What stupid waste of time you did today?

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Staff member
I just spent about 15min trying to find my handkerchief, I lovek over everywhere, even at the trash cans (just looked)... I was read to give up and I sit down in my computer to continue working... when I found the damn thing beneath my keyboard


any similar stories to share?

This, but now that I think about it, it wasn't that stupid and it was certainly more "amazing" than Lady Gaga.
I went and took a tour of an animation studio in Toronto instead of going to my layout class today, and then after I got back instead of doing my homework or any of the commissions I'm supposed to be working on, I've been watching episode after episode of Peep Show.

Just to clarify, the tour wasn't a waste of time, it was actually wicked-hardcore-awesome, it just wasn't what I was supposed to be doing.
voted in the presidential elections... of course i did annul the vote, so i guess it wasn't a complete waste of time, at least they won't be stealing it...
i've been at work for 3 hours already. what a loss of itme when i could be doing important things such as headshotting people in MW2.
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