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What the F...




A Chinese boy was born with a double face, making it look like he is wearing a mask.

On May 17th, 2010, the mother Yi Xilian said with great agony in a local Hospital in Changsha, Hunan province, that her 1-year-and-2-month-old son Kang Kang is suffering from a congenital facial cleft, and his mouth is cracked up to his ears.

This is.... incredible. I feel so bad for him.




Is it me or does it seem every time there is some weird growth or defect it is coming from China lately?



Is it me or does it seem every time there is some weird growth or defect it is coming from China lately?

China and India - HUGE population = higher probability of rare shit to crop up.


Element 117

And you wonder if things like this have any part to play.




I was not prepared for that



And you wonder if things like this have any part to play.

They sure do.

On the other spectrum: better health care also plays a part in things like more asthma, near sightedness, cancer, allergies, etc... being introduced in a population at a higher rate.

When you get crazy-big, complex populations like human beings, all sorts of balances and checks that nature has established with other species go out the window.




Wh... bu...w ha...

We're seeing a super villain's origin story, aren't we?




I feel bad for the kid but I can't help wondering if he's going to live in a theater and play the pipe organ.




"I should have known by the kids. They called me The Mask!"

All joking aside, poor kid. I can't imagine going through life with a defect like that.



"I should have known by the kids. They called me The Mask!"

All joking aside, poor kid. I can't imagine going through life with a defect like that.

I'm sure he's going to have surgery preformed to fix it.




Take Chaz's crazy big country, and add to it the fact that China is one of the most polluted nations now...

I wish western media would leave these deformity stories from China out of the news. It just seems like some back handed propaganda.




"I should have known by the kids. They called me The Mask!"

All joking aside, poor kid. I can't imagine going through life with a defect like that.

I'm sure he's going to have surgery preformed to fix it.[/QUOTE]

They are planning surgery, according to the article... but since NO ONE had seen a cleft FACE before, they're gonna be pretty much winging it. In their own words: "results are unpredictable". Poor kid.




Yeah, he may become The Scar.




Wow, that is quite a thing. I hope the experimental corrective surgery doesn't mess his face up even more than it is.


Wasabi Poptart

Take Chaz's crazy big country, and add to it the fact that China is one of the most polluted nations now...

I wish western media would leave these deformity stories from China out of the news. It just seems like some back handed propaganda.
I wish they would leave deformity stories out of the news no matter where the kid is from. Maybe I'm soft-hearted, but to me it seems like they parade these kids around in the media like it's the new way of having a circus freakshow.



Take Chaz's crazy big country, and add to it the fact that China is one of the most polluted nations now...

I wish western media would leave these deformity stories from China out of the news. It just seems like some back handed propaganda.
I wish they would leave deformity stories out of the news no matter where the kid is from. Maybe I'm soft-hearted, but to me it seems like they parade these kids around in the media like it's the new way of having a circus freakshow.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way about all those fucking midget shows on TLC.




... There goes my appetite.

Poor kid :(




I feel so bad that all I can do is think of more and more jokes. I feel bad, but they are so easy!

Years later he'll flip a coin and fight Batman.

His parents made him play hockey because they heard you can have a face off in the corner.

I can never remember....was his name Daggett or Norbert?
