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What motivates you?




What drives you? What inspires you? What causes you to question the world around you and your place in it? What makes you get up and take action? What would you fight for? What would you die for? What burns, deep within your core, making you reach out into the world around you and justify your existence?

If you can't think of anything, consider something a little more grounded: what would make you change your status quo?


Wasabi Poptart

This is cheesy, but when I feel like it is all coming down around my ears this quote reminds me of why I am doing what I'm doing:


Element 117

My boy's safety, happiness and well being.

And then crushing the bodies of many beneath my boots




What drives you? What inspires you? What causes you to question the world around you and your place in it? What makes you get up and take action? What would you fight for? What would you die for? What burns, deep within your core, making you reach out into the world around you and justify your existence?
Freedom, Family, Fellowship.


Philosopher B.

Three things keep me tethered to this world and motivated enough to get up in the morning: my writing, music (the listening to of), and my cat Maxwell Edison (Max for short).


Element 117

Three things keep me tethered to this world and motivated enough to get up in the morning: my writing, music (the listening to of), and my cat Maxwell Edison (Max for short).
Gravity doesn't have any part top play huh?

*comforts gravity*


Philosopher B.

Gravity sucks. :p It can zark right off!



The attempt to believe that no matter how many times my life takes a dive, it'll one day be back among the clouds.




Curiosity, Generosity, Education.




For working out, it is the loss of inches and pounds, as well as the evidence that I am progressing. IE not feeling as tired after jogging a certain distance, or being able to do a complete routine of something without having to stop, etc etc. For learning it is figuring out how to do something, that 'click' that makes everything better.



What drives you? What inspires you? What causes you to question the world around you and your place in it? What makes you get up and take action? What would you fight for? What would you die for? What burns, deep within your core, making you reach out into the world around you and justify your existence?

If you can't think of anything, consider something a little more grounded: what would make you change your status quo?
your belt.




Spite. There's nothing I won't do to stick to someone that's pissed me off.



Spite. There's nothing I won't do to stick to someone that's pissed me off.
Revenge and spite are a huge motivator for a lot of people I wager, nothing more satisfactory then rubbing their face in something.



Spite. There's nothing I won't do to stick to someone that's pissed me off.
then you might enjoy one of my all time favorite avs




I'm pleased by the responses to this... seriously... I was feeling all philosophical earlier today, and felt that I had to share with y'all.

I'm pushed by a sense of fairness - I believe that karma comes to all who are deserving, whether good or bad. If you show real remorse for having done something wrong, and make efforts to correct it or otherwise atone, I have nothing but respect for you.

I believe in justice. I believe it will prevail, in spite of itself. (A jab at the judicial system? From a cop? It's more likely that you might think).

I believe in true love. I believe that all things happen for a reason, and if you don't end up with someone, then that means that your true match is still just out of view, waiting to be discovered.

I refuse to accept that in a given situation, there is no hope. I believe that opportunities always exist to advance the situation, even if the solution is less than optimal. Anything is better than simply laying down and dying. Death comes for everyone, after all, but you can still make the bastard work for it!




Aw. :) Officer, that was a nice thing to read at bedtime.

I get up every day and go to work/school because I want to do for some kid what so many of my teachers did for me. Also, every week I spend here brings me closer to being back in my hometown, where almost everyone I love lives. Soon I'll be doing a job that I adore, so far, and living with my boyfriend who's also become my best friend in the whole world. I've been dreaming of lazy Sunday afternoons either cleaning up an apartment with Jake or having coffee with family members, laughing and talking about the past week and the week to come. So many simple pleasures await me. So I suppose I live for the kids I hope to help in some way and for the enjoyment of being around people who make me feel 100% accepted and loved.




Love Again


General Specific

General Specific

The classics: fear, lust, and greed


Chad Sexington


I don't know. I really don't. And that bothers me a lot, almost every day.

But some days it really can be spite. Not at all sarcastically; some days it keeps me going.




Ego Again
Ego A Third Time




Also: regret.



im motivated merely by a desire not to stagnate. that's about it.




oh, and Money



Monsters...Monsters motivate me..:)

But really......Dreams motivate me. They kinda push me around and make me act like a crazy person. Which is nice.

I also believe in love, justice and sharing ideas.




I don't know. I really don't. And that bothers me a lot, almost every day.

But some days it really can be spite. Not at all sarcastically; some days it keeps me going.
I feel the same way. Right now I'm not motivated by ANYTHING.





I wish I could say there were different emotions pulling me and maybe there are and I am just to hard on myself but these seem to be the driving force of my life. I am not depressed or anything. I am happy throughout the day but I just can't seem to think of any other real emotions that drives me through the days. Sure there are things I would die for mainly being my niece and my family. I want to say it out of love and devotion but I wonder if it is really that or if it is something else. I say I love them and I would do most anything to help but at the same time I don't know if it is a love/devotion for my family or if it is just a sense of responsibility I feel. But as I said earlier I am probably just being overly hard and judgmental of myself. But still it makes me wonder.










anyone else keep looking at these lists people are making and checking to see if the first letters spell anything?



anyone else keep looking at these lists people are making and checking to see if the first letters spell anything?




I've been rudderless for about 3 1/2 years.




I'm motivated by a desire to do everything 100%. I hate to half-ass anything. Once I start something, I want to make sure it gets done right, or not at all.

Internally, I am motivated by my spirituality. I feel as if my life reflects my spiritual outlook, for better or worse, and that whatever anyone sees of me will be directly attributed back to my spiritual beliefs, whether it agrees with them or not.

That does likely make me a hypocrite at times, as my spiritual goals are things I always fall short of. I make every attempt not to be judgmental, though, as that is something I see as a big problem with many that share my belief system.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I... I don't know.

Man, I had to go to bed in a few minutes. Now I'll be thinking instead of sleeping...




I just kinda like to chill.

Yeah... that's it.




not dying of a heart attack when I'm 35
providing a healthy lifestyle to raise my children in
making music/writing lyrics that people can relate to

pissing certain individuals off because I know that I can

I'm not proud of the last two, but in the name of honesty....




For the forseeable future, I'll be motivated by the desire to keep a roof over my head.





Novelty. Anything new I have to know. If I find some bit of knowledge, I have to consume it to its very roots. Whether it's mathematical, physical, social, or pop cultural, I want to know more. I want to know everything.
