What do you wanna play in 2011?

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What games (that are announced or planned so far) coming in 2011 that you're looking forward to playing?

Some of mine:
-L.A. Noire
-Batman 2
-Uncharted 3

I'm sure there's a lot that I'm missing, but that's a good start.
Added at: 16:17
Crap. Jay went and made a much better thread.

Mods, could you delete this one, please?
My Hit List (in no particular order)

1. Mass Effect 3 - Cannot wait! I played ME2 5 times this past year.

2. Elder Scrolls 5 : Skyrim : Announced last week. Can it be even better than Oblivion? With the tweet that it's based a NEW and BETTER game engine... leaning on the yes, I guess!

3. Diablo 3 - It's supposed to be this year... RIGHT?

4. Max Payne 3 - Loved the older games, I don't have huge expectations but... hey... you never know.

5. Deux Ex 3 - Can they go back to their roots and make this franchise awesome again?

6. Rage - Looks like an even better Fallout... I like that.

7. Dragon Age 2 - The first was impressive once you got over the NWN type of group combat action. A strong storyline... can they can build on it...? You bet.

8. Brink - Saw about an hour of footage... I think I'll buy this... and play with you bitches.

9. Batman : Arkham City - Batman's back... Shoemaker killed the franchise... but guys like Nolan and Goguen put him back on the map with their respect movies and cartoon series. The first game was SURPRISINGLY good... can this one be as awesome? I think... yes!

10. Witcher 2 - The original game was about as stable as Courtney Love. But the revised edition brought a great RPG game. With a bigger budget... I think this game will kick some ass.

11. SWTOR - Seriously, can they go wrong with this? Just give me a GOOD GAME PLEASE.

12. Kingdom of Amalur - I like what they are doing here and with guys like R.A Salvatore (one of my favorite writers) helping them out, all I can say is... bring it!

13 - Dead Space 2 - Let's be honest, when I downloaded this game from EA I though it would have sucked a dick. I expected a half-assed effort like usual and possibly riddled of bugs and unable to run properly. What did I get? A FANTASTIC horror/space RPG (shades of System Shock 2 without the extra awesomeness of it) in one of the most stable releases I've ever seen. Their WII game sucked however... so I'm hoping the magic will be back.. but will they have enough to work with?

14. Jagged Alliance 2 (Reloaded) - A remake of the game is in the works. I loved this game in it's day, I'd love to play this.

15. Portal 2 - Let's be honest. This game was cool! Will it last longer than an hour though?

I'm not really a hardcore gamer, but there's a few that I'm looking forward to:

L.A. Noire: A 40's style game where detective skills are front and centre? Hell yes, sign me up.

Sorcery: I'm still on the fence about buying a Move, since I don't have the ceiling room to swing my arms overhead. But should I move somewhere that allows me more room, I'm curious about this game. I'll see what some reviews say about it.

Batman Arkham City: Because duh!

Uncharted 3: I wasn't crazy about the first one, but I enjoyed it enough to finish it. The second one? So effing awesome. I seriously couldn't put the controller down most times. So yeah, I'm kinda stoked for this, now.

Portal 2: I'd still prefer Episode 3 over this, but still can't wait.

I'm really iffy about Max Payne 2. It's not being done by the same studio. I'll try a demo and check reviews, though.
I do have to admit, L.A Noire is kinds intriguing but not enough is known to allow it to be on my hit list. I've been too disappointed by GTA clones like Mafia 2 who don't even come close.

Don't know about Sorcery.

I wish I could play those Uncharted games, they look great but controlling a FPS on a Console makes me rage.
I am looking forward to SW:TOR as a possible WoW replacement, Brink for multiplayer jijinks, Diablo 3 for long-term grindiness, Batman: Arkham City for my nerdboner, Portal 2 for innovative gameplay and storytelling, and at the end of the year, I will play Mass Effect 3, destroy my computer, and weep; for there are no more worlds to conquer.


Staff member
The rest of Back to the Future and any other adventure games Telltale makes.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - I love Zelda games.

Trine 2 - I loved the first, and I'm really hoping the sequel delivers.

I think there may be quite a few games that come out in 2011 that I don't play until 2012, or later, though. I'm kind of waffling on getting Portal 2 right out of the gate, but I'll probably wait for Batman:AC to drop under $40 on the PC.
All I'm really looking forward to is Portal 2. I tend to be behind the times with my vidja games, so I'm going to be playing through Oblivion and Red Dead Redemption for most of the year, I think. Plus after April I likely won't have access to a 360 anymore, so from there I just don't know.
I'm the same way, Jay. I'm far too comfortable with a mouse and keyboard for first person shooters. I find I just can't do FPS games on console, most especially online. I don't have that timing or reaction speed.

Third persons, though? Oddly no problem.
A couple of options not on the list as their counterparts have come out in 2010

- Fable 3 on PC
- Red Dead Redemption on PC


Dragonball Online. Hope it finally gets either out of the Korean Beta, or has an American Beta release in '11.

Warhammer 40k online, some info would be nice.
Portal 2 - It's Portal TWO!
Marvel vs Capcom 3 - I want to take it for a ride
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Zelda games are my kryptonite

Games I'm looking forward to if I managed to find the time to get through the previous games

Uncharted 3 - loved what I played of the first game, just never managed to finish it
Mass Effect 3 - same with Uncharted, then I gave my 360 to my dad and had no way to play until Steam had both games for 50% off.
Batman: Arkham City - Steam sales have given me so many games to play through.


Staff member
Gusto bought me Mass Effect for Christmas, so that. Then I'd like to play Mass Effect 2. I'd also like to play more TF2 now that I have a computer that can handle it.


Except that joke doesn't work anymore, Duke is coming back.

Episode 3? We'll be lucky to have that within the decade.
Apparently, then again, they have sucked a dick with their remakes to the franchise since JA2 so it's a 50/50, you know?
MASS EFFECT 3!!!! I can't wait for this one! I have 4 save games with various character choices made from the first two games all ready to rock and roll over those reaper bitches! YEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently, then again, they have sucked a dick with their remakes to the franchise since JA2 so it's a 50/50, you know?
There where other games since JA2... never knew that. I guess if they sucked that's why i never saw them at any on the local e-cafes.
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