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What have you done today to improve the world?




Further to the Feminist thread currently rolling out of control, there was a question asked 'What have you done to advance <insert social cause here>?'

We all make contributions to the world around us. In large ways or small ways, it's our individual efforts that lead to change, positive or negative. Every day we hear of the many negatives around us: crime out of control, the family unit breaking up, poverty, racism, sexism. I'd like to believe that even the smallest step forward can create a movement around us to push society in a better direction.

Social, environmental, economic, it doesn't matter what kind of effort you're putting in, as long as you're doing something. So, Halforums, what have you done today or what are you doing in general to improve the world we live in?

I'll start: I'm chair for a local community foundation. Through private fundraising, I've put together about $500,000 in donations with another $2M expected over the next year that, through smart investing, I can actually give away the interest for as long as the community foundation exists. This spring we gave away over $10,000 to local organizations who needed money such as transition housing for women leaving abusive homes, grief counselling services, stroke recovery, etc.




I joined the Marine Corps. Turns out I didn't really DO anything, but I tried.

Other than that....nothing. I don't volunteer, build houses or lead in the Scouts any more. I do give to charity but only when it's not out of my way.




I joined the Marine Corps. Turns out I didn't really DO anything, but I tried.

Other than that....nothing. I don't volunteer, build houses or lead in the Scouts any more. I do give to charity but only when it's not out of my way.
Other than the obvious stuff, you must have made a difference in some way today? Did you smile at someone that you wouldn't have smiled for before? Did you hold the door open for someone?




I make an honest effort to not fuck things up worse than they already are.



I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).




I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).
Frankly, you are a boring fucker.



I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).
Frankly, you are a boring fucker.[/QUOTE]

I should pull a Ben Rothelsburger and whip my dick out more often.




I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).
Frankly, you are a boring fucker.[/QUOTE]

I should pull a Ben Rothelsburger and whip my dick out more often.[/QUOTE]

Makes sense if you're teaching micro-biology...



I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).
Frankly, you are a boring fucker.[/QUOTE]

I should pull a Ben Rothelsburger and whip my dick out more often.[/QUOTE]

Makes sense if you're teaching micro-biology...[/QUOTE]

Oww my pride.




I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).
Frankly, you are a boring fucker.[/QUOTE]

I should pull a Ben Rothelsburger and whip my dick out more often.[/QUOTE]

Makes sense if you're teaching micro-biology...[/QUOTE]


Joined the Corps. Became a police officer. Have managed not to do too badly (apart from the bus stop incident, which I will never live down). Married a bright young woman, redeeming men in general for her. Have a beautiful, bright and promising baby girl. Have led Boy Scouts (and will again, when I get a more convenient schedule for it).

Not much, but it's a decent life's work, thus far.



I actually have to give props to adammon. Well played sir, well played.




I don't litter, garbage belongs in the bin. Hate seeing people's trash on the road or in the bush.

I helped a puppy get backs to it's mother, all the way across town.

When I walk past the schools, every so often, I'll see bullies harassing a lone boy or girl. So I give said bullies my scariest look and they stop. Nowadays when I walk by, nobody is insulted or harassed.

I don't hold the doors for people often, by I make exceptions for elders, pregnant woman, and anyone with a disability.

People usually ask me for advice and to mediate, or negotiate on their behalf.

My best friend's mother usually asks me for help lifting heavy objects, cleaning, or whatever task she requires assistance with at the moment. It's well within my rights to ask for compensation, but I do these things for free.

My neighbor - who also happens to be my great aunt - got me to cut her grass and to do other yardwork for her. I gave her a huge discount since she's doesn't have alot of money. Took me six hours to complete everything, since I sprained my leg in the process.



took 4 advil to relieve a migraine. Hey, the world's better!




I taught one of my slower classmates math.





I gave my aunt much needed money.




I taught bright young folks science! (And half of them fell asleep).
Me too. Mine stayed awake, though.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Same as every other day.

1. Try and make someone laugh.
2. Try and compliment someone in a situation where I have nothing to gain from it.
3. Be pretty.


Philosopher B.

I scratched my cat. He likes getting scratched. He makes a sound like a motor and everything.

Yeah, I got nothing.



Frankie Williamson

I try to keep the mean streets of northerly Alberta, Canada safer. Other than that, I'm not really the best person.


Wasabi Poptart

I picked up the garbage that my neighbors and their children seem to think belong on the playground and in other people's yards. I have also made sure a check written out to me for a large-ish sum was actually mine and not an accounting mistake.




I completed a script designed to download, parse, and upload online applications to our school in an automated manner, saving the institution about a full-time job's worth of time and money. Also, I hope the faster turnaround encourages more students to attend.


Chad Sexington


I try to keep the mean streets of northerly Alberta, Canada safer. Other than that, I'm not really the best person.
Well those of us who live here appreciate the work you do! At least, those of us not getting caught by you.




I ate an entire pizza by myself in order to protect those around me from the ravages of obesity and heart disease. I sacrifice myself for youuuuu.




I comforted my sister. She has moved to Halifax and is having a hard time adjusting.




Today, I struck fear in the hearts of over 100 teenagers.



I helped the economy by buying a lot of stuff and then I helped balance out the objectification of women by objectifying some men.

You're welcome world.


Element 117

I donate funds to people here and there.

I also prop up the liqueur biznezz in my town.




I am a Member of the U.S. Army, I put 36 sutures into a kids head, I am a member of an organization which donates more to charity than anyother organization in the world.




I teach people the medium by which they can come into contact with other cultures, other peoples, other points of view...

I teach English.




Donating household items/clothes to the Salvation Army today!



I teach people the medium by which they can come into contact with other cultures, other peoples, other points of view...

