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What does it take for a cop to get suspended without Pay? (cop love thread)


Le Quack


Apparently, it takes him upholding the constitutional rights of peacefully assembling protestors.

Five stars for this honor cop.

(I know it was bitchy christians talking about homosexuality and abortion, but whatever.)



Dammit you dirty hippie, enough with cops and-

:Reads the story:

You escape for now. Next time Quack, next tiiiiiiiime!!!




... No, not gonna say anything. I think whatever 'comment' I would have about this would be disdainful and perhaps start a flame war.

Then again, it's been a while since there's been a proper sauna...


Kitty Sinatra

this is just stage one of the duck's plan to hate on cops again. He's got another link up his sleeve that describes this so-called "honor cop" as a dirty rotten scumbag who should be treated like the dirty rotten scumbag criminals get treated by the dirty rotten scumbag cops.

Just watch. You'll see.




No thanks. Reading that 'patriot' page alone made me glad I didn't have a lunch to lose.




Good for him. Nice to see that.


Kitty Sinatra

Also, I'm gonna go with what the baby said.


(unlike North, I had a lunch)


Skinny Santa

I have no problem with the story as presented but is it just me or does it seem a bit skewed in favor of the religious aspect? I'm not hating on the guy or anything just the lack of even attempted neutrality.




I have no problem with the story as presented but is it just me or does it seem a bit skewed in favor of the religious aspect? I'm not hating on the guy or anything just the lack of even attempted neutrality.
Considering this is the group the press release came from:
ADF is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith
I'd say they aren't trying to be an unbiased news source when they put out a press release on them winning a case. ;)


Philosopher B.

I don't get what the point of cursing at anti-gay protesters is. All the dudes should just make out at them.




I don't get what the point of cursing at anti-gay protesters is. All the dudes should just make out at them.
This is the best advice anyone could give to fight off gay-bashers.

A total man-on-man and woman-on-woman makeout session, right there in front of them, until they decide to either leave or join in.




this is just stage one of the duck's plan to hate on cops again.


Le Quack

lol, that pic makes me laugh




this is just stage one of the duck's plan to hate on cops again. He's got another link up his sleeve that describes this so-called "honor cop" as a dirty rotten scumbag who should be treated like the dirty rotten scumbag criminals get treated by the dirty rotten scumbag cops.

Just watch. You'll see.
Actually I think he's saying that all cops but this one are rights violating scum bags. Not explicitly but the implication is there.



A total man-on-man and woman-on-woman makeout session, right there in front of them, until they decide to either leave or join in.
This is probably what would make me, and most other people rage. Being gay is all fine and well but there's no reason to be flaunting it. It's rude for straight people to purposefully taunt the public with PDA's and the same standard applies to gays.


Skinny Santa

Theres a difference between a couple of any persuasion making out on the bus and in front of protesters to make a point. Its just a peaceful way to argue against their protest.




A total man-on-man and woman-on-woman makeout session, right there in front of them, until they decide to either leave or join in.
This is probably what would make me, and most other people rage. Being gay is all fine and well but there's no reason to be flaunting it. It's rude for straight people to purposefully taunt the public with PDA's and the same standard applies to gays.
Being a christian gay-hater (note: this is separate from being a christian) is fine and all, but there's no reason to be flaunting it. It's rude for gay-haters to purposefully taunt the public.*

*I still prefer free speech, even if I think that speech is hateful or stupid.



Its just a peaceful way to argue against their protest.
Clearly not since it's meant to incite them.

There is no reason to be flaunting it. Your opinion is cool and all, but I think I'll decide what to believe thank you very much.




Its just a peaceful way to argue against their protest.
Clearly not since it's meant to incite them.
Yeah, as funny as it would be it would be a very aggressive thing to do.



Here on the Internet we consider it....trolling.



Trolling works. Peace protests are aggressive, marching for your rights is aggressive, putting flowers in guns the same. No one pays attention until you do something to incite the other side into doing something really stupid like hosing you down with fire hoses. Then everyone elses goes 'man look at those jerks' and laws change...



Aye, I guess it works if public support is on your side. I'd like to think this was true, but the way gay marriage propositions are going, it seems to be rather evenly divided.
