wearing bright, fluorescent green for camo! Doesn't work.

Thing is, it's not like the boobs hide the creepyness, no. They actually make it good somehow. (Either that or they make men not care).

---------- Post added at 04:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 PM ----------

Dirty hippy scientist, that's good!

Should I take offense for people wanting hippies to be hit in the G-20 thread? :p And do I get any privileges in discussion just because I'm a scientist, even if I'm dirtu?



*kicks tegid in the crotch*




I think you're the a pretty nice guy, as nice as anybody from Brussels can get at least




Agh!! The pain!

Come on, be happy! And be creepy too! We'll love it!

Or are you hitting me because I'm a hippy? Don't worry, I love you anyway! Here, have a flower.

*Puts on a crotch protector, eats a painkiller*



*hits tegid with a car. Full of cats*



*hits tegid with a car. Full of cougars*




Hey, I like cats, thank you!:hug:

Cougars maybe, only if milf can be applied to them too.


Fun Size

Fun Size

How Droll is ten times creepy than most of you.

So is Shego, for that matter.

Boobs are masterful camouflage.
Is this why I almost never see Turbo around here anymore?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Hey, I like cats, thank you!:hug:

Cougars maybe, only if milf can be applied to them too.
Cougars ARE milf by definition.
