What's the most likely scenario here?

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Staff member
So me 'n the gf were eatin' some Bertolli's Chicken Florentine & Parfalle when she pulls a small piece of something out of her mouth and says, "What is this?"

I look over and ask what she means. She says, "It's like a piece of wood.."

I take it and look at it, assuming it's just some nasty freezer-burned piece of chicken that didn't quite cook properly or something, but it actually was a piece of wood. With blue paint on it.

It's basically a small light-colored wood chip about half an inch long with blue paint on the non-split-looking surface of it.

I plan on calling/e-mailing the company about it and inquiring about it and expressing a bit of discontent.

Just wondering what the best case scenario here is.

A free bag of the same food that I don't want because it has wood in it?
You will either;

a) be ignored
b) receive a small monetary award for your inconvenience accompanied by a letter of apology that does not admit guilt on the manufacturers behalf


Staff member
Have a plan of what you want in mind before you begin. You have the burden of proof against you, though. If you go into it all pissed off and wanting shit it's going to look like you were faking it to fleece the company. This happens all the time so they resist.

Or, be as nice as pie and as to talk to their QA department. Let them know that you are not angry and nobody got hurt, but this was in you bag o' food and are worried that more might have gotten in and you don't want anyone to get hurt. If they are a good QA department, this is the best way to get something done as they hate it when things happen outside the norm.

And here's their contact us page:



Staff member
Have a plan of what you want in mind before you begin. You have the burden of proof against you, though. If you go into it all pissed off and wanting shit it's going to look like you were faking it to fleece the company. This happens all the time so they resist.

Or, be as nice as pie and as to talk to their QA department. Let them know that you are not angry and nobody got hurt, but this was in you bag o' food and are worried that more might have gotten in and you don't want anyone to get hurt. If they are a good QA department, this is the best way to get something done as they hate it when things happen outside the norm.

And here's their contact us page:

Ah, very helpful. Thankyou Dave!
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