I teach English.

So you do nothing all day?

I kid, I kid.

---------- Post added at 09:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 AM ----------

Today, I drank a shitload of coffee and I'm hyper as fuck. I'm off to spread pestilence, misery, and fear. Wait, that doesn't sound right... oh well....


(but really I'll be grading assignments and going over lecture notes for Monday)




Today, I struck fear in the hearts of over 100 teenagers.
I told you to wear pants.

As for my part,

Woke up, fell out of bed,
dragged a comb across my head




I teach people the medium by which they can come into contact with other cultures, other peoples, other points of view...

I teach English.

So you do nothing all day?

I kid, I kid.[/QUOTE]

I'm certain the students will need English more than they need the knowledge of what happens when you put magnesium in a tub of water, so nyah ;)

Vice versa, Chaz.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm not particularly mean or evil, I always try to be kind and polite instead.

Pretty weak way to "improve the world", if you are not a grandma, but it's what I do.




Unlike one of my neighbors I made sure my trashbag went into the dumpster.

I also sorted out my cans from the rest of the trash. They will be given to my Uncle who will then turn them in for recycling and use the nickels to help fund the Special Olympics of Wayne County North Carolina.




I posted.




Today, instead of tossing out potential recyclables, we saved them up for the girl/boy scouts who typically come around collecting them for fundraisers.




I bagged and covered computers and loads of binders full of data (from before the days of digital storage) from years of oceanographic research , to protect knowledge from the potential wrath of Igor.




I taught my son how to make a military flail out of his sisters skipping rope and some sticks.



I recently donated to this Kickstarter project:

Punk Mathematics by Tom Henderson &mdash; Kickstarter

I am thinking of donating to this one:

GAMEFUL, a Secret HQ for Worldchanging Game Developers by Jane McGonigal &mdash; Kickstarter

(Yes, I am aware that these projects were already fully funded. However, if they weren't, I'd totally help. That counts for something, right?)

Oh, and this week I'm helping a friend install Windows 7. I'm his go to guy for computer issues.




Nothin today... well... I supported a local business, I suppose. :awesome:

But Monday-Friday, I'm a teacher. I count that.




I left the world alone.


Element 117

I left the world alone.
Liar. You still posted here, which is part of the world.




I left the world alone.
Liar. You still posted here, which is part of the world.[/QUOTE]

But it's not today anymore.


Element 117

I left the world alone.
Liar. You still posted here, which is part of the world.[/QUOTE]

But it's not today anymore.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is.




Well, if it's today, then this isn't really part of the actual world.

Hmm. I may just be a bit drunk.




everyday, i make sure 150 people get to keep their job




I don't litter, garbage belongs in the bin. Hate seeing people's trash on the road or in the bush.

I helped a puppy get backs to it's mother, all the way across town.

When I walk past the schools, every so often, I'll see bullies harassing a lone boy or girl. So I give said bullies my scariest look and they stop. Nowadays when I walk by, nobody is insulted or harassed.

I don't hold the doors for people often, by I make exceptions for elders, pregnant woman, and anyone with a disability.

People usually ask me for advice and to mediate, or negotiate on their behalf.

My best friend's mother usually asks me for help lifting heavy objects, cleaning, or whatever task she requires assistance with at the moment. It's well within my rights to ask for compensation, but I do these things for free.

My neighbor - who also happens to be my great aunt - got me to cut her grass and to do other yardwork for her. I gave her a huge discount since she's doesn't have alot of money. Took me six hours to complete everything, since I sprained my leg in the process.
You are now Toki Wartooth in my mind. I read your entire post in his voice after that one.




:rofl: Awesome, Fade.




I put on some pants.

Oh, and also cheered up my girlfriend. She's going through a final push in her studies, and is pretty stressed out. So I decided to give her a little show... with cookies.

"My name is Inigo Oreo. You ate my father. Prepare to die..."

Not a single chocolate chip survived the massacre. We had to destroy the whole clan, lest another come after us.




I don'ts litters, garbage belongs in the bins. Hates seeings people's trash on the road or ins the bush.

I helped a puppy gets backs to it's mother, aaaaaalls the way across town.

Whens I walk past the schools, every sos oftens, I'll sees the bullies harassings a lone boy or girl. Sos I give saids bullies my scariest look and they stops. Nowadays when I walk by, nobody is insulted or harassed.

I don't holds the doors for peoples often, but I make exceptions for elders, pregnant womans, and anyone with a disabilitys.

People usuallys asks me for advice and to mediate, or negotiates on theirs behalf.

My best friend's mother usuallys asks me for helps lifting heavy objects, cleanings, or whatevers tasks she requires assistance with at the moment. It's well within my rights to ask for compensations, buts I do these things for free.

My neighbor - who also happens to bes my great aunt - got me to cut her grass ands to do other yardwork for her. I gaves her a huuuuuuuge discounts since she's doesn'ts have a lot of money. Took me six hours to completes everything, since I sprained my leg in the process.
You are now Toki Wartooth in my mind. I read your entire post in his voice after that one.[/QUOTE]

There, now everyone can read it like Toki (or Skwisgaar!).




I gave a homeless guy a dollar. The next day I'm at Jack in the Box and order two tacos for a dollar. They gave me four tacos. Two extra for free. Karma is kind.




Our campus now has 2.5 times more internets than they had yesterday.




Instead of wasting fuel driving over hells half acre giving presentations, I gathered up a group of managers and put them in one room for a group presentation. It was 2.5 hours of me talking but no one fell asleep so I must have done something right.




I talked a good friend down from insanity and dangerous stress levels after Student teaching cohort meeting #2. Very small thing in the big scheme of things, but doing it made me happy and seemed to be helpful.
