This is one of the tops for me. I probably need to go talk to someone about my anger issues. I am angry, a lot.
-Need to eat less (portion control) and want to cut processed foods out. Essentially,
if it's a plant, eat it. If it comes from a plant, don't eat it.
-I am in desperate need to work out in some way or another. I am supposed to be ~175. I am 225. I have never been this big and it's getting worse.
-Laziness and procrastination are the root or are symptoms of the root cause of a bunch of my problems.
-I need to be nicer to my wife. It's been really crazy with having two under two around, and I need to cut her some slack and be sweet to her. I treat her like a roommate most of the time.
-I am behind at work. I am on top of things that I am good at (bench work science), but I am utter shit at writing grants and manuscripts and I am super slow at it. I have been working on a manuscript for nearly half a year. It's got to stop.
-I need to be nicer to my coworkers. I am often times glued to my screen with earbuds in and ignoring all around me. It's not cool.
-I also need to stop knocking myself down. I do it all the time. It's an "all about me" thing.